
Some would hold that the universe, the supra-universe, or the 
set of all possible universes, produced all possible combinations 
of rules and constants, and only those which produced life and 
human consciousness survived. A kind of super-evolution -- 
evolution of possible universes. I don"t completely deny that. It 
is called the theory of Multiple Parallel Universes, and you 
know what? In fact, I also buy that, as a subset of the daily 
operation of our real universe in time.

     That is, strange as it may seem, where no human perception, 
observation, or consciousness comes into play, there is (is 
under-scored) in fact no one absolute state of the real world, but 
a fog of various possibilities. Such as, if you look back at the 
Devonian swamp, can you say this tree fell here, or over there, 
or did it fall at that moment, or a few years earlier or later? You 
simply can"t say, and you can never know, and in fact there is 
no definite reality or real state of affairs. All possible scenes 
were coexisting. It doesn"t matter. You can paint the picture 
how you like. However, if you were to go and look at it, 
suddenly one reality or real state of affairs would crystallize, 
and all the other options would simply vanish, and had never 
existed. That seems a weird nature of reality, but unfortunately 
it is the true reality, as has been confirmed more and more in 
experiments with fundamental particles. It is a fundamental 
principle of quantum mechanics. But, even though it seems 
strange for Newtonian physics, in fact, it corresponds quite 
nicely with our experiential reality, our existential reality. 
Namely, you don"t know what is exactly going on in the next 
room, or what you were doing at 2:37 pm on this same day one 
year ago. Of course, you could get a photo, or you might have 
kept a detailed diary, but, already, that is focusing your energy 
on the event, which fixates it. What"s more, as you and I know, 
how do you find out what is going on in a woman"s mind? (I 
refer to women in their sense as superior beings, not in a male 
chauvinist sense) If you ask her, she will answer you in a 
mysterious, coy, or ambiguous way.
What shall we say? 
I"ll clarify my theory on time. First simply, then in more detail. 
The point is, how God operates the universe, or works in the 
universe. Remember God always has the purpose to make the 
universe a liveable place for humankind, so that God can dwell 
with man, and at the same time man can grow to perfection by 
fulfilling his portion of responsibility. 
See how, in the Principle, the explanation on 7Time* and the 
7Three Stages of Growth* is intimately connected with 7Human 
We might think of the world in three dimensions. That is 
reasonable; it corresponds to the visual world. Where are the 
7past* and the 7future*? You could even say they don"t exist; 
they are a myth or an imagination or a memory. We live in the 
present. What we call the past and the future are actually our 
hopes and our memories, but not something tangible which we 
can visit. So much for a 3-dimensional universe. This concept 
doesn"t really make us happy. 
The 4-dimensional, Newtonian, mechanistic, materialistic 
universe also makes sense. You know there is space and time. 
All things, events, and phenomena are within space and time. 
Causality is also within space and time. This is the prevailing 
view of scientists for the last 300 years or more. 
Again, my own revelation has certainly called for a new view of 
the dimensionality of the universe right from the beginning. I 
was told right up front that the universe consists of at least 9 or 
10 dimensions. 
So, where are space and time? Can we freely travel back and 
forth? No. There are progressive limitations. Forwards along 
the direction of motion is simple, just make effort and keep 
going. Lateral motion, still within the horizontal plane, you just 
turn one way or the other. Then vertical motion is already 
problematic -- you have to make effort through the gravitational 
gradient. But motion through time is even more difficult. We 
can"t change the direction of our travel through time. We can"t 
freely visit the past and future with our physical bodies. We are 
locked in, as it seems. 
But, as we say, our spirit is free to travel. We can go back to the 
past or forward to the future in our mind. So we have to look 
more closely what is the structure of the dimensions of time and 
space in which we live. 
There are two worlds or realms: the physical world, and the 
spiritual world. The physical world has 4 dimensions, plus the 
sung-sang dimension, which is associated with the physical 
world, but out of its plane, or vertical to it. Same with the 
spiritual world -- there is also time and space in the spiritual 
world (though they are more flexible), and likewise a sung-sang 
dimension in the spiritual world. 
Then can we freely travel back (with our spirits) to visit the 
past, and check out what we were doing, or what somebody 
was doing on a certain day, or further back, to get a 7photo 
snapshot* of that Devonian swamp, or even the moment after 
the Big Bang? 
The answer to that is a definitive no. For several reasons: (1) It 
is a misconception about the dimension of time that you just go 
back to some point on a time line and there is a whole world 
with all the events and people still going on there. What do we 
have of that? Rather, just a memory, or a record, or a 
reconstructed picture, or an imagination, or a dramatized 
version, of that event. (2) What is recorded in spirit world? 
Actually, not so much all the little motions of all the leaves on 
the trees and all the people walking on the street, but, rather the 
important things -- central events, providential or crucial events 
or deeds are really recorded and focussed upon. Things that 
affect or relate to a person"s spiritual or heartistic state, things 
that change history, great heartistic victories, or miserable 
disappointments that bring regret and sorrow to God and man. 
(3) What is recorded in spirit world? Not so much the physical 
motions or locations, but rather the heartistic and spiritual 
aspects. So, if you want to travel back to meet someone, you 
meet their spirit, and you encounter the things of the spirit. You 
may ask their testimony, or their reflection, but their heartistic 
quality is immediately obvious. (4) The fourth reason is that 
there is a fog of uncertainty. In other words, you don"t really 
know what happened, because those things and those people 
and places, in the physical sense, simply are no more. 
