Why "sermons" on UFT through internet?
Moscow, August 23, 1999

Dear Marc,
     I looked over your letter once more and realized 
I didn't answer one point, "Why are you writing sermons 
over internet?" I would like to answer that now.
     If you check in general my web page at 
http://www.stoertz.org, you will see that it is entitled 
"Unified Field Theory".
     I was interested in science and mathematics, and, 
especially, Einstein's work, long before I was religious. 
I didn't discover what I now call the "Unified Field 
Theory" until I was 21 years old, about 24 years ago.
     I was certainly eager to find the solution, which 
I now recognize to indeed be, in the main, the answer 
to the general quest which I know well people are 
looking for.
     The problem is: the answer is more all-inclusive 
than anybody expected.
     There is a pun in the word "Unified Field Theory". 
Namely, the word "field" applies both to electromagnetic 
and other fundamental interactions; and it also applies 
to fields of endeavor. And rightly so! Because the two 
concepts come nicely together in the solution to the 
problem of the unification of the fields both of the 
four fundamental forces and also the scientific fields 
of research at different levels.
     Why? Because the principle of unified fields is 
indeed universal.
     What is the underlying reason for that? It is 
because (hold your breath) God created it all. It is 
very simple and obvious, but everybody is trying to 
avoid that simple and clear solution.
     I like the Hindu religion, which you seem to 
dabble in, because it suggests the answers to the 
Unified Field Theory, which the Judaeo-Christian religion 
also contains but doesn't realize.
     In the Bible, the very first line, "In the beginning, 
God created the heavens and the earth..." contains the 
basic overall answer, from beginning to end. You can say, 
"the Alpha and the Omega". Namely, love and the desire 
to realize His object of love, was His motivation, 
purpose, method, and desired end result. That end result 
will be achieved ultimately.
     Scientists try to deny God because it seems 
"unscientific". Let me face that squarely.
     What is the "scientific method"? Look at the facts, 
and different people's perceptions of them. Then try to 
explain the facts in the simplest possible all-embracing 
theory. That theory, in its simplest form, is the 
hypothesis. Then you test it, or apply it to the known 
facts, to see if it fits, or works. Then, if it seems 
to fit, and furthermore it goes on to explain additional 
problems ("tests" or "experiments") then you begin to 
look at it seriously.
     Let us look at other "hypotheses": air is invisible. 
At some point someone decided to consider air as a reality, 
which you could not normally see, but you assumed it was 
there. Okay. Now we fly, based on that. Secondly: the 
atom: That was Democritus' theory. We could not see an 
atom until recently, but it is well-accepted. Third: the 
Schroedinger wave equations, describing an imaginary wave 
to define the indefinite position of a particle (wave). 
Do they exist? It's hard to really imagine, but it seems 
to explain almost everything very nicely, so we keep and 
use the theory.
     Now, here is the punchline: God. The hypothesis is 
that "God exists, and God created the universe with a 
definite plan and purpose, and God is still active right 
now working toward that end."
     Is that heretical? Certainly not to religious people, 
and I also venture that most scientists are in fact 
religious, even if not in their scientific papers.
     Then, if this theory is valuable, it should explain 
things better, in a simple and all-embracing way. Does it? 
Yes, it certainly does.
     My Unified Field Theory is based on the simple 
hypothesis that God created the universe, etc. So here 
we are. We are no accident. We are the fulfillment of a 
long-term plan, the investment of an immense amount of 
labor and energy. And love. Do you like that?
     So I want to vindicate religionism (including 
Christianity, Shinto, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, 
Shamanism, African Tribal Religions, New Age religion, 
and all the rest) with my Unified Field Theory.
     If you are interested in what it is in detail, 
Marc, please read my writings at www.stoertz.org, or 
look up "William Stoertz" or "Unified Field Theory" on 
the internet search engine, or please write to me. I am 
happy and ready to answer any of your questions personally.

     So, why do I write sermons on internet? Because I 
have discovered the most wonderful thing, and it has the 
answer to both religiously and scientifically seeking 
people's searches. I want to share this. Of course it 
involves God, as an explanation; and not only that, God 
has a continuing Will (desire, intention, plan or 
purpose) for you and me and our nation and the world 
at this present moment. Also we are VERY close to 

     Yours truly,
     William Stoertz

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