"Topics in Unified Field Theory"
Conversations with Heavenly Father
Part 7

January 10, 1996

(5:12 am)
WS -- What's the situation? What would You really like to say? 
Of course, You've been here all this time...
HF -- You started to work on it yourself. This is the Age of 
Settlement. I have fed you, but you will be doing your own 
WS -- You will be with us?
HF -- Of course -- closer than ever. I dwell with the family as a 
WS -- We are blessed You have spent this time with us. What is 
happening with our True Father?
HF -- He has been with you a long time. Do you miss him?
WS -- Of course. He is always with me. I always feel him and 
think of him.
HF -- Not always.

(6:04 am)
WS -- So, how does mathematics relate to logos, reason 
(intellect), and ideas-concept-law?
HF -- Ideas-concepts-laws is the Inner Hyung Sang of God.
WS -- What does that mean to You?
HF -- To Me? Look at yourself. It is the same situation with you. 
How you think, I think. Man is the dwelling place of God. My 
mind dwells in your mind. Much the same, by analogy.
WS -- For me? One approach is developmental. I think we could 
say a kind of Heart is first as in a baby, longing for its object 
(actually, Mama's milk).
HF -- Then what?
WS -- Intellect grows out of the situation, seeing (feeling) how it 
comes or doesn't come. Of course, the potential and the 
structures are there (in man).
HF -- Then what?
WS -- Where does idea-concept-law come from? You see stuff, 
and remember it. But for You it is different, because You 
designed it in the first place.
HF -- But I put it into your mind from the start, too. So that is 
also analogical.
WS -- But for You, where or how did You think of those things 
in the first place?
HF -- Well, I desired an object. So I had to make one. And it 
wasn't complete from the beginning.
WS -- It was man?
HF -- Before that it was "Object," very simplified. But see, the 
object must have Sung-Sang and Hyung-Sang, and Heart, like 
Me, so I had to put Myself out as a Second Self already.
WS -- So, "God became man."
HF -- Yes, and not at once. By stages. It became more 
WS -- Where was Jesus?
HF -- Jesus? Jesus is Me. You see what I mean? You see how I 
suffered? And, with Jesus, I also was not perfect. It means I had 
to grow up, or grow out of it, out of having a broken, unfulfilled 
Heart. Before that, I never did (have any fulfilled Heart at all). Of 
course, I was happy to see Jesus. I was Jesus.
WS -- Now You are True Parents.
HF -- That's right. And still growing.
WS -- Okay: did You realize in concept the man before You 
began the Creation?
HF -- Are you saying, did I create the dinosaurs in the process 
of trying to realize the ideal concept of man? No -- I wouldn't say 
that. No, I created with a purpose. I knew what I was doing but I 
had to bide My time. There are also principles I have to follow. 
Why should I be fast (hasty) when the time itself means nothing 
to Me -- until I created man, that is. Dinosaurs had their place. 
You like them, don't you? Okay, then. So, the time I took is the 
time I needed. I like the expression, "Before Jesus was, I am" -- 
actually, that is awful! I mean, "Before Abraham was, I am." No 
-- you must know, the ideal concept of man was in the 
WS -- Adam?
HF -- Adam disappeared. He didn't grow up. Jesus belongs to 
the Adamic race. Where is Adam now? He is far down the line 
among the fallen descendants who are being woven (grafted) 
back in. I won't call him the origin. True Parents are the origin; 
Jesus is their son. Heung Jin Nim is Jesus' elder brother, and the 
first in spirit world.
WS -- Your Creation was so good, because such a value as 
Jesus is implicit in the very makings. This we cannot appreciate 
	"How did you discover the Unified Field Theory?" -- 
The Unified Field Theory already exists. You have been using it 
all along. "What do you mean?" -- Well, things are naturally 
grouped together, and you already know it. For example, when 
you draw a picture, you make a border line, and everything 
inside there is, say, an animal. And you name the animal, using a 
word. There is a practical example of the application of Unified 
Field Theory. Also, in facial recognition, you recognize the face, 
and the person, as a whole, a "gestalt." Things behave as wholes, 
integral units, or the expression of a unified field. The unified 
field is not the object or thing you see, but it is the Sung-Sang, 
the invisible integrating unit behind, vertical to, and in subject 
position to, the visible object, or Hyung-Sang. It is pure Divine 
	What does it mean, "Be a saint"?
HF -- What you seek eludes you, unless you strive with the right 

January 22, 1996

(10:06 am)
WS -- What am I doing? I'm trying to make the theoretical 
foundation for... the unification of the sciences; the unification of 
science with providential faith as well as with peripheral 
religions. Isn't Divine Principle enough as a foundation? Yes. 
But Divine Principle is primarily religion, whereas Unified Field 
Theory is primarily science. Aren't the ICUS Conferences 
unifying the sciences with absolute values? Yes. If the truth 
becomes known, it will be one and the same.