So, time is somewhat of a constructed dimension. We have 
different scales. Our mind operates on a type of short-term 
memory, in which you still hear the words or still see the scene 
reverberating or flashing before your eyes, but only for a couple 
seconds. Then there is actual memory, of things you saw and 
did, and that only lasts a lifetime. Then there is 7living memory* 
-- someone you can meet was there. That is fading fast, as there 
are now no more survivors of the Civil War period, for 
example. Then there are accounts, like historical records, 
documents, letters. Those are of different qualities: videos, tape 
recordings, photos, writings, Bible books, clay tablets, folk 
tales or legends, and they deteriorate in different ways. You see 
the importance of recording, and also the element of centrality -- 
you wouldn"t record everything, but selectively what is 
interesting and important. Then there are records like artifacts, 
tree rings, footprints, bones, fossils, meteorites, etc., from 
which you can reconstruct what must have been. That is still 
very good, because it is direct physical evidence -- that rock 
7was there*. Finally, there is inference or induction. You can 
figure out by analogy or induction what must have been, for 
example, reasoning back to the Flood or the Big Bang. It is 
rather conjectural, but, as principles and evidence is unearthed, 
you can increase the accuracy of this type of knowledge. 
The bottom line is: you can"t go back there, and you cannot be 
absolutely sure what was there, and if you go into spiritual 
world, you will realize that those physical details aren"t that 
important, but more the heart is what remains eternally. So we 
have to in a sense accept this reality of time, and try our best to 
live a valuable life, and keep good records for the sake of 
What about the future? The same principle holds -- the 
uncertainty principle. You can determine with great 
determination for the sake of some future event. That 
determination becomes the subjective reality. In this sense, 
Father, who is the subject of the universe and the subject of 
history, is the one who is making the future. He is also giving 
meaning to the past. It is this determination, in line with God"s 
Will and Heart, which is subjective. 
But, basically, we can"t know accurately what will be, and there 
is an increasing fog the further forward you try to go or predict. 
There are several points or principles in regard to this 
uncertainty of time, both backwards and forwards: (1) Waves 
or cycles. Some waves or cycles are extremely regular. You can 
predict astronomical events like eclipses many thousands of 
years in both directions. Sunspots are in 11-year cycles. 
Weather can be predicted in yearly cycles, but you never know 
if it will rain on a certain day. You can predict that a few days in 
advance, but even then with some uncertainty. (2) The cycles 
and waves have modalities. They go up and down or round and 
round, so you won"t know exactly where they will be, even 
though you know the wavelength or period of the cycle 
So, you see, we are getting close to the Heisenberg uncertainty 
principle, on a large scale of daily reality. It is based on 
wavelengths and probability. 
Our daily reality, our experiential or existential reality, is quite 
like that. Quantum mechanics seems strange to Newtonian 
physicists, but not to housewives. We all know about, and live 
in, such a world. You don"t know exactly what was, and what 
will be, or what is going on over there. You can go there, or 
you can focus a telecope on it, but then you are excluding your 
other possibilities, and also you are even risking interfering 
with the situation. Have you ever watched someone out the 
window, and then they turned around because they felt 
someone watching them? 
Now, how does God operate or influence things in this world? 
(1) Based on providential centrality of purpose. If something is 
not important, He doesn"t interfere. (2) In negotiation with 
Satan or the ownership of certain domains, God also has to pay 
indemnity to make certain moves. So, the importance of 
indemnity conditions by providential central people. (3) 
According to strength of will, faith, love. Then the very atoms 
themselves are coaxed to move in a certain way, and of course 
spiritual world also perks up. (4) By computer. God uses a 
rule-of-thumb method, because, even for Him, it is not certain 
how the particles will move, but He can basically or generally 
predict, with some accuracy. (5) Particles and atoms, like 
people, have their own free will, or 5 percent portion of 
freedom. Otherwise they follow strict principles, but in that 
margin of uncertainty, God or anyone in the spiritual ownership 
position can move them. (6) Reverse information from central 
events. In other words, a big event sends back particles or 
waves in time from the future to the present, as warnings or 
indicators of something coming. Spiritually sensitive people can 
pick up on these. (7) The reverse nature of determination 
according to God"s Providence. Namely, the future ideal in 
God"s mind is determining the present course of events in order 
to bring about that desired end goal. (8) Multiple parallel 
universes. This is the one. God"s computer is good, but cannot 
completely predict, because of free will of particles and beings. 
But, based on certain central events, God can use the universe 
itself as His computer, let it run, see the outcome, and work 
back to the desired conditions. This works based on the 
principle of Multiple Parallel Universes. It means that not only 
one reality but many potential versions of reality are unfolding, 
on various scales or wavelengths, simultaneously, with no clear 
certainty about which one is the actual reality. That is, until 
human consciousness, perception, and observation intervene. 
That instantaneously freezes one option, and the others 
immediately cancel out. So God also uses this, when there is 
uncertainty or flexibility, and allows all the outcomes to play 
out, and only the Principle or desired outcome will be favored 
by God. The other ones are nullified, and that reality becomes 
the real one. Multiple Parallel Universes is indeed happening, 
especially on a subatomic scale, but it is not quite as significant 
or major as it might at first appear to be. Basically, it means, 
you don"t know for sure what is happening, nor what will 
happen, but God can work in that area. 
Mike, that is my basic theory of time, certainly not all of it, nor 
very well explained, but I wanted to get this off to you in 
answer to your question. 

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