True Parents

by Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 8 - The Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents (Part 1)

1. Three Great Subjects Thought and True Parentism

1) Three Great Subjects Thought is Our Wish

What is the wish of humankind, fallen humankind? We were supposed to become True Parents. When we had sons and daughters, we should have been able to raise them in such a way that they were free from persecution from the satanic world and could go directly to the Kingdom of Heaven. But we did not become so. It is our wish to become a representative of True Parents and have true sons and daughters who can directly go to the Kingdom of Heaven. You all want to have good sons and daughters, don't you? The best children in the world? We could not fulfill that goal. How to accomplish it is the problem.

What is next? The Archangel could not teach Adam and Eve who were God's sons and daughters. It is the most important task for us to raise our children as God's son and daughter and to educate them to be those whom God needs.

You want to become a teacher, don't you? Don't you want to become an example? You want to work hard, so that you can become the president who represents the nation or the head of a company or a cabinet minister. You want be successful. Isn't that so? What does it mean? It means to become a true master.

These are our Three Great Wishes. First, to become True Parents; second, to become a true teacher; and third, to become a true master. Isn't this your case? One wants to be successful and become a governor or even the President of the United States. Is that so or not? One must become the master of his household prior to this. To become the master of the household, you must inherit the family tradition and stand in the position of the master who can represent God and ancestors. By doing so, all families and nations will come to respect you. Everything in a society falls under these three positions. True Parents, true teacher, and true master. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes)

You must become a true parent, a true teacher, and a true master. This is the Three Great Subjects Thought. Do you understand? What is the root of the Three Great Subjects Thought? It is True Love. True Love is to give and give, more than 100% of the self, and then to give again. You should know that what I mean by True Parents, true teacher and true master are those who have this kind of thought. The root is one.

Therefore, when we speak about True Parents, a true teacher must always come to their right and a true master must always come to their left. They are always accompanied by True Parents. You do not necessarily become True Parents simply by having children. You must have children and educate them. Sons and daughters must go around riding on their father and mother. You must teach them. [205-20]

2) The Three Great Subjects Thought is the Thought of the True Parents

The center of the Three Great Subjects Thought is the True Parents. Why are the True Parents the center? There is only one vertical standard which can be perpendicular. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes) There is only one perpendicular true love; therefore, there is a representative foundation centered on a family, which is the conclusive point between True Parents and the vertical God.

A teacher who resembles the True Parents by taking the thought of the True Parents as the model, and the sovereign who resembles the True Parents by taking parental love as the model, come to seek the direction toward the symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven. Satan cannot invade here. Because the contents of the bedroom of Satan's realm of love cannot invade here, the Kingdom of Heaven is formed through the expansion of the realm of liberation.

3) The Essentials of the Three Great Subjects Thought

Now, Soviet Russia has come within the grasp of God. Although it was not captured by the hands of America, it came to be captured by God. America is the same. Although she cannot be captured by the hands of the Soviets, she can be captured by the hands of God. It is the Last Days, so whether they turn around will determine whether they go forward or fall into the hell.

When they turn around, to which center should they turn? Because false parents violated the heavenly principle of love, human society disintegrated. The time has come for people to turn to the True Parents and the original homeland. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes)

We have come to the era of final settlement, in which we move with Father and turn to the progressive course. Everything is coming to consummation. Christianity will be fulfilled, Buddhism and Confucianism will all be fulfilled. Politics is coming to an end. The Religious Federation for World Peace was founded centering upon the religious realm, and the Federation for World Peace was founded centering upon the political realm in order to consummate the situation. Divided minds become united and the fruit born on the global scale has been consummated. What is the center for the consummation? True Parents' love.

True Parents, true teacher, and true master are the essentials of the Three Great Subjects Thought, aren't they? Even the greatest people in the world kneel down to God and ask: "Will you please give us guidance?" To whom and to what is the Three Great Subjects Thought referring? Father and Father's Words.

Well, where does Father live? Father stands not only in the position of a teacher but he stands in the position of a master, doesn't he? The president of a university, as a parent, goes back home at night. How about the president of the country? He goes back to Chong-pa-dong (White House). Even if he has hundreds on his staff, he has to go back home to go to bed. He becomes a father, a parent. Isn't that so?

Considering all these matters, we can say that parents are the center. A school is a parent-like school and a master is a parent-like master. A teacher and a master all go out to their places, but come back to the position of parents. The position where one can stay and live without the need of returning is the place, which welcomes parents. All these things become the way I explained, centering on True Love. The word "Oneness of Master Teacher Parent" is established here. Do you understand what I am explaining about? Father is now giving the true teachings. Do you understand? Therefore, Father is the Teacher of teachers.

Has there been any sovereign who governed centering on true love? Your mind and body are directed in the same direction as that of Father, and you want to live in that way for thousands of years. The one who has a mind of genuine love for the Unification Church, for God in the Unification Church, for the human race, and for the essence of human beings, cannot leave Father. Why? Because Father has the realms of heart of parents, teacher, and master. Through Father, one can go to the position of a parent, a master, and a teacher as well.

4) Parentism

Was Jesus born as a man or a woman? (Man) He is a man. Jesus is a man who has inherited God's love, God's life, and God's blood lineage. If such a man met a woman who could be his partner, and they had a baby, then a new baby in the direct lineage of God would have been born on the earth.

If that had happened, we would not have needed Christianity or the Vatican. If sons and daughters of Jesus' direct lineage had been born, then one kingship would have begun on the earth for the first time, and the one world would have emerged.

This kingship is not just for the whole world. It arises from one family. Starting from a family, the kingship becomes that of the family, the tribe, the nation, the world, and heaven and earth. If such had happened, Christian ministers today would not be necessary.

Ministers came here, too, didn't they? Are such ministers necessary? Why do we need such sects as Presbyterians and so forth? Is the Vatican necessary? Is democracy necessary? What is democracy? It is brotherhoodism. Brotherhoodism is why they fight. Brothers fight each other. Brotherhoodism now comes to parentism and parentism to Godism.

Then what is parentism? It is the true parentism by perfected Adam and Eve on earth. What, then, is God? Since the True Parents are horizontal parents, we also need vertical Parents. Vertical Parents indicates Godism. So the word "Headwing Thought" expresses True Parentism, Godism and vertical Godism.

A human being is a dual being because he is born when the horizontal True Parentism and the vertical True Parentism, the horizontal and the vertical, are united into one. The heavenly life and the earthly life, the heavenly love and the earthly love, the heavenly blood lineage and the earthly blood lineage are all united into one. Man consists of the inner person and the outer person. The inner person is the vertical self, and the outer person is the horizontal self. They bear the fruit.

What kind of "ism" is democracy? It is brotherhoodism. Since there are many brothers, who will receive the most love from the parents? This always becomes a problem in a family. Two groups emerge -- the father's side and the mother's side -- that is, sons and daughters who resemble the father and those who resemble the mother. They talk about which son resembles the father and which son resembles the mother. What is this? Such phenomena occur centering on love.

After World War II, the victorious nations led the independence of the defeated nations. Such a phenomenon took place. It indicates that the world was entering into the realm of brotherhoodism. When we approach most closely the place where the "ism" on God's side appears, we see two brothers fighting each other in front of the one God.

At the consummation of human history, America became the subject centering on the American Christian cultural sphere, which is the foundation for unification. She did not judge and punish all others, but allowed the independence of the defeated nations. This fact means that we entered into the heavenly providential era within which we can restore abandoned sons and daughters and prodigal sons, in God's providence. Therefore, democracy is brotherhoodism. After the end of brotherhoodism, parentism will emerge. Unification is accomplished only at the emergence of parentism. This is the course of providential history.

Chapter 8 - The Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents (Part 2)

2. Declaration of True Parents

1) The Background of the Declaration of True Parents

Why can we declare the True Parents? The Democratic world and the Communist world are brothers, as Cain and Abel were. They are like two sons who fight each other. Father reconciled the two fighting sons and stood in the position, which they welcomed. For this reason, Father came to Korea with the privilege of parents and, for the first time, declared the True Parents to the nation.

This message becomes a rumor throughout the whole world. Isn't that so? The American CIA gives a report about all activities of Rev. Moon. The Soviet KGB does the same. So, how much do they know about me?

The fact that I could declare the True Parents means that I stand in that position on the world level. All those who are prepared in the world are waiting for their engrafting into Korea. What is the problem? We must achieve the unification of my country -- quickly! They are waiting for their engrafting upon the foundation of the unification. That is exactly the case, isn't it?

2) The Standard of the Declaration of True Parents

Strictly speaking, Father's homeland is not your homeland.

Branches, buds and leaves are the same, but the position of branches is your own homeland. Therefore, there is no homeland for you if you do not accomplish the tribal restoration.

Those who do not have their homeland cannot be born. Therefore, the restoration of parents must be done. Right? (Yes) You must fulfill the realm of tribal messiahship. Centering on a family, you can go through the formation, the growth and the completion stage by engrafting, centering upon Father.

Somebody had to accomplish the realm of the completion of the portion of responsibility, the foundation for the unity of the direct dominion and the indirect dominion. Upon this foundation, God would have been able to conduct a declaration ceremony centering on love, claiming, "You, I, and the creation belong to love." But, this was not accomplished. Therefore, God's ownership has not been established yet. That ownership became completely centered on Satan's love instead.

The declaration ceremony was to be conducted centering upon God's love and uniting with His love. However, the declaration ceremony was conducted centering upon Satan's love through uniting with it, which is love that is externally in the Principled form, but is internally false. Because of this, Satan's ownership was established.

