"Look at a bowl of soup."
William Stoertz
August 19, 1998
Moscow, Russia

     Look at a bowl of soup. See how it cools, and the clouds of 
goodies stop swirling up in their convection cells, how the little 
globules of oil form rafts on top....
     Is it so arrogant to think that God would have nothing other 
than this one bowl of soup in His hands, and it is namely the 
whole Universe, and He is totally, 100% concentrated only on 
this one Universe, and it is all He's got, and He totally cares 
only for us humans, and we are the whole purpose of all of this, 
and that's why He cooked it up, and He personally and totally 
cares about you and me? Is that so arrogant, so conceited? 
Not at all.
     Let us suppose that He also cooked up several other, or 
even many other universes. First of all we couldn't know about 
them. Secondly, when I asked Him, He told me this was the 
only, one Universe, and He totally and completely cares about 
this, about you and me. Thirdly, even if He had made other 
worlds and humanities too, He is such a God that He wouldn't 
care less for our one Universe, and me and you, and in fact, He 
made lots of people, and He does care 100% for each one. And 
each person is, what's more, an entire universe unto himself.
So, let us assume, and be sure, that this is the one and only 
Universe, Everything, and He absolutely and lovingly cares about 
this one -- you and me.

     Today is the day that the celestial "halo" around the Milky Way 
Galaxy came one step closer to being elucidated, and the origin 
of the Universe came one step closer to being confirmed, and it 
is ascertained with even greater accuracy that the entire Cosmos 
is in an absolutely perfect balance, and is never going to collapse 
upon itself.
     Now the scientific discoveries are coming thick and fast. But 
what is the end-all of it all, the "Alpha and the Omega"? It is indeed 
exactly that: the Alpha and Omega. It all is coming home. It is 
becoming clearer now, that, although there was certainly a kind of 
"evolution", yet it was incredibly orchestrated, beyond laws of 
chance and circumstance. That, although there was most certainly 
a "Big Bang", in fact, it required such phenomenal energy and such 
perfect tuning, that our very existence, and that of matter itself 15 
billion years down the line, could have been no accident. And that 
peace and an ideal world, though seemingly far away amid never-
ending conflict and injustice, are hinging upon such a tenuous 
entity as the human conscience, a work of great Love, and an act 
of God. That is also being manifest, at this very moment. So, the 
Alpha and Omega is, after all, God's love and purpose.

     What is the purpose of it all? Or, put in another way, "What is 
the expense of the cosmos?" Let's say, the expense of the cosmos 
is at the very least more than the value of all the diamonds and gold 
that you can suppose are floating up there in all the worlds combined.
If someone would sacrifice all that expense, or go to all that expense, 
for the sake of something, that something must be worth more than 
all that cost -- and that must therefore be the purpose of it all.
     Let's look at one little example: The recent Persian Gulf War. 
After the war, remember the senseless burning of the oilfields of 
Kuwait by Saddam Hussein? Over three hundred oil wells were burning 
day and night, making a pall visible from space. Let's say this folly 
reduced the oil deposits by, say, 10%. Isn't that a waste? Then to 
what purpose? To what purpose all the wars, which wasted vast 
resources, to say nothing of people and loving families? I can only say 
that the purpose of wars is to assert the truism that the good guys are 
right. If the bad guys thought so, they wouldn't have fought the war, 
right? It's the bad guys who initiate wars, by attacking first. Or, let's 
say, there is good and bad in all of us, and, since it is unresolved, 
it becomes substantiated on a grander scale as "the good guys" (us) 
and "the bad guys" (them). That's the way it always is. The good 
guys must always win. Right?
     Now, take Clinton, for example. See how his popularity ratings are 
soaring after his admission before the public? Why? Because everybody 
identifies with him. Is Bill Clinton the guilty party? Yes, of course. And 
we all are. Haven't we all been messing around, messing up, in various 
ways? Okay: the jig is up. When the President is accused, and gets 
up there and admits his mistake, all of us can do so, because we're 
all guilty. So the President, representing us, repents for the whole 
nation. That happened here in Russia too, when President Yeltsin
led the nation in repenting for the murder of the royal family of Nikolai II.
     So, the point is: at all costs, the purpose of it (of God and of our 
conscience) is to assert the Good and the True (...and the Beautiful?).
     One more case in point: the Brooklyn Bridge. Why build a big and 
expensive bridge, and lose many lives building it too? Simply to connect 
families! So you can visit your sister, your grandma, your friend. That's 
all. And that's worth it. For all the steel, all the heavy machinery, all 
the dangling on steel cable, all the pouring of molten ingots. It is so 
families and homes can visit each other.
     So, see what kind of purposes God has as His purposes? To make 
a happy family, and assert truth and righteousness (and Love.)
     So, that is enough reason to make a huge and expensive Universe: 
for you and me to live in together in peace and to get to know and love 
each other. Then it is all worth it.