(1:08 pm)
WS -- To the question, "What is reality?" we may answer, "God, 
His Heart, Dual Essentialities and Universal Prime Force, 
expressed as the spiritual world, centering upon man's spirit, and 
the physical world, centering upon man's body. Man is spirit and 
body, reflecting God's sung-sang and hyung-sang, and man is 
man and woman, reflecting God's yang and eum; furthermore 
man is many unique individuals, reflecting God's individual 
images. Then man is a continuity of three generations: ancestors, 
representing the past, present parents, and children, representing 
the future. Then the physical world is made up of individual truth 
bodies, mutually related in good order, each having a sung-sang 
or unified field in subject position, and a hyung-sang in object 
	How does God guide or work through the sung-sangs of 
the existing beings?
HF -- God, as Subject of the Dual Essentialities, manifests His 
plan or Logos, centering upon Heart, and guiding through 
Universal Prime Force, upon all created beings through their 
WS -- What is the relationship of individual freedom or 
responsibility to the aspect of Principled or direct dominion by 
HF -- How does God intervene in the physical world?
WS -- Normally, that is, in daily life.
HF -- Things follow their Sung-Sangs; the Sung-Sangs have 
their way or Tao, and the way of all things is centered upon man: 
in design or plan of creation, as well as in objective behavior, 
activity or function. The intervention is primarily centered upon 
man (through the subjectivity of human beings as the true lords 
of creation). I create(d), with the concept of man (in mind).
WS -- How about in the fallen realm where (when) people have 
been unworthy as lords of creation?
HF -- Centered upon the Providence of restoration, with 
prophets or righteous men and My chosen nation in the central 
WS -- And the time succeeding Jesus Christ?
HF -- Resurrected or spiritual Jesus has been the Lord of 
Creation, (working) from the side of Spirit.
	Unified Field Theory only works centered on God's 
Will, Providence, and purpose.

January 3, 1996

(9:16 pm)
WS -- How can I avoid the rectangularity or disjunct nature of 
my theory?
HF -- Love. Love is the key. Love is round. Love smoothes the 
corners and rough edges. Love makes round pearls on all 
dimensions, small and large. Love them up. Round pearls, 
smiling and beaming, unto infinity. Precious love pearls, small 
and large, worth meditating upon. Round is not only in 4 
dimensions. Round is forever. Round (10 dimensions). Come 
round. Turning back. Folding upon itself. Blossoming as a rose, 
a thousand petals, a lotus. A lotus of stained glass windows.

January 4, 1996

(8:05 am)
WS -- How does the spirit world connect to the physical world?
HF -- Through man.
WS -- How?
HF -- Centered on True Love.
WS -- Exactly what kind of True Love?
HF -- True Love of husband and wife.
WS -- What about the Four Great Realms of Heart?
HF -- They are also represented in the True Love of husband and 
WS -- Where is the spiritual world in relation to the physical 
HF -- It connects to or associates with specific people, or places, 
or rituals, or religions.
WS -- Does the spirit world access or connect to the human 
brain as a general overall field, or specifically at precise points, 
either an individual cell, or specific molecules?
HF -- Are you asking Me?
WS -- Yes, Father, I and we all really want to know.
HF -- Why?
WS -- Understanding.
HF -- Okay, then. Okay, you have a spirit, and other people have 
a spirit, and they interact directly, in the spiritual realm.
WS -- How does my spirit connect to my brain?
HF -- It stays close, around, and penetrating, in constant 
WS -- With what?
HF -- Cells. The cells are alive and have a sung-sang field. It's a 
unified field. The mind is overall, in many dimensions.
WS -- Regarding the four elementary forces, are they all acting in 
the same set of dimensions, or is each of them operating in a 
different set of dimensions, at right angles to each other?
HF -- More the same set of dimensions, but they are particle-to-
particle interactions based upon a common pattern, vibration, 
essence, or make-up, according to another aspect of the principle 
of analogy.

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