There is a fight within democracy. Brothers fight each other, don't they? Fights among brothers are more fearful than those among neighbors. This is because if one is the West, the other is the East, and if the East and the West do not get along well, there is a position, which is closer and adjacent. North and south are closer to east, and north and south are closer to west, aren't they? They are closer. If brothers fight each other, they become separated.

Well, even if the neighbors fight each other, they are not separated. They do not pack up their belongings and run away. Right? The worst fights among all fights are those of brothers.

In the era of brotherhoodism, a country where these two fight each other is destined to perish. Do Koreans fight or not? We don't know who the elder brother is, or who the younger brother is. Why don't we know it? Nations are born as something crude from unknown sources. They will stop fighting only when Parents appear. That is why Parents or the Messiah comes. Do you understand? Fights do not end during the age of democracy, but come to an end at the arrival of parentism.

Today, the Unification Church has announced the True Parents. If Adam and Eve had not fallen in the Garden of Eden, God would have been True Parents, and Adam and Eve also would have been True Parents. God is vertical True Parents, and Adam and Eve are horizontal True Parents. Do you understand? When we see True Parents where the vertical and the horizontal meet, we see the accordance among north, south, east, and west. Even if we bring above to below, bring below to above, west to east, and east to west, they all meet in accordance.

If America stands for the sake of America, she cannot restore the world and change the world. Do you understand? Communism also cannot center on itself. Communism must become that which is for the sake of the world. It must become a communism, which democracy praises and the communist praises. It must become the only "ism" to which all can say "it is good." What kind of "ism" is that? To stop the fights among brothers, a father and a mother must emerge.

Father has declared the True Parents to the false world where reckless fights are practiced today. In order to declare the True Parents, Father must go up to the position where he can claim the True Parents on the individual level, family level, clan level, tribal level, national level, world level, and cosmic level, where God is True Parents and the True Parents are True Parents. It is a historical event that Father declared this. When Father declares the True Parents, one-third of the 5 billion of the human race must be led. But what is the reality? Is it in the Principle? Father declared, setting the condition for the two-thirds. Father hooked Japan; America and China were also hooked. Wasn't the Soviet Union hooked? (It was.)

When the era of parents comes, fights end. While 80-year-old brothers or 90-year-old brothers, or even 100-year-old brothers fight, when mother and father come in don't they have either to find a way to stop fighting or to continue fighting? How do they stop fighting when parents come, the parents for whom they have been waiting thousands and tens of thousand of years?

Today, how much do people in the world, including those who believe in Jesus, wish for the Advent of the Messiah? Do you understand what the Messiah is? The Chinese character Ku (seek) of Ku Sae Chu (messiah), Sae (tax) of Sae Kum, and Chu (master) of Chu in (master). (Father is speaking about three Chinese characters, which form messiah.) That is messiah. There is a tax, isn't there? What is it? (Laughter) We are stingy these days, aren't we? The Messiah is also like that.

Reverend Moon conquered by love. That is right. What love? Love, which is not for the self, but love which, is for the sake of others.

3) The Place of the Declaration of the True Parents

You should know why Reverend Moon went through such hardships. Why would I go through such hardship, if it were only for my country? I am a wise man. I am a person who knows Korean customs and culture very well. It happened that way because I did things for the sake of the world and the heavenly kingdom.

For 40 years Korea did all kinds of things to Father. They have a lot of sin because of me. I carried the burden of brothers, the burden of Korean people -- those related to parents and relatives in the eighth degree of blood relationship. I gave all prepared things and blessing this time. Therefore, I declared the True Parents.

Where did I declare the True Parents? I did not do it in Moscow. I did it in Korea. You must be grateful about that. Do you understand?

4) Phenomena after the Declaration of the True Parents

A. Changing the World by the Declaration of the Eight Stage Ceremony

Have you heard the words "Eight Stage Ceremony"? Have you heard such words! Those who have heard them, raise your hands. Don't you know? Do you understand the contents? Then, although you claim yourself to be Unification Church members, you do not know about the Unification Church and the Father of the Unification Church. Thus, I have to conclude . . .

On August 31, 1989, I declared the Eight Stage Ceremony at Kodiak, Alaska. On that morning, I spoke about it, but you would not have believed it, saying "what is it . . . ?" When Father said that the world would rapidly turn around, you would not have believed in it. You would have thought, "What is it . . . ?"

Next, in September, Father declared Parentism. Father declared this last one on the earth on the world level. If, when True Parentism appears on the Earth, there can be no Satan and no sinful world like today's, we can conclude that Satan must retreat when Parentism is established. After that Declaration, on November 9, 1990, the Berlin wall fell down.

Next, in April 1990, Father held the Moscow Rally. Consequently, Communist leaders and smart, genius-like members of the second generation completely changed and turned 180 degrees, centering on Father. We have come to the stage where we cannot go backward. Gorbachev declared the relinquishment of Communism. That was the end. In the midst of these situations, what is the only hope? What is the ideology, which can lead the social system? You must know that we have come to the stage where everybody can conclude it as being nothing other than Godism.

Human history until now is that which human beings have led. But now, if we know God is alive, then we cannot but follow His "ism." We come to this conclusion.

B. Satanic Power Enters into the Realm of Death

November 17 is True Children's Day, isn't it? (Yes) Until now, the eldest son has become Satan's. All spiritual persons in the spirit world used people on the earth, who are in the son's position. Do you understand? Spiritual mediums made use of all people on the earth. But now, because Father restored birthrights, parental rights and kingship, everything is reversed. From now on, if one opposes the Unification Church, he can suddenly die. Watch it happen.

We have entered into the era in which we can command archangels in the spiritual world, because Father restored the birthright and established Adam on the earth. This is all on the global level. Because the restoration of birthright and parental rights was accomplished centering on Rev. Moon, Father announced the True Parents to the world. The world became evil by the appearance of evil parents. Therefore, Satan's realm in the world retreats whether it is the Communist sphere or other: All retreat by the Declaration of the True Parents centering on Father.

Viewing the evil side, I say Korea is the worst now. Men sell themselves and women also sell themselves. Of course children, too. Korea came to the summit on the global level, the worst position. Who cleans this up? It is not by the present political power. My hands clean it. The hands of True Parents clean up all. It is not done by power. It is clearly cleaned up through education.

C. Arrival of the Realm of Fortune of Unification

What is the center for the settlement? The settlement is done centering upon the love of Adam and Eve, the love of True Parents. We must settle here centering on God's vertical love and True Parents' horizontal love. Starting from here, the blood relationship of true children is born centering upon the original True Parents. The horizontal expansion of individual, family, and tribe leads to the formation of tribe and people.

Father has fought until now in order to find everything and won all the battles. Father came out in this way, while receiving persecution from the satanic world. When Father walked the path on the individual level, individuals of the satanic world all opposed him. When Father walked the path centering on the family, families of the satanic world all opposed him.

At the formation of the clan and tribe in the Unification Church, all opposed him. All opposed him due to the conditional standard. Father gained the victory and America surrendered, and the Soviet Union fell and perished. Because of this, they do not attack. Winning the battlefield, we go around and around. They cannot cross the summit. When we go around, where do we go? Holding our power, we return. Therefore, we must enter into North Korea through the land of South Korea.

Both right and left all perish. Then who holds the power? The heavenly side gains the power. By the Declaration of the True Parents, the Communist world stands in the position of their total destruction, and Satan will rapidly fall down from now on. He does not go down at the same angle he went up. He sharply goes down. Why? Because this is not the path Satan is supposed to go. It is the path True Parents are supposed to go. Isn't that so? Father gains victory in the satanic world, goes over it, and goes down to the meadow. This is not the place Satan occupies. True Parents go down bringing all the people. Therefore, everything is falling down now.

They say now is the era of the supremacy of material, but it is the era of zero in terms of spirituality. Therefore, it is the mission of the Unification Church to descend, centering on the spirit, bringing the material with it. Today, in the schools, they give technical education. But do they give character education? Technical education gives neither the word about God nor the word about humanity. When we descend, in order that we may rise again our way must be corrected to the one law of circularity. We must return to the homeland and accomplish the unification of the North and the South.

Korea is an offering, which represents the division of right and left, the democratic world and the Communist world. Our mind and body is divided and the family is divided. All have two separate parts. In the Diet, there is the Upper House and the Lower House, isn't there? There are two fighting parts. On the tribal level, they are divided into the higher and the lower and they do not agree with each other; they form a fighting pair in the front and the back. The Senate and the House of Representatives are in the vertical relationship. But they are fighting. Therefore, we must correctly set this vertical standard.

The Unification Church is the place where democracy and Communism can be united, and all religions can be united, and it is the place where religion and this world can also be united. Although it has this responsibility in front of the great path of the heavenly principles, all have attacked it.

Therefore, when we go up from the individual level to the family level, clan level, tribal level, and so on, all others go down. They reach the saturation point and cannot but lose power. Thus, no matter how big a nation is, there is not a single nation, which has the confidence to give solutions and hope to her second and third generations. Things are now thus settled. Such a time has come.

I went to the Soviet Union and gave truth, solutions and hope, and the Communist world came to an end. This is how it is done. The opposition thought until now that the Unification Church was wrong, didn't they? Isn't that so? They thought it would automatically disappear eventually. But, it does not go that way. Korea is also really chaotic, isn't it? No one can fix it up. They reached the saturation point and things have spread as they are. We penetrate this situation and go upward. What is the original standard by which we penetrate and go up? It is the thought of the True Parents.

