Subject: The use of Unified Field Theory for military, etc.

     Thank you for reading and responding to my writings 
on the Unified Field Theory. I will reply to your question. 
You wote...
I have an active interest in the theories of Albert Einstein.
Tell me, do you believe that the theories themselves could 
be used in the context that many of us have been led to 
believe, i.e., time travel, invisibility, etc....?
     In response to your question:
     Your question, David, is very serious and thought 
     First I will outline briefly the difference between Albert 
Einstein's theories and my version of the "Unified Field 
     Since the Renaissance, secular science has restricted itself 
to the three (four) dimensions of space plus time. Einstein's 
theory is a space-time theory par excellence, and vindicates 
or upholds the classic scientific thesis that "science" must 
address only the 3 or 4 dimensions of the physical universe.
     Because of that science could develop drastically, continuing 
right up until the present.
     Post-Renaissance science excludes the mystical element, 
which was naturally included in all science, with the Egyptian 
astronomy and mathematics, Greek metaphysical speculation, 
Christian Neoplatonism, and medieval alchemy. In a sense, 
science "cleaned itself up", and could advance prodigally by 
doing so.
     However, now in physics, psychology, medicine, and other 
areas, scientists are coming to examine truths long known by 
religionists through the ages. For example, the fundamental 
origin of matter, energy and order is not explicable strictly 
within the field of physical science as we know it. And, in 
psychology, we know people have dreams, consciousness, 
ESP, and all kinds of Freudian and Jungian phenomena which 
require for their systematic explanation a concept of spirit. And, 
in medicine, the mental element is undoubtedly related to the 
process of healing.
     The point is, we have come to the age of a new science 
which transcends the modernist science which prevailed from 
about 1400 to the 1960s.
     Einstein seems to open up that realm, but in fact his theory 
is based, not upon an additional metaphysical or spiritual 
dimension, but upon a rotation of the whole framework of 
the four space-time dimensions. Rationally, it fits right into 
and confirms the scientific viewpoint.
     Quantum theory, however, depends on a wave function 
which mathematically requires rotation out of the four physical 
dimensions into the unreal dimensions (several orders of the 
square root of minus one).
     Fractal mathematics, which more accurately describes the 
observed reality, intimately depends upon exponents which 
often involve unreal numbers (the square root of negative one), 
     The above facts suggest opening up scientific research 
into what is the nature and essence of that "unreal" plane.
     My work in the Unified Field Theory is to organize the 
theoretical foundation for a complete development of the 
new science in up to nine or ten dimensions, which are 
necessary to deal with the new physical realities.

     With that introduction, now I want to address your 
question on the application of Unified Field Theory. In 
fact, this issue -- of the real use of the science -- is of the 
utmost importance, and is involved with the very physical 
laws themselves.
     Modern science restricted itself to observable, value-free 
phenomena. They assumed that the behavior of inorganic 
and also biological entities and systems was completely 
independent of the purpose for which it was used or studied. 
This assumption itself in fact, has come into question, with 
the discovery that particles and even plants behave in a 
manner which has been observed to depend upon a human 
observer and his/her emotions or intentions. That is a very 
revolutionary discovery.
     Furthermore, value-free science justifies the use of the 
science for any purpose, including destructive testing on 
human subjects (which Nazi Germany conducted), or 
atomic bombs (which the USA used on Japan). And, as 
you know, environmental abuse is a big issue today, and 
closely related to values in science.
     The leader in the quest of Absolute Values in Science 
is Dr. Sun Myung Moon. My Unified Field Theory is based 
upon his Unification Thought.

     Now, the use of post-modern science is a central issue 
in this question. For, as it comes down to, all the natural 
world is designed to respond to and support the existence 
of human beings in a happy, ideal world -- of which the 
true family is the core and basis.
     The difference between this view and that of modern 
science is that science up to the end of the 20th Century 
believes that the fundamental particles and fundamental 
interactions are the most basic element of the natural 
world or cosmos. We, on the other hand, believe that the 
most fundamental unit ("gestalt") of the design and 
operation of the entire universe is the God-centered 
family -- parents and children in relationships of true love 
with invisible God as their origin and center.
     Not only is this a present-day (pragmatic) convenience 
to solve our daily problems and the issues of present-day 
society, but this is the original purpose and plan of God, 
from before He began the Creation itself.
     Then we must know the original ideal design of the 
human being, the human family and society, and the 
ideal relationship of humanity with the cosmos. That is, 
we need to study "Universal Law" or "Divine Principle".

     Apart from metaphysical, philosophical or religious 
speculation, the importance of this theory is that it also 
deals with the actual behavior of physical systems. In 
other words, physical systems behave according to the 
motivations, purposes, and spiritual (emotional) states 
of the human beings relating to them. The weather, for 
example, does not occur randomly or accidentally, but 
revolves hinging upon key central human events, and 
also the general state of humanity as a whole in its 
relationship to the environment and to one another.
     So, you see, we have a reasonable and radically new 
system of thought, which, if true, or if accepted, will 
completely revolutionize existing modern science, and, 
at the same time, build upon the painstaking, careful 
foundation of good science as it has produced good 

     In conclusion, I will present my "Seven Points of 
the Unified Field Theory". They appear astoundingly 
non-scientific, but rather religious in nature. This is 
because the Unified Field Theory itself will only work 
if you believe in God or in a conscientious, correct, 
benevolent way of life, and truly strive to live it in all 
aspects of your life. Then, the universe will cooperate 
with your endeavors, and God and the Creation will 
indeed smile upon you!
     Here they are:

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The 7 Essential Points as the Foundation of the Unified Field Theory

(1) Know God's Heart; (2) Know God's nature; (3) Know God's Will; 
(4) Become a Godly person; (5) Know science; (6) Know the 
reality of the world; (7) Do God's Will.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

     In other words, when you will know this Unified Field 
Theory and use it for good, that is, in accordance with 
the original purpose of creation, to build the Kingdom 
of Heaven or the ideal world in which all mankind lives 
in peace, prosperity and unity centering upon God as 
their Parent and origin, then you can develop astounding 
things such as hyperspace travel, possibly some form or 
time travel, invisibility, action-at-distance, nuclear fusion, 
teleportation, organic synthesis, and a host of other 
things we would like to do. Up till now, it has been our 
ugliness, our fallen nature, the distortion of our original 
human nature, our rebellion against God and the order 
of the natural world, which have prevented us from doing 
all these things. You will see!

     Please stay in touch! There's a lot more, and a lot of 
work to do, if you understand the gist of it.

     Yours truly, William S. Stoertz

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