"Topics in Unified Field Theory"

several questions asked:

Does the universe have an end -- a limit in time and in space?
Why are there three endpoints of stars (black holes, neutron 
stars, and brown dwarfs, I think)?
What is at the "time horizon" of a black hole?
If we enter a black hole, will we emerge in another universe?

	I answered as follows:

The universe has a spatial limit or boundary. However, if you 
would stand there, you would see stars in all directions, because 
every particle, every being, every person behaves as if it were the 
center of the cosmos, and that is also the reason for the Theory 
of Relativity. In the physical world everything is relative, but that 
is because the physical world is the objective world, whereas the 
subjective world is the spiritual world, in which there is an 
absolute center.
	The universe is like a big egg, with a shell, and we are 
always on the surface of the shell, so wherever we go, we can 
keep going in all directions.
	As for the end of the universe, God created it (from the 
big bang) in perfect balance, so that it is forever expanding, and 
will not collapse or be destroyed. In fact, by that time, if it would 
collapse, mankind will be so advanced as to be able to prevent it 
from happening.

I haven't asked God about that. (However, it is depends on the 
mass of the star.)

I know what you are talking about, the "time horizon" at the edge 
of a black hole. A person couldn't go there. It is out of the 
bounds of human existence. A person would be destroyed. A 
black hole is not black at all; it is very bright, because the matter 
falling into it radiates very brightly.

In fact, we don't have to go to a black hole to contact the spiritual 
world. We can meet the spiritual world right here, right with 
another person, through another person's eyes, and in True Love. 
Actually black holes are not so strange or mystical as people 
think. There are not other physical universes. God concentrates 
100% of His attention on our universe. Of course, there are 
many realms of spiritual world. As matter enters a black hole, it 
is destroyed as matter; it returns to the mathematical realm from 
which it originally came at the Big Bang -- to Universal Prime 
Force. It is like the ocean. God is the ocean. There are big waves 
on the ocean, but they fall back into the level of the ocean. 
Likewise, matter, coming from God (from "nothing") emerges 
from Universal Prime Force, in the mathematical realm, and 
becomes matter and energy, and in a black hole returns to that 
realm. We don't speak about matter "entering another universe."

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