Adam and Eve are True Parents on the family level and they become True Parents on the tribal level, don't they? Isn't that so? Seeing from the historical perspective, it is one family; however, it is the True Parents as ancestor. When the nation is formed, who is the ancestor of the nation? It is the True Parents. Who is the ancestor of the family? It is the True Parents. Who is the ancestor of the world? The True Parents. Everything is being set that way, isn't it?

Therefore, by the manifestation of the True Parents on the earth, a heavenly family is formed, and the formation of clan, tribe, nation and whole world is accomplished by being attached to the True Parents. What is to be won here? All will fall under the realm of the True Parents. For this reason, Satan surrounds us with millions of troops and hits us so that we cannot expand.

However, we finished all these battles within a 43-year period. We gained victory in America. Seeing the issue centering upon the Cain-Abel problem, America is Cain on the national level in front of Father. Father fought and gained victory. The Soviet Union is the same. Cain and Abel, democracy and Communism, leftwing and rightwing, all of them reaching the saturation point, and there the Headwing comes to stand.

What is the Headwing thought? It the thought of the perfected Adam. Isn't that so? Because Adam fell, he could not reach perfection. In order to raise Adam, a son on the heavenly side and a son on the satanic side are raised. The left and the right fight each other in order to become the master. This is human history.

What is the center of Adamism and Headwing Thought? Viewed from the Principle, the realm of indirect dominion and the realm of direct dominion are not unified. The realm of indirect dominion and the realm of direct dominion are unified when Adam fulfills his responsibility. At what point are they unified? After passing though 10 stages.

What does the number ten represent? It is a horizon. At number ten, we can get to the horizon for the first time. Number nine does not reach the horizon. We must get up to number ten to reach the horizon. Heaven and earth, and mind and body are completely settled on the horizon, centering on love. This is an eternal settlement.

Seeing it from such point of view, we must announce the True Parents. By the announcement of the True Parents, unification is achieved. Don't we have three organizations to achieve this? The Unification Church, the Victory Over Communism League, and the Federation of Nations are these. The Federation of Nations was established for the unification of North and South. To defend against the Communist world, the Victory Over Communism League was established. North and South will be united only when we defend against the Communist world. The Unification Church was established for the sake of spiritual matters. It is for the purpose of the settlement of conscience, whose position is not settled. Therefore, Satan has been attacking the Unification Church so that it cannot settle the position.

But now, Father has gone over all the indemnity conditions, returned to the homeland, and declared the True Parents. When Father declares the True Parents, he does so first through the Unification Church, and next through those who are related to it, that is, relatives. The Declaration was already made to the Unification Church, wasn't it? Cain and Abel must be united. Riding upon this foundation, Father declares to the nation. Through the declaration to the nation, those who were opposing as Cain come to be united. Now this Declaration has been made.

Therefore, spiritual mediums are receiving the message that April 30 is the day of the end of the world. What does it mean? Since the world began with evil parents, True Parents should subjugate all bonds of evil parents so that a new world emerges. In the field of Sumo wrestling, when the champion and the challenger fight, the champion is champion until he is defeated. When he falls down, he enters into a hole in the earth. This is exactly the pattern.

Father declared the True Parents this time. Because Father declared the True Parents, Korea will not perish. If Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden had become True Parents, Satan would not have been Satan there. Your ancestors preceded you but were placed in the position of the fallen archangel, who is already gone. But they are now behind you. All of them come and assist you from the spiritual world because I conducted the declaration ceremony.

From now on, if you act with confidence, believing in Reverend Moon's words, all kinds of things will happen. When we had the welcoming rally of True Parents in the city, the region, and the district, I said that things would be fulfilled according to the capacity of the determination of state leaders. At that time, when I told district leaders to hold a rally for 3000 people, all of them opposed. But I said, "Believe! Practice by believing in Father's words alone." You can do mighty things because of these words.

Chapter 8 - The Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents (Part 4)

2. Declaration of True Parents

D. No Fights in the Future

Korea has never invaded other countries. Koreans are a people that have deep hearts of love for humanity. Seeing from this perspective, we can say that Koreans are closer to the realm of God's heart. Also, from this perspective, because they sacrificed more than anybody else, they are close to the realm of God's heart. What is supreme in the world and the most precious in the world of fallen humankind? It is True Parents and the right of the elder son. The next is the right of parents and the next is the right of royalty. These are the particular rights.

Korean history is the history, which God sought in order to create the rights of the elder son who can inherit the heavenly kingship. Japanese history is the same. In the Last Days, he who succeeds the emperor position has the birthright. The eldest son must become a true parent. The original eldest son in humankind was Adam. Therefore, the birthright must be tied to True Parents and restored. Without that, one cannot stand in the position of True Parents.

After returning from Russia, Father declared the True Parents. The Declaration of the True Parents was made. After the restoration of the birthright, True Parents must be established on the world level. When the True Parents go beyond the nation and expand their environment to the world level, tribal kingship and national kingship are established. Therefore, if there is the national standard of the True Parents, then True Kingship begins. When North and South are united, True Kingship begins. The sovereignty that originated from God is established. Accordingly, the nation born under this sovereignty is equipped with the three elements of a nation: sovereignty, land and people.

A nation does not begin without sovereignty, land and people. Now Father is recruiting people on the world level. We do not have people and land now, although we have the sovereignty. Therefore, people who achieve the unification of North and South must establish the sovereignty as the nation of heaven and earth, in accordance with the Unification Church.

There will be no fighting in the future. We had useless fights centering on the self until now. People fought to rob each other. Because the unified world is a world in which we live for the sake of others under God's sovereignty, there is no need for wars. Brothers do not need to rob each other. People will have to run away because everyone will be trying to give them so much.

Therefore, if we live in our own villages, we can travel everywhere. Temporary living is manageable in a village. People sincerely prepare everything so that you can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can sleep there, too. Such an era will come.

From now on, the separation of powers will disappear. Laws will all disappear. If self-governing by love is realized, laws are automatically observed. If love for the sake of others is practiced, there will be no problem. Higher and lower become one, and front and back, left and right, all become one.

5) The Amazing Fact of the Declaration of the True Parents

Father brought under control the leftwing and the rightwing. Do you know how much hardship Father has gone through in order to walk this path? We must create an atmosphere where Godism centering on Headwing thought is officially recognized by leaders of schools.

Now we reflect and return. Where should we go? Where should we go? We must again return to the homeland expanding to the world, going beyond the nation. The fallen ancestors began with the family of Adam and Eve. We must strip off the fallen blood lineage. In three generations we must clean up the mistakes of our ancestors in three generations.

Adam fell, didn't he? Satan killed the original ancestor of the human race. In one generation, Adam fell and became an object resentful toward God. It is Jesus who came as the second true parent, the Messiah. People of the human race, his own sons and daughters, these people arrested and killed the Messiah who came as the Savior. How great the sin of the country would be for arresting and killing the true parent? They could not escape from it.

You must know that people of Israel wandered around for this reason. It lasted two thousand years. If we trace all their history, many people bled by swords, were kicked by horses' shoes, and cursed. After two thousand years passed, and after all these tribulations, America finally helped them gain independence.

Satan killed our original parents; sons and daughters of Satan killed the second true parent. Satan and satanic forces in the entire world tried to kill the third True Parent, mobilizing all their thoughts and powers. However, True Father did not die and survived under tremendous hardship and tribulations. How amazing this fact is, that the norms of parents and True Parents can be declared on the Earth! How much God desired this fact!

6) The Direction for the Management of Life After the Declaration of the True Parents

Father told President Mikhail Gorbachev to remove the statues of Lenin and Marx. There is no one other than Rev. Moon who said such a thing in the history of the Communist Party. The staff persons of the Soviet Communist Party were confused and said, "You speak about Godism in front of us? How arrogant it is to say such a thing!" (Laughter)

No matter how much they hated Father, the Communist world has now turned the way I said. The man whom they hated most became the only hopeful being for them. There is no other hope. Therefore, Father clearly taught them, "Listen to me and follow me, or you have no hope." Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes)

Looking down at Rev. Moon, how proud God is: "I have wanted that declared to the Soviets for a long time. How I am proud of you, my son!" Because of this God said, " I chose you for the sake of humankind." Father became pretty famous after that. Isn't that so? (Laughter)

American leaders said, "How can you do such a thing?" European leaders said, " How can you do so?" The Communist world said, "How can you do such an act in the Kremlin?" (Laughter) God looking down was thinking, "It is very interesting!" Father knew it. Then, Father declared it clearly. Do you understand? (Yes)

Everything is made this way. Everything is linked to True Parents. Your ears want to find True Parents, your nose, mouth, and eyes are the same. Everything. Why? True Parents have a strong attractive power. Father knows it. (Laugh) This carpet, blanket, grass, water, all desire True Parents (Clapping). All of nature is the same. They say, "True Parents, please stay here." Nature cries out. But Americans are not so, are they? (Yes, we are.) Is that so? (Yes)

With what do you want to fill up the entire country America? True Parents. The sound of True Parents is good. "I met the True Parents." "Where?" If you say, "Come with me," they will all want to follow you. That is the power of True Parents. True mother, true wife, true children, true grandchildren, true patriots all come out from there. Everything begins with True Parents. Do you understand? (Yes) That is the most hopeful gospel. We do not need the Bible. The purpose of the Bible is to find one couple, True Parents. Isn't that so? Therefore, you understand why the name of True Parents is the most precious, don't you? (Yes)

What part of True Parents do you want to be? This is the question. If we think of True Parents as a tree, you are the branches. This branch can live well wherever it is planted. This branch lives well wherever it goes, whenever it is planted, be it night or day, winter or spring or rainy season, as long as there is love. It lives well regardless of circumstances Why? Because it accepts all.