     I am rather like Einstein. I was eating my soup in the kitchen and 
I got this inspiration and I zoomed over to turn on my computer and 
write this down. I am always thinking about the cosmos and interstellar 
space and fundamental invariables and implicit dimensions and true 
     There are a lot of people like that these days. Einstein was a genius,
and unique in being a genius, plus his special personality, but he set 
a pattern of thinking and a lifestyle which many have emulated, me 
     Why? We have a quest. We have an odyssey. His desire and will 
and determination will not be settled until it is realized and substantiated, 
wherever that may lead. I feel that burning desire and quest within me.
I feel that I know exactly what he wanted, and in my own way I am 
trying to continue and complete his work, and take it to the ultimate 
conclusion. I always have had that intent. I do now, too.
     "Wherever that may lead." Please see what that means. Now I want 
to tell you what I have found, that it is fundamentally the goal, the 
attainment of the goal, of that quest. Fundamentally, or generally; but 
it doesn't mean the work is done.
     This meaning is contained within such a phrase, "We are the whole 
purpose of all this." Another aspect is contained in Genesis, "In the 
beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Or said in another 
way, "God's purpose is to make a happy family, and to assert truth, 
righteousness and love."
     See, if you pursue the science (or the wars), you will eventually 
come to that conclusion. Then the rest is details. So, after spending 
many billions of dollars to make ever higher-energy accelerators, 
finally in the end they will realize that God organized and defined the 
parameters, the angles of the axes of symmetry, the cosmological 
constants, and set the initial conditions. Only they will know more 
exactly what those were, and how He did it. And they will have a 
deeper appreciation and understanding, in this realization.
     I am an intent student of science. I follow evolution, anthropology, 
chemistry, astronomy, space technology, particle physics, sociology, 
artificial intelligence, etc. Besides knowing that God created it all, 
I want to really know how, and also try doing it myself too. Besides 
knowing that the goal is to bring world peace, unify mankind, and 
then expand to the universe, I also want to work for those goals.
     I want to bring Einstein's (and others' such as Martin Luther King's) 
quest home, to their ultimate goal. For Einstein, I want to settle his 
four relative dimensions upon the absolute vertical axis, and open up 
the cosmic realm where his halo shines, and he looks up and around.
For Martin Luther King, I want to extend racial justice to absolute 
eternal justice, and make his dream come true.

     We have to build bridges. The Messiah is the Mediator between 
man (who is "hopelessly sinful") and God (who is "perfect and Good"). 
As such, he builds the bridge between man and God by becoming 
perfect himself (herself) as a human being. Who else is more 
qualified to talk about the Messiah but one who lives and works 
with him. You can ask a theologian, but it would be even better to 
ask Peter, wouldn't it? Then what is a disciple or saint? A regular 
person (as others can see and define as regular) who then sets 
about building a bridge between normal people and the Messiah! 
Am I normal? Many people would not say so, would you? But anyway 
you know me, so might as well stick with what you've got. Also, I 
have a lot of friends who more or less think like I do, in different 
walks of life, and we can see eye to eye, although they haven't 
chosen this Movement. So I must be a Messiah or a witness to 
them. I am your son, or your brother, or your friend. I am of your 
flesh and blood. But I am here to connect you to that Christ, who 
is practically a superhuman (!), but who himself wants us to 
feel that we can each in our own way attain or even surpass what 
he has done.
     I can tell you all he has said and done. I can perhaps show you 
much less in terms of actually being an example of that love and 
truth and good works. So, friends and family, the issue should no 
longer be something like, "Is he or isn't he?" or worse. Rather, we 
should all be at various points along the various paths toward that 
ideal. Let's not mess around -- life is short, too short to fight, too 
short to waffle around in, too short to waste.

     My peace I give you, and not as the world gives.
     Look at a bowl of soup.
     There, and in the meditation therein, you will find the secrets 
of the Cosmos.


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