"Unless I am Blessing..."
William S. Stoertz
August 19, 1998
Moscow, Russia

     If I go out on the street without any Blessing pamphlets, I 
feel empty and hopeless. Because then all the people that I 
meet, I am empty-handed, and I can't bless them, I have nothing 
really valuable to give them, I have nothing by which I can 
transform their lives. How precious it is that we have such 
materials, with True Parents' Holy Wine, and such a Providence 
at this time, that we can walk up to anyone and Bless them. We 
hold such a fate and destiny in our hands. Each person we pass, 
we can either Bless or bypass. And for them, it will be a matter 
of eternal consequence. That is where you and I stand now, at 
the time of this Providence centered on True Parents.

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