Our purpose is to liberate and save God, the human race, and all that belongs to Satan. That is our goal. Do you understand it clearly? (Yes) It is the purpose of True Parents. We declare such parents' heart. We make advancement. Satan cannot exist there. This is the view of the Principle.

Think about all things. Looking at you, who are saved, they say, "Mansei!" You must know the way to listen to such voices. Wherever you go, all things welcome you and humankind welcomes you. The original world centering on love is filled with the voice of love of all things. In the world of original love, everything understands all, as does God. True love, true inheritance. When you inherit, you inherit all. You have the right of participation, which allows you to participate wherever it is. These three concepts are sustained by True Love. Do you understand what I am talking about?

It means that you can automatically catch true love. This word means these things. You inherit God. God becomes yours. Wherever God is, you can participate there. How wonderful it is! How happy you are! No one can deny this concept.

We have such a surprising thing. How can we have a worry? There is no shadow. We are as bright as a pearl. This is the pride of a Moonie. Do you understand?

Therefore, wherever a Moonie goes, there is no opposition from Satan. From now on, things are absorbed in the way that we shout out, they are resurrected in the way that we shout out, and are born in the way that we shout out. Why was there oppositions until now? Because we were in the process of climbing up. We have already climbed up. Here there is no left wing and right wing, so Headwing was born. The Headwing is higher than these. Because it is higher, it is better.

Communism is the thought of servant, the thought of master and servant. There is no freedom. Democracy is brotherhoodism. Since there are brothers, there is freedom. They have freedom among themselves. Therefore, they have continuous fights. They fight each other constantly, each claiming their own superiority.

Headwing Thought is parentism. Senators and congressmen fight, and the Republicans and the Democrats fight, don't they? (Yes) Why do they fight? Because they are not parents, they fight.

If parents come and say, "Hey, why do you keep fighting, sons? You are not servants," then the fight will be over. Parents rejoice for the marriage of black and white. Isn't that right? Parents desire that brothers love each other more than that they serve the parents. You must know that. (Yes) That is truly the way of loving parents.

Then, do you also love Father? (Yes) I can't believe it. (We love Father.) You are different from Father, aren't you? (No) Why no? It is because we are the love race. We are absolutely and eternally one if we place the center on God's true love. From there, you are connected to Father. Nobody can cut this relationship.

We will also walk the path of True Parents. Isn't that so? Although we are like branches now . . . we are the same. I set my roots to become a trunk, grow branches, blossom flowers, and bear the fruit. All are the same. It means that we all become True Parents. Then are you becoming so now? From now, you will become so. All are the same.

Therefore, what honored people we are! You open the door and people say, "Look here. How wonderful master is, who is standing here now!" You feel so good. Animals are the same. In the spiritual world, people say, "You are the savior centering on True Love, like Jesus, who was a messiah. Wherever you go, all people there will be saved." Is that the true fact? (Yes)

By the announcement of the Declaration of the True Parents, Satan's rights disappear and all the indemnity laws, which governed struggles centering on religions, disappear. Good spirits have attained the level of the archangelic world. They can assist the earth at their will in the world where there is no fall. We have come to such a time. These angels are your ancestors. Do you understand? (Yes) Therefore, if someone opposes the Unification Church, all kinds of things can happen. That person can die by sickness or all kinds of things can happen.

You must be brave and strong. This word means that you must have ownership. Even if you face difficult circumstances, there is no problem. God does not want bad things. If you say, "Disappear from my sight!" they will disappear. They will go down. The spiritual world is the same. If you say, "I don't want such a thing!" then it disappears at once. You have power for all of your surroundings. When the center of love appears, everything comes to be directed to it and move around it. When the sun rises in the east, all nature -- mountains, rivers, trees and grasses -- all turn themselves to the sun. It is the essence of life and love.

True Parents are the central foundation of cosmic true love. Therefore, when True Parents appear, the entire created world turns itself to True Parents, just as all of nature turns to the rising sun. All the creatures are the same as leaves and branches. In the spiritual world, all are directed to God. Likewise in the Unification Church, members' consciousness follows Father whenever he goes. It is the same.

Your whole purpose is true love, and the center of the world is true love. All liberation begins from there. If you stand in this position, all four gates open like an automatic door. There is an automatic door in a large building, right? The spiritual world is just like that. Where the master of true love goes, there is no barrier. All gates open automatically. All welcome him. Spiritually elevated people say, "Welcome. We have been bored for a long time. We welcome anything exciting and interesting." Such a situation is created. How wonderful it is! Do you like it? (Yes) Therefore, you should know clearly from now on that we have inherited everything from True Parents. Nobody can tell me this or that. I become the master automatically. I become the teacher and the true parent. Nobody else can guide you. You will stand in such position in the near future. [202-35]

Because of the fall, it was hard to connect God's mind to the human mind, vertically. However, True Parents connect them. The environment of relatives, who do not oppose, is not the realm of Cain. They come in as the realm of Abel, which stands on the heavenly side. Therefore, now the breakdown of the religious realm takes place.

Until today, the spiritual world and the physical world were mainly connected through the religious realm centering on the chosen people. Today, however, we have come to the stage of the substantiation of the Old Testament era, the New Testament era, and the Completed Testament era. So the rights of the religious realm come to an end, and the environment of Cain and Abel disappears.

Therefore, families centering on you, who do not oppose, are standing in Abel's position on the heavenly side. Therefore, they turn around the way you turn around. Now is the time. Do you understand what I am telling you? Therefore, our world comes now.

You should know this time. You now see the end of parents' satanic lineage by the Declaration of the True Parents. The True Parents fought with Satan's world and came up with all necessary preparation. We have come to the stage at which both the Democratic world and the Communist world fall down. Satan's world has come to the end by the Declaration of the True Parents, and Father's return with all victorious conditions.

What is the meaning of the end of Satan's world? It means the liberation from Satan. Until now, we have been living in the environment of the cultural realm of the satanic world and satanic living. But now we are liberated from that satanic world, the realm of satanic living, and Satan's blood lineage.

Liberated from Satan, where do we go? We must return to God. Right now the world does not know God. Satan made it this way. Humanism does not know God either. Now, American humanism has become a humanism, which expelled God.

What is the standard of humanism? The body. It is the body, but a self-centered body. It pursues sensual pleasures. If you pursue this, you will perish. That is the way. We must be liberated from Satan and satanic life. Life here means cultural sphere.

There is a difference between Americans and those who believe in Confucianism, isn't there? We must be liberated from that realm of life and next, from blood lineage. When we are liberated from Satan, to where do we return? We return to God. We must return to God. But Communism and secular humanism do not know the way back to God.

Then, where must we live? We are not made to live at our own will, like animals. It is the ideal to begin our life centering on True Parents. We must live centering on the territory within the world-level ideal that is centered on True Parents. Therefore, we cannot go to Kingdom of Heaven without believing in True Parents. Now we are in a situation such as having many branches, which we cannot engraft. These words can stand. [202-276]

Those who are here, what should you do now? You must go to your local area and establish the foundation for True Parents. True Parents must establish the foundation for Heaven. God establishes the path, which True Parents must walk prior to True Parents, and True Parents establish the path, which you must walk. Therefore, you can simply follow the path of True Parents.

God walks one step further than the coming True Parents. Therefore, in the Providence for Restoration, there is the Providential Age for the Foundation of Restoration, the Providential Age for Restoration, and the Providential Age for the Completion of Restoration. Heaven established this foundation, and later True Parents knew about it. True Parents established this foundation, and later we knew about it. You also must establish the foundation, and later your descendants will know about it. You must go over the standard of the nation and the world.

If this happens, God will go beyond the standard of cosmic history. When we, the members of the Unification Church, go over the standard of the nation, True Parents will go over that of the world, and God will go over that of the cosmos. In this way, all humankind will go over the cosmic standard, centering on God.

You are two stages below God from this perspective. You, who are two stages below, cannot be reluctant or be tired. Before you walk this path, True Parents walked the path for your sake, and God has walked the path before True Parents for your sake. God's hardship and True Parents' hardship is a tremendous hardship that even death cannot turn. You must know that you walk the path with such debt.

True Parents inherited God's Will, and you must inherit True Parents will. You must not lose this traditional thought. What is the traditional thought? You must strip off the blood lineage of the enemy Satan, because you were born with this blood lineage. After that, you must restore your blood lineage centering on God and True Parents. To do this, you must be united with God in heart.

Based upon the unity in heart, you must inherit heavenly blood lineage, becoming a branch or a leaf of a tree whose root is God. You must become a being representing God and establish the absolute standard on Earth, by which you can subjugate Satan. If you do so, the history of restoration can proceed. You must know this. [13 -297]

Chapter 8 - The Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents (Part 5)

2. Declaration of True Parents

7) Things we must do after the Declaration of the True Parents

A. Let's Be Grateful in Front of the Declaration

By the Declaration of the True Parents what happens? The good spirits centering on God and evil spirits centering on Satan are clearly separated. If one stands in the True Parents' position, one stands in the perfected Adam's position. Archangels always protect, educate, and assist the perfected Adam.

If one stands in the realm of the perfected Adam, he not only has to assist, but also has to attend as the substantial master according to the ideal of love. It is the stage for Adam to be able to command. He goes up to that position. Therefore, that is the end of the world. All, which began with the false parents' love of the satanic world, comes to an end. It becomes the new world centering on the new True Parents' love. Based upon this nurturing foundation, the new world emerges and is expanded.

