How We Can Bless So Many People
William S. Stoertz
August 13, 1998
Moscow, Russia

     How can we bless so many people?
     Or, in other words, based on what principle 
can we bless such a vast number of people now?
     What are we really doing, or what is really 
happening, when we give out these "Holy Candies", 
or even the Blessing Leaflets, or even, as we expect 
in the near future, True Parents will simply say a 
prayer, and all mankind will be blessed.
     As I am giving out the Blessing pamphlets, 
which is simply a little slip of paper with various 
possible things written on it -- generally a Family 
Pledge or points of fundamental morality in the 
family, or the emblem of the Family Federation for 
World Peace; the leaflets are sanctified with Holy 
Wine and a prayer. Sometimes a little Holy Wine 
is in the printing ink, or sometimes we just mist 
the whole stack of fliers with a very little Holy Wine 
from an atomizer (perfume spray bottle!)..... 
     Then, presto! those who receive the leaflet, and 
their whole family, are blessed, even if they threw 
it away... even if... there seems to be no theoretical 
limit or minimum to what it takes to be Blessed.
     Ultimately, it means, in fact, all mankind will be 
Blessed. And that is also our fundamental, ultimate 
assumption. This, by the way, also, is known of in 
theology as "Universal Salvation", or "Universalism".
(We are including the fact that all those in Heaven 
and Hell will also be Blessed, that is, saved.)
     So, we are really doing it.
     What is happening; what is necessary for this?
We are pioneering new, historical and theological 
ground, day to day, on the spur of the moment, in 
our practical practice, as a matter of practical 
exigency. You guys don't hardly even realize this.
The things we are doing, the decisions we are 
making, are pioneer breakthroughs which 
Christianity has grappled and struggled with and 
fought over for two thousand years, and -- there -- 
you just solved another millenniums-old debate!
Congratulations! God is elated, spirit world is 
relieved, the ancient saints are liberated, even 
Satan congratulates you.
     In Dr. Sang Hun Lee's book, "Life in the Spirit 
World and on Earth", he says, "The one and only 
principle which still exists in Hell is the principle 
of give-and-receive action. And based on that 
principle, those in hell can gradually grow up 
     That says it. This is what we are doing.
     When I pass out pamphlets, I don't do like 
those guys with the pamphlets saying "Rabota"
(Work, Jobs) who stand in front of the Metro 
exits passing out leaflets mechanically and 
without any inspiration or spirit. No -- I love 
each person, nod to one, smile to another, say 
"Blagosloveniye" (Blessing!) or "Prochitaite 
listovku" (Read this leaflet!) or "Vsevo dobrovo!"
(All the best to you!). They feel the love. They 
either accept them or reject them. It is real 
give-and-take. Sometimes I feel the Holy 
Spirit come down real strong. Sometimes the 
people even cross themselves very solemnly. 
Some ladies smile, whisper to each other, nod, 
and others take notice too. Some people save 
them and put them on their highest shelf, 
without throwing them out. Actually this is the 
most precious single item they ever received. 
Just a slip of paper. This is the Principle of 
Give and Take Action.
     So, see? Ultimately salvation itself is coming 
to all mankind, even those in the worst situation, 
based on the simple and ultimate Principle, 
the Principle of Give-and-Receive Action.
     What are we really doing?
     For all of us, our salvation comes in two 
basic dimensions: the spiritual dimension and 
the physical dimension. It always has. In 
Christianity there is the Wine and the Bread, 
symbolizing the Body and Blood, or flesh and 
spirit. For us, being connected to True Parents, 
the fundamental things are: the spiritual side 
(the love and truth of God and True Parents), 
and the physical side (some physical connection 
established to True Parents). Now, both sides 
are becoming more and more tenuous. But 
they are still there. The pamphlets speak a 
word of truth, and we give them out with love 
and perhaps a good word. And they carry the 
connection to True Parents, through the Holy 
Wine, even if the minutest amount -- one atom! 
     The value of the Blessing is all the same. 
Please don't struggle about this. From where 
is the real Blessing? God created the entire 
universe based on the Principle of Give and Take 
through fifteen billion years of toil. Finally He 
created Man with the gift of True Love -- the 
ability not only to live physically but also 
spiritually, heartistically. We didn't make it!
Our parents didn't create this! Adam and Eve 
didn't create that! God did. The human portion 
of responsibility was so small -- merely to obey, 
to fulfill his small portion of responsibility -- and 
then this wonderful Blessing would have become 
a reality. So now, True Parents have restored 
that original Blessing for all mankind. Actually, 
True Parents didn't create all those six billion 
people living on earth now -- God did; working 
even now through the Principles of Creation. But 
True Parents definitely, personally, universally 
saved all of them. Again, by the "portion of 
responsibility". Because, actually, God did 
infinitely more work and shed infinitely more 
tears than all of us.
     So here we are; we are all saved or in the 
process of being saved, and we can only be 
thankful, and live the Principle, even at least 
the simplest fundamental Principle of Give-and 
Take Action. You are lucky to be alive! This 
Blessing, and the contents of the Blessing, 
are so wonderful and infinite and everlasting -- 
far beyond listening to a lecture, or attending 
a ceremony, or receiving a leaflet on the 
street. Ultimately speaking, the true internal 
and eternal value of this Blessing is the same 
for all people. It depends on what you make 
of it.
     That is, for you, in terms of the quality of 
that life which you make for yourself and your 
loved ones and all around you, depends on 
how sincerely you invest yourself in this life 
whose first purpose is to love and fulfill the 
purpose of life -- the Three Blessings, the 
Four Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships, 
and all the other things which we have given 
terms to, but which basically all people really 
know somewhere in their heart...

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