Flow Processes 
William S. Stoertz 
September 7, 1996 
Moscow, Russia, C.I.S. 
(7:18 am) 
WS -- Good morning, dear Father. I am sorry I am not so good 
at praying. Anyway, I wanted to ask about flow processes in 
connection with the Big Bang and with the overall universe in 
HF -- The universe is a unified field. Or, rather, there is a 
unified field at the level of the entire universe, associated with 
the universe, in the sung-sang realm. 
WS -- Thank You. How does it move? 
HF -- I am the unmoved Mover. 
WS -- Yeah, that"s what they said (Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas). 
HF -- It"s true, I AM. 
WS -- You are the absolute center and foundation of the stable 
universal sung-sang realm, centered on which the hyung-sang 
phenomena move. 
HF -- Yes. 
WS -- In a bowl of soup, I saw the whole universe. I saw that 
the whole universe is like a bowl of soup, in which the bubbles 
moving around on the top are like stars and galaxies in the 
universe. Several ways: first of all, they all flow in relation to 
one another. Secondly, there is an edge, but, when you go out to 
the edge, the bubbles don"t keep going further, but gently move 
around toward the side, in a circular motion. But, at the same 
time, the soup washes up a little bit up the side of the bowl, 
with the momentum of the flow, in a gentle, slight expansion. Is 
that like the universe? 
HF -- Yes, you can see the whole universe in a bowl of soup. 
WS -- Why do I bother You so much? 
HF -- (smiling) You can"t do any better. 
WS -- Why can You have a parental heart, Who are living 
within me, and yet I cannot embody that same parental heart? 
HF -- It is within you. You become the embodiment of that 
which is within you. 
WS -- Why can"t I realize it/that? 
HF -- That is the process of growth or perfection? 
WS -- Why am I so accused or disrespected for consulting 
HF -- Because you don"t tell or come up with the orthodox 
WS -- Is that bad? 
HF -- Yes. 
WS -- Then why do You tell me these things? 
HF -- Because it"s true. 
WS -- Then why is it bad? 
HF -- What is 7bad*? 
WS -- What goes against the purpose of the leading sovereignty 
or spirit of the time. 
HF -- That"s why it"s bad. But it"s not wrong. 
WS -- What about the other definition of bad? That which 
damages the fulfillment of the God-centered four-position 
HF -- Are you damaging? 
WS -- The fulfillment of the family. The witnessing providence, 
restoring spiritual children. Tribal Messiahship. Restoring 
Russia. Building one nation under God. 
HF -- So? You make the verdict. 
WS -- It is an auxiliary, admittedly not central, providence. 
HF -- But you sought. And, honestly, you didn"t relate to Me 
WS -- Yes, I"m relating to You directly and honestly. What is 
with witnessing? 
HF -- I go out to the people, and I know how to relate to them. 
You are a stranger to them. I come to them on their own terms. 
Can you do that? 
WS -- Someone would say that"s not witnessing. 
HF -- See who brings the best results. 
WS -- Then why do You have us do this? 
HF -- Try any other way. 
WS -- In the working place, or among friends, or contacts... 
HF -- Yeah; actually it is still the same thing. 
WS -- So, what is the best way? 
HF -- Show a good example, that others can admire. A superb 
example. Do great things. 
WS -- How about Unified Field Theory? 
HF -- That may be one reason I am inspiring this quest; but 
there are other ways to testify of True Parents through your 
works, your life, your character, your giving. 
WS -- We tried speaking to people -- the President, the 
Patriarch, the teachers and professors, the Ministry, the parents, 
through the media... 
HF -- So when that doesn"t work, you stop speaking, and start 
doing good things. 
WS -- Jesus was in a fix, wasn"t he? (a difficult situation, trying 
to do miracles to win people"s heart and allegiance) 
HF -- Yes, I"ll say. It wasn"t My desire, that it happened that 
WS -- How did that happen? That Jesus was rejected. 