By the announcement of the True Parents, from now on, if someone opposes the Unification Church without certain conditions, he will suffer a long-term disease and fall down. He will die out like a tree without sap. It soon becomes food for insects. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes)

You must live centering on the living realm of new life. The origin of new life is new love. What is the new love? It is True Parents' love. Isn't that so? It is new love according to God's ideal for creation.

You must be grateful for Father. What do you have to be grateful for? You must be grateful for liberation from Satan. You were liberated from Satan by the True Parents, weren't you? What were you liberated from next? You were liberated from the satanic life. What was next? You were liberated from Satan's blood lineage. Life is lived within a cultural background and customs.

What were you liberated from? (From Satan.) What's next? (Satanic life.) Life is different depending on cultural background. The British live centering on the British culture, and Americans live centering on American culture. They differ. Living environments are different. You must be liberated from your living environment.

What is next? Blood lineage. When three generations have been liberated, the Unification culture will occur automatically, won't it?

What are you going to do after liberation? Where do you go after the liberation from Satan? You go to God. If you are liberated from Satan, you are liberated from all the relationships, which linked you to the false parents, and you go to the free heart of the Parents. When you do, do not carry the customs and life realm of the satanic world. You must clearly clean them up.

In the concept of "True Parents," there is God who is the vertical True Parent and the True Parents who are the horizontal True Parents. You must be created by the love, which is the unification of these two. The subjectivity begins with the position of zero, where there is no other love origin. If you want to find love, you must start with zero. You must ignore the origin of existence. In the Bible, you can find such a paradoxical logic. Those who try to die will live, and those who try to live will die. Do you understand? You must know it clearly.

Thus, you must be grateful for liberation from Satan. The next is life. Koreans eat pepper bean paste, don't they? The cultural realm is the background and from it history and tradition are formed. It is the cultural realm. What is next? Blood lineage. The blood lineage must be turned around centering on love. You must be liberated here. You must say, "I am in God's blood lineage. God has entered me." Then mind and body cannot fight.

From now on, ask your mind. God has entered your mind. This is a bud and leaf of God. Because you attended the True Parents and took root, this kind of phenomena will take place.

Air is pressing you, centering on an atom of air pressure all over your body. Since the pressure is balanced, you do not feel the stimulation. Air is protecting you. Because all pressure is balanced, you do not feel the stimuli. Just try living in a slightly unconscientious manner in front of God's Will. The cosmic power pushes you, saying "You rascal!" How mighty this power is! If you try to go this way, your body itself is turned around that way.

If you pray and ask God to live in your mind and the True Parents to live in your flesh, God enters and sits on the crossing point of your mind and body and makes the degrees of your mind and body one centering on the bellybutton. It is not literally a bellybutton. What it really means is the sexual organ. We symbolically call it a bellybutton.

You must be liberated from the three great satanic realms. The first is what? (Liberation from Satan!) You must be liberated from Satan who is the representative of the vertical elements. Next is the cultural realm and the traditional lifestyle which you inherited from your physical parents. In Korea, for example, there is a Korean culture, isn't there? In this way, American culture and all other kinds of cultures are spreading toward one center. The further away it is, the more useless it is. [202-274]

B. Accumulation of Substantial Records and Results

World-renowned broadcasting companies such as NBC, CBS, and ABC attacked Rev. Moon and did so many evil things in trying to capture him. They attacked Rev. Moon in the newspapers. But the general public had already known of Rev. Moon before their attacks, and they did not simply swallow their claims. They beat the drum in the newspapers, but there was no one to dance. If there is nobody to dance, do you think the drummer has the spirit to beat? Everybody gave up in the middle.

Therefore, records and results are the problem. To achieve the unity of the world under Heaven you must have substantial records and results. Do you understand? (Yes) Even if you do not have ability, you must have records and results. I have told you, haven't I? Results and records earn power under Heaven.

You must have records, which you can leave to your descendants. When you go to the spiritual world, you must bring gifts with you. When you marry someone as a bride or groom you must give gifts to all relatives of the bridegroom. Starting from a grandfather, a father-in-law, you must give some gift, no matter how small it may be, even a pair of socks. The family of a bride can be proud of her if she did so.

If you go to the spiritual world, your ancestors will accuse you, calling you in front of them, saying, "You joined the Unification Church because of the good merits of your ancestors. But, what did you do? Did you do the work of tribal messiahship?" If you do it, you can liberate three generations of your ancestors.

You must restore all the lost people of heaven who were captured into the satanic world, and engraft them to the heavenly world. How much effort did you make in order to find the people of heaven? The next task is to link your sons and daughters, together with your relatives and restored people, to the tradition of the eternal ideal of creation, the tradition of love.

In the spiritual world, all of them, as a group, seek the authority of their eternal life and the hierarchy of life. Dealing with your relatives, you should lead over 120 families. Now, since I explained this again and again, you must have understood it. Prepare, so that you can avoid shame. You will be not only ashamed but also expelled as a naked man.

Father has already declared to the world. The era of chosen people on the world level is over. The time has come to the era of welcoming Father, and it is the era of the realm of all people where the entire world enters into the realm of Israel. Therefore, organizing is done based upon the standard of records and results. [213-139]

C. The Opening of the True Parents Welcoming Rally

In Korea, the True Parents Welcoming Rally was held. People in Korea talk about them, loudly or quietly, and their talks must have been spread throughout Korea. (Yes) They are saying, "Well, what are True Parents?"

You must turn around. You must seek and find True Parents. Because you originated from false parents, you must go beyond the terminal point of the false parents. You cannot find the direction that God commands unless you can connect yourself to True Parents. It is the Principle and a true theory. There is no one who can prove it false.

Because of the fall, Adam and Eve became false parents. They were expelled because they were false parents. We must seek and find the position of parents who are not expelled, whom we can welcome with God and want to live with for tens of millions of years. We Koreans are exactly in this situation. Look at the fact that we have such a folk song that goes, ". . . to welcome our parents and live with them for tens of millions of years." We have this kind of folksong because we are the predicted race of revelation.

We also have a song called "A Moon of the Western Castle," don't we? What is it? Isn't there also a song with something about the west or something about the country of stars? What is it? (It is "The Milky Way with Blue Sky") That's it. We do have such a song, don't we? "The Milky Way with Blue Sky." Seeing this, we find that we are a revealing race. It shows us that the satellite appears and the world can live in this way. How poetic this people are!

It is a great fact that we have such a cultural background, such high level thought, and the background of the critical era. [206-80]

Rev. Moon returned to Korea and through the True Parents Welcoming Rally declared the True Parents in front of all the people of the nation of Korea. We must declare it now. By doing so, heaven can set up its camp where Satan has retreated. Look at what is going to happen! Look at the way it unfolds from now on.

We held the True Parents Welcoming Rally all over the country. However, people do not know what it truly means. Rev. Moon did it not because he was insane. We declared the True Parents through these rallies and established the heavenly foundation on which we can cope with groups of evil. [204-144]

You know, don't you, we declared the True Parents through the True Parents' Welcoming Rally all over the country? So I don't have to explain more about it, do I? Now, what do you have to do? Father held this rally on the world-level foundation, where the nation and the world are linked. Therefore, now you blessed people must hold the True Parents Welcoming Rally on the tribal level. Everything comes to the end by this. Do you understand?

You must complete the tribal messiahship. After the completion of world-level messiahship centering the nations . . . the territory of tribal messiahship. The tribe expands to the world. If that happens, the formation of the nation is naturally achieved. The time to do this has come.

What do we mean? Experiments have already been done both in the Democratic world and the Communist world. They were done in Christianity and all other existing religions of the world. Why do we say that the experiments were done? There is nowhere where there has not been an opposition to the Unification Church. All of them attacked the Unification Church. [202-270]

After the accomplishment of the True Parents' Welcoming Rally throughout the country, we have entered into a new era. Spiritual mediums all receive revelations that this world is coming to the end and we are going to a new world. Thus, the spiritual world comes down to earth again. In the past, those good spirits who left good names by believing in religion have been helping the dispensation on earth according to God's Will. They have been working through the major religions of the Old Testament era, the New Testament era, and the Completed Testament era. There was no other path to relate to earth for this.

However, the True Parents came to the earth and established the tradition on the individual level, family level, tribal level, national level, and world level. The True Parents fought all the battles and gained victory. Therefore, it is the time of the liberation of the religious realm. Religion disappears in the era of True Parents. Isn't that right? If Adam and Eve had not fallen but had become True Parents, there would have been no need of religion. Because the True Parents established the world-level victorious foundation, the same situation came into being. In this situation, husband and wife are eternally united with heaven, and ancestors can relate to descendants on earth at any time, centering on the ideal of unity.

Because of the fall, the path to the spiritual world was closed. In order to open this path, we must have the rights of the chosen people. The era of the transcendence of the religious realm comes because all restoration through indemnity centering on the rights of the chosen people of Israel on the tribal level, the rights of the chosen people of Christianity on the world level, and the rights of the chosen people of the Unification Church on the cosmic level have been accomplished. The time has come when the spiritual world can horizontally contact the entire earthly world.

Therefore, those who do not believe in religion can also be connected to the spiritual world through the rights of the chosen people. The era of the past is passing away. Through the victory of the True Parents, in this era of the substantiation of Old Testament, New Testament, and Completed Testament, all ancestors who went to the spiritual world can visit and help their descendants, including those who do not believe in religion. Such a time is coming. The spiritual world is just like that.

