Unification Family Life

by Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Section 3. The Life Of Faith For The Unification Church Members

1. True Life Of Faith

1) The Wish of a Person of Faith

We, the Unification Church members, are walking a different path. Ordinary people in this world do not know that they are in the state of the fall; even for those who believe in this do not understand clearly how the fall took place. In other words, they do not know the standard of the original human being.

The ordinary perspective on the life of faith is that we can gain salvation if we just believe in God and if we believe as His children. What, then, is the wish of a person of faith? What is the purpose of salvation? It is undoubtedly to become a true human being. In true human beings, there are true man and true woman. If a question is raised for God as to what is His wish, then what would be the answer? What would be the God's wish? God would also wish for true human man and true woman. It is natural. God would only wish for that.

What would be the utmost wish for a person of faith? In our terms, it is the perfected human being. What is the perfected man? It is the true human being. What is the purpose of pursuing the providence of salvation? It is also to find the perfect man, the true man.

What is our wish? It is to attend God of true love; it is to attend the True Parents centering on God's true love; then it is to become the true sons and daughters centering on God's true family. Our wish is to form a true family and become one.

2) The Reason Why a Standard of Life of Faith Is Needed

There should be a certain standard of how a life of faith should be today. A standard is needed. God will have certain standard of expectation on how a man should be and how a woman should be as He looks at fallen mankind. Centering on the standard of God's expectation, the people of the world today are divided. Centering on that standard, this world is divided into the four directions of north, south, east and west. Humanity lives everyday with a desire to develop centering on that standard; there would be a standard which can exemplify the ideal.

This is proper. God would push forth the dispensational purpose centering on the absolute standard. There would an absolute standard which God envisions. If God establishes a particular religion, there would be a certain standard upon which the purpose of that religion is based. That standard would not be an incomplete standard but a perfected standard, an unchangeable standard, and an undeniable standard. How much we united with God's standard would be the decisive factor in achieving happiness or misfortune, in achieving fulfillment or discontent.

We, therefore, should always align ourselves with the standard which God is expecting. Its direction would be set toward a particular direction. Unless a compass is malfunctioning, it would point toward the north. If its direction is altered, it is not because of its essence. Its direction might have changed momentarily due to factors in the environment or certain obstacles; however, it does not change essentially.

From this viewpoint, God is the same. There is surely an absolute standard for individuals, families, tribes, people, and nations. We must understand that whether we unite with that standard or deviate from it would determine whether or not we can go the shortest and straightest way to our perfection. From this perspective, the standard for the life of faith is most precious. Does an absolute standard of life for the individual exist? No.

Has any religion taught an absolute standard for the family? No. Nor is there an absolute standard for the tribe and the nation. From such a viewpoint, wouldn't it be fair to say that most people until now have led a life of faith without understanding the fundamental issues of what level of a life of faith they should seek, and how to accomplish its purpose?

What, then, would be the consequences? Naturally, when an individual does not conform to the standard for the individual, there would be a judgment centering on that standard. Even if a person has achieved perfection in an individual realm, when that individual did not unite with the standard for the family, there would be a judgment centering on that standard. We cannot deny this.

Then, is there any way for us to avoid this situation? Is there any way to overcome this? There should be a direction, a general way of life which can unite with the standard for the life of faith, of goodness. This is the critical issue. How can we set the direction correctly so that we may pass through the standard for the individual, and which would help us approach the standard for the family? What is the common direction which can help us to approach the standard for the tribe, people, and nation? We must think about this.

What is the one method by which we can come closer to the standard of the life of faith? You cannot place the purpose in yourself. It may be my purpose but the focus should be on the object. In order to achieve the purpose, I must sacrifice; if I sacrifice others for my purpose, it will be accomplished. Isn't that true? If I want to achieve a goal with a magnitude of ten, then I should invest the sacrifice equivalent to such a magnitude. I cannot drag it out from somewhere else. Therefore, one method of approaching the standard of the life of faith is to place its purpose not in myself but in someone else.

Also, one issue we must always remind ourselves of is that there is a standard which God is requiring of us. There would be a standard for the individual, family, society, nation, and the world. Who, and which people would remain in front of that standard? That is the important question. Goodness is not based on the content that centers on the respectable character of one generation. Rather than being dominated by the environment of any particular age, goodness maintains its dominion over that age, transcending historical precedent, because goodness is based on the content that centers on eternity. From this perspective, we can understand the involvement of God in goodness.