HF -- Well, you know. Elizabeth didn"t welcome Mary in 
Zechariah"s house. And then the rest. Joseph didn"t welcome 
and support Jesus, born of the virgin Mary. Then the scribes 
and Pharisees picked up on that. Oh, also, John the Baptist 
wasn"t clearly taught about who was Jesus. You know the 
WS -- How did it happen, that Jesus went to do miracles? 
HF -- He tried not to. But it was like a total desert. Anyway, he 
loved the people, and he wanted to serve them. 
WS -- Was that humanistic? 
HF -- Jesus had too much the sense that he was fulfilling 
prophecy. But that was the expectation back then. It was like a 
rut. (You can"t get out, to the side, but just keep going back and 
forth in the worn path, which gets deeper and deeper, and you 
get stuck). Yes, the foundation of humanism also can be found 
in Jesus" love. He was also a doctor and a healer. 
WS -- So the people became stuck on the healing. 
HF -- The human body is also like the universe. With a unified 
sung-sang. Jesus knew that. That"s how he healed. 
WS -- So he focused on that, and the providence was becoming 
tangled up. 
HF -- Father has a much grander, refined, detailed view of the 
WS -- What happened when Jesus prayed? On the 
mountaintop, didn"t he receive or see a clear view of the whole 
HF -- He knew where he was, and who he was, and what 
would happen if he was not accepted, which did happen. But he 
didn"t have a strategy for world salvation. Father organized that. 
You can see him doing it now. It is all very clear, and coming 
home now, coming to its conclusion, after forty or fifty years of 
work. I haven"t seen anything like that before! 
WS -- So, I came to You to ask You about flow processes. 
HF -- You came to Me, which You rarely do. Of course, but it 
is so elementary. It is like, 7Of course.* Let"s see, what were 
you exactly going to ask? 
WS -- At the Big Bang, all things emanated from one point. 
What type of flow is that? 
HF -- As you know, the 7One Point* is not physical, but the 
existence of God, which is both infinitely small, like a point, 
and infinitely large, embracing all, being everywhere at the same 
time. So, at the Big Bang, from that 7one point* emanated, in 
imaginary space-time, the projections of all the particles which 
were to make up the emerging universe. What were they 
projected upon? A mathematical, or imaginary, spherical 
volume of, again, mathematical or imaginary space-time. 
WS -- With what trajectory or momentum? 
HF -- The particle definitions, as they appeared out of 
imaginary space-time into real space-time, is defined according 
to the particle. Some are at the speed of light; some have real 
kinetic mass-energies. 
WS -- That is flow. 
HF -- Yes: flow out from a center. Now, the momentums don"t 
need to be radiating out from one center. It is a sphere with 
volume, and, within that, they appear with all kinds of energies 
and momenta (directions). So, as the physicists say, it could 
well be described as a particle soup. See? There is your soup. 
WS -- Then what defines the expansion? 
HF -- The speed of light, of course. Now, get this: the light, or 
photons, itself, can"t just radiate out into nothing. There has to 
be an object partner, as with all particle-mediated interactions. 
So it is when the mass itself, or matter, or massive particles, 
radiate (expand) outwards, that the space itself expands, 
enveloping them, encompassing them, as is happening today, at 
this very moment, throughout the universe. Then light rays 
bounce around among them (measuring space, by the way). So, 
it is rather, again, like a soup, which is expanding physically. 
Not quite at the speed of light. It is physical objects. 
WS -- What keeps it going, to expand indefinitely, for 13 
billion years, without running out of momentum, and 
HF -- Escape velocity. A fine balance. I did that too. You see, 
the particles in the initial 7soup* are not just peacefully flowing 
around. No; it was very hot, and more explosive than the most 
violent explosion. They were traveling outward as fast as they 
possibly could. Still, there was give-and-take among them. 
WS -- What if this all proves one day to be a bunch of 
HF -- (smiling) Well, you figured out something, didn"t you?  

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