Therefore, from now on, if you do not believe in the Unification Church, your ancestors come down, give you bad dreams or cause sickness -- and they can cure sickness as well. Until now, Satan divided and occupied the earthly world. But the good spirits in the good archangelic realm and good spirits in the religious realm can come to earth. They can clean up those shadows of Satan, such as Kim Il Sung, in order to totally chase the evil world from the earth.

Then, if one country, two countries, three countries and four countries are connected to the Unification Church, the entire world comes to the era of complete liberation. The years from 1988 to 2000 are the period to complete this mission. Until Father becomes 80 years old. Do you understand?

For this reason, tribal messiahship was established. In order for tribal messiah to go forward to national and global messiah, tribal messiahs should proclaim that now the realms of national messiahship has begun, and connect it so that it can develop into global messiahship. When we establish a nation, it will be as a state in God's global country. Through these expansions, we enter into the Era of the Unified Kingdom. [202-255]

8) Parents of the North and Parents of the South

As we have learned in the Principle, the Old Testament age was the time the way toward the sons and daughters was established through the sacrifice of all things. In the New Testament age, the way toward the parents or the Second Coming was established through the altars of sons and daughters. In the Completed Testament age, why did the True Parents do such hard work and walk such a difficult path? True Parents walked the path of hardship and persecution in order to welcome God on the earth.

Father's only desire is to welcome God on this earth. Father could not welcome God in his homeland, could he? We must go to the homeland carrying the victorious flag on the world level. In North Korea, there is an evil second coming, evil parents. They call President Kim Il Sung "Father," don't they?

The way Rev. Moon goes is an adventure, because he has this responsibility to shorten history, even by one day, in order to liberate God's anguish and accomplish God's Will. I have been walking this path, giving all of myself, all of my body and heart. It is just like throwing all of myself into the Atlantic Ocean and throwing myself into the midst of the mountains. No one should leave a historical dirty spot on such a path. It is a holy path. It is holy! Through this way, God will be able to live in our country. North and South are like body and mind. If they are united, God comes to dwell. God lives where the two become one by love.

Therefore, we must unite the South and the North. What do we have to do in the South first? We must attend the True Parents. We must attend the True Parents! Do you understand? (Yes) We must attend the True Parents in the South more than people attend Kim Il Sung in the North. In North Korea, people wear Kim Il Sung's badges, don't they? You Unification Church members, be more proud than these people, and do not feel any shame in the world!

In North Korea, people are all equipped with Subject Thought. Therefore, we must be equipped with Three Great Subjects Thought centering on God's absolute love, and we must create so decisive a difference, that they cannot even be compared. Do you understand? It is the path we must go and it is our mission. Think about it. How lazy you have been until now! [212-57]

Kim Il Sung is a false parent, isn't he? (Yes) They call Kim Il Sung, "father," don't they? Why does that kind of thing appear in this historical era? Among the Communist countries, the most vicious man, like a devil of devils, comes out.

Rev. Moon is also called "True Father," isn't he? Whether he is a true father or a false father, I don't know! If you go and see, you will know. If you want to believe, believe it, and if you don't want to believe it, don't believe it. It's up to you.

True Parents must be able to subjugate false parents naturally. True Parents should not attack and capture false parents by force. The accomplishment of God's dispensation for salvation and the determination of God's victory cannot be done by force. If He could do it by force, He would have done it at once. If it were done in a Communist manner, it would already have been finished.

The fallen world has inherited Satan's tradition, which is to compete for power by military force. They have continued the history of struggle on earth. Their consummation of human history is the most miserable thing. God knows that, so He is trying to subjugate in a natural manner. God allows them to do things the way they want to. After they have done everything their own way, God restores everything through being beaten first. Satan hits the righteous side, and God demands compensation for the damages. When Satan's attack can go no farther, that is when subjugation takes place. It is not God who consummates but the one whom God prepared on earth as the person who can inherit this task. Therefore, in the Last Days, it is said, the Messiah is sent. [210-231]

9) Tribal Messiah and True Parents

What, fundamentally, are we trying to accomplish through the Old Testament age, New Testament age, and Completed Testament age? The purpose is to welcome God into myself who is the root? It is God, isn't it? The root of human beings is God. True Parents are not the original root. True Parents also came from God, the original root. Two buds came from the root. That's the way it is.

Before the fall, Adam and Eve were a son and a daughter, weren't they? After the fall, all things were in a superior position to Adam and Eve. This happened because of the fall of Adam and Eve. By the fall, they were no longer two human beings together but became alone, each as one person. Because of this, they became far lesser beings than all things. Because all things did exist above human beings, they died for human beings as their representatives. They shed blood for the sake of you, in order to reverse the position.

Therefore, in the Old Testament Age, the way toward sons and daughters was paved by making altars for sacrifice. In the New Testament Age, Jesus came and sacrificed himself as a son and a daughter, and he opened the way toward parents. Lots of blood of martyrdom was shed and the way was opened for True Parents to come in the era of the Second Coming. What kind of relationship do Jesus and the True Parents have? Jesus is in the position of a son, and the True Parents are in the position of parents. Do you understand? (Yes)

Chapter 8 - The Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents (Part 5)

3. The Declaration of True Parents and Kingship

1) Adam's Family is the Original Point of Departure for the King's Palace

Perfection centering on the original Adam is God's Will. Adam is the eldest son. He is the son who received the first love, the birthright. Because Adam can inherit the first love, he is able to become the parent centering on the first love. Inheriting the vertical love, he can connect it to the horizontal love by becoming parents, husband and wife. The word, "Restoration of Parental Rights" begins from here.

In the historical ages until today there has not been a foundation upon which parents could come. It was a battle. It was a history of struggle between Cain and Abel. History was carried out as the history of wars. Brothers must be unified in order to end the fighting. One realizes that the enemy is one's brother and which is the elder and which is the younger.

Who teaches about it? Parents teach it. Fallen human beings do not know the fact that their ancestors were separated. Who knows it? Parents teach it. Brothers can be harmonized when the parents teach them. They are children centering on the parents. Only when children are harmoniously united is the right to exercise the parental rights born. This is the restoration of the parental rights. When lost children are brought in front of parents, then the parents can establish the rights of parents.

Next, kingship was lost. What is the ideal of the start of parents? It is the start from the palace. Adam was supposed to have the birthright, the parental rights, and the kingship. He was to settle, centering on God's love. The place of the settlement is the originating place of kingship and that of parents.

Next is the originating place of the birthright. All things under heaven are harmonized, following this tradition. Once this is established, archangels also have to bow down their heads.

Aren't the Democratic world and the Communist world in the Cain/Abel relationship? Cain and Abel fought, didn't they? The religious realm and the political realm are like Cain and Abel in the vertical sphere. The horizontal struck the vertical and therefore lost the foundation for restoring the birthright. The foundation for being able to restore the birthright contains within itself the parental rights at the same time. Parents come into existence with the eldest son, don't they? Once the parental rights are established, kingship emerges.

Adam's family is the starting place of a king. People are born and the number of royal families increases. If a clan inherits the kingship centering on the birthright, then centering on the clan, the next stage is the formation of the tribe by auxiliary clans. That is the Principle. Therefore, they are members of a royal family. Only when you have a consciousness of being a member of the royal family of the heavenly kingdom can you return to the original standard of Adam's family.

In your case, you must be a tribal messiah. Isn't a tribal messiah a parent and a king as well? Inheriting the birthright, you inherit the kingship and the parental rights on the level of the tribe.

Adam of the formation stage and Adam of the growth stage were all resurrected by Adam of the completion stage. What does it mean? The elder-sonship and the tribal messiahship are the family form of the resurrected Jesus. Before that stage, Adam of the formation stage cannot resurrect Jesus. Jesus himself cannot be resurrected.

At the Second Coming the perfected Lord came and gained the victorious realm in which he can fulfill and complete Jesus' mission on the global level. He gained the victorious rights in front of Satan; therefore, the Lord at the Second Coming alone can exercise Jesus' rights and Adam's rights.

Thus, the Lord is the one who represents the perfected Adam and the perfected Jesus, upon the victorious foundation. He can become the third Adam by perfecting all the tasks coming from the formation and the growth stages. The foundation of the perfected third Adam includes both Adam and Jesus. Therefore, the messiahship on the global level must be established upon the victorious rights centering on the perfected foundation of the third Adam. [218-69]

2) The Establishment of the Kingship

Today, on this True Parents' Day, what I think of is this: First, the restoration of brothers has been established; second, the restoration of parents has been established, third, the restoration of kingship remains.

This time, what happened in Soviet Russia when I went there? Soviet Russia is on the satanic side, but I spoke things as I speak to you. I spoke no other things. (Clapping) 270 million Soviet people listened to what I said. They broadcast this. There are not many TV channels there. Be straight! Do you win or lose against them? (We win.)

Now the restoration of parental rights is established. Just as God sent the Lord at the Second Coming and sent Jesus, God sends tribal messiahs and restores everything. Since the vertical standard has been set, centering on the vertical things . . . Here, Father established the three standards: the standard of Adam's era, of Jesus' era, and of the era of the Lord at the Second Coming. I fought and established all these foundations. Therefore, from here, we must expand them in the era of the Lord at the Second Coming.

What do you have to do? You must establish your own family. By doing so, the circle is expanded. The three became this way by Father. These are Adam parents, Jesus parents, and the Second Coming Lord Parents. Therefore, we remove this (Father points out written things on the blackboard). We send the same way as God sent the Lord at the Second Coming, sent Adam again.

The third Adam comes in order to save the first and the second Adam. The third Adam sought the second Adam, so he saves the first Adam who is his own parents. One's parents go up to the position of Adam. By doing so, the realm of religious tradition disappears. The need for religion, such as Christianity, disappears. The entire world enters into the realm of chosen people.

By this, what is going to happen? Looking horizontally, your parents who gave birth to you become the tribal messiah, and the blood lineage you gave birth to becomes the national messiah. It is possible. It is horizontal. By this, the whole thing comes to stand in the position that is connected to one's parents. This is also one parents. The third Adam is one parents.

Therefore, one's birthplace and homeland become the heavenly kingdom. They become the heavenly kingdom. Then all parents in one's homeland become ancestors. True ancestors.

What is first? One stands on God's side. What is next? A family stands on the heavenly side. By this, the worldwide territory is all linked together centering on True Parents.

Is the homeland only one? Where is the original homeland? The original homeland is the birthplace of Father. However, not all places can become Chong-ju. Your birthplace is the homeland. Due to errors, Satan occupied the homeland. Since parents centered on the Heaven are born in your birthplace, that place is the Garden of Eden.

Your good descendants born in the unfallen original Garden are expanded to the world. Centering on this vertical line, and centering on the tribe of Father, all of you are connected. You must love the vertical line more than your own tribe. Since the vertical is first, you must love it first; then you can love your own line. If you do so, Satan cannot invade you. By establishing all these things, now it is possible to restore the kingship.

If Adam is perfected, the father of the heavenly kingdom is perfected. If Eve is perfected, the mother of the heavenly kingdom is perfected. Then, if they become the leaders of a family, there is born the kingship of the heavenly kingdom on the family level. Through this, Adam and Eve become individual king, family king, clan king, tribal king, national king, and world king.

Now we have come to the stage, which is beyond the national standard. We can establish the heavenly kingship on the global level by trampling on the kingships of the satanic world. That day began March 27, 1990. By this, the world can turn around according to the wind Rev. Moon blows. [201-130]

3) Restoration of Kingship

Why do you need the parental rights? (For the sake of the restoration of kingship.) In order to restore kingship, there cannot be an obstacle in any of the four directions -- north, south, east, and west, When the king comes to your home, you must be able to attend him anytime, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If he swings a three-fathom long fishing pole, there should not be anything it hooks. You must be ready to welcome him anytime. Now we come to know such a thing.

A whole tribe follows you. This is the blessed religion of love. What love? True Love. What is True Love? It is the kind of love which, if you pour out everything eternally, you forget and you pour again. Why should it be so? One desires that the object of his love be superior to himself. A father wishes for his son to be superior to him. In following this principle, God has to pour into the object more than Himself. There would be no way of giving more than Himself if He did not forget the giving. That is why God must go the way of True Love, the way of giving and forgetting. From there, the unification of heaven and earth begins.

Giving your life, should you have a consciousness about it, saying, "I died for the sake of God and the Unification Church." Should you have this conscious awareness or not? (We should not.) You must be so. You must sacrifice yourself. Can you say, "I did this much, but the church does not recognize it. I believed in the Unification Church tens of years, but Father does not recognize it." Although I worked so hard and went through hardship all my life, God did not recognize it. However, I do not think of recognition. Just as was God, I was hit and gave, and tried to give again. I did so; then I gave all the way to the end. That way, all I gave did not disappear but instead accumulated. It always was accumulated, so that in the end I naturally came to the top of the mountain. It is mysterious and wonderful, isn't it? Is the logic right? When I gave constantly, I came to the top of the mountain, and from birthright to parental rights and kingship all has been restored. It is a concept that accords with the logic of re-creation. [206-269]

4) Father is the True Parents

Now, Father established the complete foundation of declaring the True Parents. Come out, those who can say, "Rev. Moon is not a true parent." Ministers of established churches, come in front of me. Among presidents and leaders of political parties, if there is one who can say "No," come out.

Can anyone ruling this world, come and explain the logic, which can deny that Rev. Moon is a true parent. Listen to my words after that. In 100 out of 100 tries, they cannot move an inch. [204-84]

I am not a stupid person. I am wiser than you. I am a person who gathered and led those who were expert in speaking and fluttering their wings in the world. Professors World Peace Academy alone has organizations in 120 countries. It has many Nobel Prize winners.

Upon this background, within four years, Father established The World and I, a world renowned magazine and a magazine of the world champions. I am the person who has these kinds of surroundings. [204-84]

Today in the Unification Church, I am carrying the sign of True Parents. Then, who is Rev. Moon? He is the person who loves God more than anyone, who knows God more than anyone, and who teaches clearly the way of eternal life. That is good, isn't it? Is there anyone who gave birth to sons and daughters and tells them to die? He says only to live eternally with eternal blessing, doesn't he?

What do True Parents have to do? Rev. Moon has the responsibility to liberate you from the realm of death and move you to the road of eternal life. Rev. Moon is the historical representative of humankind on the world level who has this responsibility. That person is a true parent.

True Parents have true love. So he is the person who has the unified point of love with God's love and its contents.

Therefore, centering on true love, he cleans up false love. False love does not give even once. It wants only to receive. But true love can solve all by giving, and it can save people through redemption. It is possible only by true love. Therefore, you come to know God through Rev. Moon. Next, Rev. Moon must teach true love. True love is the responsibility of Father. [203-361]

If I came as the True Parents, I should declare the True Parents. If I didn't, then how can I raise my face in front of God in the heavenly world? If I truly came here with the mission of True Parents, I must declare the True Parents in front of the tribe and the world. If not, how can I raise my face?

Did Jesus declare the True Parents? (No, he didn't.) That's the problem. If he could have declared that, Christianity would not have had to shed blood. He would have indemnified ten times more than the blood that was shed. Because Jesus could not declare the True Parents, Satan did as he liked until the emergence of the standard of the True Parents on the world level. I know it.

In North Korea, Kim Il Sung occupied the position of parents on the satanic side and appeared as the false parents, didn't he? It was robbery. All was robbery. He destroyed Christianity. Now, by my Declaration of the True Parents, Kim Il Sung goes down. In this way, I turn and capture things.

The time will come when I will prepare to enter Pyongyang and hold a Pyongyang Rally. It is not I who will do it. Does Adam fight with the Archangel? He doesn't, does he? (No) Adam does not fight with the Archangel. Because the Archangel fell, I must let the Archangel do it.

Therefore, I must let Soviet Russia, which is the world-level Archangel, China, which is the Asian Archangel, and Japan, which is Eve, do it. I must subjugate Kim Il Sung by uniting the Archangels centering on Eve.

In this historical era, did the Unification Church and Rev. Moon, stamped with the seal of the representative of stupidity, become the servant of a failed nation? (No) Does God ruin? Does He perish or prosper? (Prosper) What is the relationship between God and Rev. Moon? What is True Parents?

I declared Rev. Moon as the True Parents, didn't I? If I declared being a true parent and I am not in reality, what will happen to me in the spiritual world? When I go to the spiritual world, evil spirits in hell and good spirits both will stab me with knives. How can I declare that am a true parent, knowing all these things?

An unshakable position is the position of the True Parents of the Unification Church. Because Satan knew this, he attacked me from all angles. Communist parties joined the attack; and didn't all sects of all denominations oppose me? From the Mafia to terrorists, all joined together and attacked and tried to expel me. It is unspeakable. All of them did whatever they could do to shoot me down. [203-146]

You call me True Parents, but I am a person who does not like the word "True Parents"! How fearful that word is! If you become True Parents, you must give birth to true sons and daughters and raise them. This is the problem.

Once one has become True Parents, one must lead a true family. If one opens his clan, then one must lead the true clan. If it is expanded to a people, one must lead the people. If that is expanded to a nation, one must lead the nation. If that is expanded to the world, one must lead the world. If that is expanded to all humankind, who fill the entire physical and spiritual worlds under heaven and earth, one must have the ability to lead them. It is a tremendous, unimaginable task. I am the person who clearly knows it.

Then, why did I declare the True Parents if I do not like to declare the True Parents? If I didn't, then the teachings of the Unification Church would have to be wrong. Do you understand? If I did not declare it, the doctrine of the Unification Church would have to be false. Truth cannot be false. For truth to be truth, in order for truth to be true, I must do so whether I like it or not, no matter how my body is torn apart and stepped on, no matter how miserable I become, no matter how much hardship and persecution I must bear. I must carry out this task no matter what happens. I became that kind of person. This is the decisive difference between Rev. Moon of the Unification Church and all other founders and leaders of religions. [203-326]

5) To Hold True Parents' Picture

Now, you must go to your hometown and restore your clan. You held rallies in your hometown, didn't you? Just as you did those rallies, you must work on the district level. Then, once you became the tribal messiah, you must hang Father's picture in each home.

You should not just hand them out. You should make hundreds of photo albums and carry them. If you distribute them by showing and explaining them as good pictures, you can get their agreement. For those who accept the pictures, go to the best place in a room and hang the picture in the best spot.

If you do this, you are a spiritual elder brother to the head of the family. You are standing in the father's position in the vertical sense and the elder brother in the horizontal sense. Therefore, you direct the host of the house as the vertical father and the horizontal elder brother, saying, "This picture must be hung here!" Those who share pictures become the tribal messiah. You must give pictures to more than 120 houses as soon as possible.

How many pictures do you have to bring? (120 pictures.) Do houses, which have pictures, become the points of breaking through or not? (They do.) That is the condition. By doing so, ancestors come down at dawn every morning and bow down. One o'clock, two o'clock; after three o'clock, keep the lights on. After ancestors' bows are over, one hour later, at five o'clock you do the Pledge service.

Do spiritual persons in the spirit world attend the True Parents? Those who went to the spiritual world are elder brothers and those who are here on the earth are younger brothers. The younger brother restored the birthright, and things became right side up. So all come down from the spirit world and bow down. What it means is that they help the descendants, so that things go smoothly. Isn't that so? God gives things, doesn't He? Isn't that so? Those ancestors give good fortune, as in the position of God. They assist the descendants by giving good fortune.

When people come and help from the spiritual world, which is better -- that your beloved relatives or some neighbor's grandfather comes and helps you? You must share a certain percentage of the portion according to the assistance. Therefore, now is the time you should run all night long while waiting to see who is coming to contact you.

Which is better, a bigger picture or a smaller one? (Bigger one.) You can decide that in the church. If you explain to them, they will say they want to buy them. Rev. Moon did not die but survived under scarcely believable paths and in the midst of historic chaos because God protected him! In this world, all perished and left no sign remaining, except that which God has protected could survive and remain! Because God loves Rev. Moon more than anybody else in the entire history, Rev. Moon could establish and set the greatest records in the most difficult and severe circumstances. That is all in accordance with the theory.

If you attend the picture as the representative of the True Parents, your family is protected. There is no question about it. If I explain, it is the way.

The other day, there were people who came to the Bom Il Chong (the place of the Bomnetkol Memorial) and bought the pictures with no explanation, weren't there? They were asked, "Why do you want to buy the picture?" One said, "My mind urges me to do so. It seems to me that if I buy the picture, all bad luck will go away. The picture seems to me to be very good." They said such a thing and bought a big picture. The time has come.

Young people carry Father's picture now. The other day, one Russian cameraman said that he always carried some treasure with him in his pocket. He took papers and things from his pocket and showed Father's picture. He had Father's picture. Someone asked why he carried it. He replied that his mind became easy and pleasant. This kind of thing happens.

If one carries a cross on their neck, it shows oneself as being a Christian. If one carries the picture of the True Parents, it symbolizes that you are the son or daughter of the True Parents. It becomes the symbol, the phenomenon and the substance. Because one enters into the realm of the formation stage in the three stages, that is, formation, growth, and completion, one is protected. Therefore, the tribal messiah must make pictures for their tribe.

What do you do for "Breaking through"? (Carry and attend True Parents' picture.) It is so easy. If one carries the picture of True Parents and attends it, one cannot but receive training. (Laughter) You can say, "I received the education and the training." You now know how valuable it is. You cannot buy its value by money, no matter how much you may spend. Let people pay the price of the picture according to its value. You can use the money for your work. [212-109]

6) The Power of True Parents' Picture

Before now, we were in the period of time to have to sacrifice for the sake of Cain and Abel, centering on the restoration of the birthright. So the spiritual world made use of the earthly world. However, the spiritual world and the earthly world were reversed centering on the 31st Children's Day. Because the birthright was restored, Adam's realm became the realm of birthright. So the Archangel must listen to and attend Adam.

Because the reversal was made, now the spiritual world is centered on the House of Unification . . . In the past, humankind opposed Rev. Moon and said that he had to die. But now, they are at the standard of respecting Rev. Moon. So, even if a person commanded Satan to help do that, Satan would not do it. One cannot lead Satan to one's side. One is guided and introduced to Rev. Moon.

You must find and set the family. Where is the turning point? It is the family. The family. The fall took place in the family, didn't it? Therefore, Father started the world-level indemnity from the individual level. Then, centering on Father's family and clan, Father gained total victory over Cain and Abel on the global level, and returned with the birthright.

Where does Father set all the values of this victory? Adam is the center of the whole value. Because of the loss of Adam, God's family was lost. God's society, God's nation, God's world, God's cosmos, and even God's love could not be established. Father indemnified all of this and now returns to the family. All families stand equally on the same family standard.

When we return centering on the family, who should be the center? All follow, centering on Father. Satan cannot follow this. Satan is the one whose blood is stained. But ours is the side of those whose blood of the fallen world is wholly purified. Therefore, blessed families can enter here. On the family level, one has the right of elder-sonship and many have the right of second-sonship. You can freely control it, from the providential viewpoint.

Now, we seek and find families. Therefore, families of the Unification Church must become the bases. In this way, you must offer all for the sake of the nation. By doing so, you can interact with the cosmos. This is the raw material of Heaven. In order to have that day, we need a certain superior raw material. Be that raw material. Then, we form our families and settle there.

The people of Israel caught sheep and put their blood on doors and the troubles passed over, didn't they? Likewise, if the house has a picture of True Parents, Satan cannot invade it. Ancestors visit the house in the dawn and greet. Then they come in move around the house.

They all control your mind. The time when they can do such a thing has come. [213-121]

From now on, we must do three activities. First, fill out the church application; second, hang and attend a picture of True Parents; third, put up the flag of the Unification Church. You must all do these three. What is first? (Sign and fill up the church application.) Second? (We must hang and attend the picture of True Parents.) What is next? (We must raise the flag.)

If you did these three, you can do anything. The flag represents the Unification Church. What is True Parents' picture? True Parents. What is the church application? Registration. A country where you can register is born. The departure begins from there.

To attend True Parents, centering on the True Parents means the unity of the True Parents and our families. What, then, is the flag? It is the environmental representative, which indicates the world-level Unification Church. It is the reciprocal representative. The flag represents a husband and wife as well as an individual. It represents our families, our nations, the whole Unification Church, and all humankind.

You absolutely must raise the flag. When the people of Israel left Egypt, the entire realm of elder-sonship was about to be destroyed. But because they put the blood of sheep on their doors they escaped from death. The blood of sheep became the sacrifice of the birthright. Raising the flag is the same as this.

When Moses and the people of Israel were being bitten by serpents and dying, those who looked upon the bronze serpent could survive, couldn't they? Likewise, when the satanic world was perishing, one could resurrect by believing in Jesus. Do you know what this is? Now, raise the flag, attend the picture of True Parents, and register. That's all you need to do in order to get all the rights Satan held on this Earth. Where you belong changes.

Therefore, what Father especially emphasizes this year is the movement to hang and attend the picture of the True Parents and to raise the flag. This is already the third year. I know that the time is coming, so I begin these things.

Therefore, ask and receive the Church application form. When you receive it, you must greet and say, "Please give it to me!" Do you understand what I am speaking about? (Yes) Satan must surrender to Adam in order to be saved. Then, next, he must attend True Parents. Until now, he could not attend True Parents, could he? You must attend the True Parents. You must place the picture of True Parents in the best place, better than that of your parents'' picture and ancestors' picture. To respect and appreciate the value of pictures of your grandfather and your mother is a good thing. However, you must not place your own parents' picture at the best place and place True Parents' picture next to it. Ancestor. Ancestor! The ancestor is set. By doing so, the machine can move centering on the foundation of tradition, starting from the horizontal family foundation. It is the place that has nothing to do with Satan. Isn't that the Principle?

The tribal messiahship is not something that one does or does not do. If you do not do it, your entire clan is in trouble. If the descendants have not done this on the earth and go to the spiritual world, then ancestors accuse them hundreds times more than the fallen Adam and Eve. Father does not take responsibility for it. I can't tell them not to accuse. You have to be accused because you did not do it. A human being has his five percent portion of responsibility. You cannot accomplish perfection without fulfilling the portion of responsibility. [220-90]

They hang a picture of parents even in the satanic world. In the Last Days, we can use it as a material for education to attend the Heavenly Parents. Rev. Moon is famous. Everybody should admit him as a patriot for the sake of the nation. Go and ask even the ministers in the established churches. Rev. Moon is a patriot. The world under heaven will bow down for the records and the contributions I left. People think, "Once we hang that picture, we cannot fight easily between a husband and a wife. What is this teaching of Reverend Moon!"

Give education in front of sons and daughters: "You. You can't do this in front of Reverend Moon." When you attend the picture of the True Parents with more respect than your parents, your ancestors come down and attend the True Parents as their ancestors. Do you understand? It becomes the altar to which ancestors can attend in the house. This is the way to receive the good fortune of the heavenly world. At three o'clock in the morning, you may be sleeping. But they chase out Satan and all evil spirits around the house.

I told you to raise the flag, didn't I? If you hang the picture and raise the flag, everything is over, isn't it? If you hang the picture of the True Parents on the wall and raise the flag of the Unification Church, is your family a part of the clan of the heavenly kingdom or satanic world? You become a part of the clan of the heavenly kingdom. I make you a part of the clan of the Kingdom of Heaven.

There were many people who cursed the flag and were struck by lightning. It is really mysterious, isn't it? When someone points his finger at Father, his finger gets sick. When he truly repents, praying overnight, then it is cured. That kind of thing happens, doesn't it?

Why do such things happen? When heavenly fortune is coming, it cannot be disturbed by the individual's fortune. It is the way of destiny. This is it. The way of fortune or luck can be altered between north, south, east, and west. But the way of destiny cannot be changed. Above is above, below is below, left is left, and right is right. You can never exchange them.

I told you to raise the flag, because the time has come to Korea. People of the fallen world are all connected to false parents. If they attend the True Parents, it is easier for them to be engrafted to the True Parents. This can be done in a family.

If you did not do so, then you must go through the nation and the world, and then come back here, and you can be engrafted. Because I have a loving heart and a mind to seek the road for all people, I made the environment where you can be engrafted. How happy you can be! If someone does not listen, you must keep after him with harsh words. By doing so, he can be a part of the heavenly clan.

Those who looked upon the staff of Moses could all go ahead. If you look upon the flag of the Unification Church, and bow to the flag whenever you depart and whenever you return, then you will prosper. [219-90]

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