When looking at any particular religion, for example, the character of its founder matters but God is always involved. God does not change according to the age. History is changeable; yet, God is capable of bringing history into perfection by shaping its change. God does not lose His subjective authority in the complex and intricate environment of society; rather God is capable of dominating such a social environment and of achieving the realm of unified purpose centering on the standard and authority as the subject. We can understand the religion that has such a God as the foundation. From this perspective, the standard of the life of faith is necessary. What is the standard of the life of faith? We should connect with the love of God by pursuing His character.

3) The Desirable Standard of the Life of Faith

What should be the standard of the life of faith? We cannot base the standard on the things the people of this world ordinarily interact with, because the life of faith seeks after infinite value. In other words, the standard of the life of faith is not money or any glory in this world. Since the center of infinite value is none other than God, therefore, the standard for the life of faith should be placed on God. We should not recognize anything other than God. The most critical issue in our life of faith is the object of our faith, God. What is next then? God has us, human beings, as His object. We place God as the object of our faith, but God has human beings as the object of His faith. These two objects pass each other. Thus, we are standing in the gateway here. We should, then, uphold the fundamental ideology with regard to God at the risk of our life. At the same time, we should have the same attitude toward humanity.

4) The Significance of the Life of Faith

When God created human beings, He certainly believed that He had created us as His object of infinite value. How then can human beings, who do not have the conviction of possessing ideal value as God's object, progress toward beings of infinite value with the same infinite conviction from the position of object? This is the primary problem.

We should long for an infinite life and make progress by determining for ourselves that God is the center of that value. The life of faith denies the earthly life within the realm of the finite and places life within the realm of the infinite, eternal life, a life in the Kingdom of Heaven as the standard. And through our daily life the life of faith always strives to absorb the element of life that can unite with the ideology of that infinite Kingdom of Heaven. In so doing, it tries to re-create the eternal life and maintain the point of unity with the realm of the infinite. Our life of faith is the same. When I say I am living a life of faith, I am not living on the earth in the ordinary sense. God has one great standard for His Dispensation, and within that standard, there is a focus point to which I should align myself. Such a focal point in my daily life and in my life as a whole. There should be such a focal point throughout our life.

What kind of life of faith is necessary for us today? The conclusion is simple. To connect with God's desire, God's situation, and God's heart. Wherever you may go, whatever work you may do under any circumstance, you should always strive to stand as a conditional offering of pledge in that specific day, time and environment. Such a life is the life of faith. You should know what you are trying to accomplish by going on this path. Imagine you are dying with the present state of your mind. Can you confidently think "Oh, God is protecting and guiding me." It is a serious situation. That is why the problem of death should be the uppermost struggle for the religious person. The life of faith seeks to resolve the problem of death while alive.

When a person decides 'My path is this', that person cannot relax. You may not know about the people who are facing a death-sentence. I have many experiences living together with such people; they are so serious as they await their sentence. When a person faces his last month in August (in which there is Korean Thanksgiving Day), it is impossible to describe the state of his heart as he appreciates every moment of that month. He appreciates even when there is a windy and stormy night. 'Oh, this would be my last experience with a storm.' You will feel the gasping of his serious heart as he experience all things with new emotion.

When we think about these things, how many among those who are walking the life of faith truly determine every day of one's life with such a seriousness and evaluate the life which has been given them by God? This is a serious problem. I can continually go on this path because I am in such a serious position. Even if others may waste their lives insignificantly, I do not. You have to have a clear mind. You must surely understand that our life of faith is not a path which receives judgment after death but receives judgment while we are alive.

5) The Purpose of die Life of Faith

Everyone living on this earth did not start from the God of goodness, but they started from evil. Thus it is necessary for them to be engrafted into the good, true olive tree after cutting themselves from the old root. That is why the notion of the Second Coming, the concept of Messiah and the notion of Savior are necessary. What, then should the Savior do? He should come as the true olive tree, cut away the whole of humankind and engraft them into the true olive tree. In doing so, he must allow humankind which started from evil to set the condition of judging evil and starting again from goodness. And he should make them fulfill the duty of adopted children and then make them stand in the position of children belonging to God's direct lineage.

Progressing toward that position is the purpose of the life of faith. Then, should you cut away or not? Where should you cut? Is it all right to just cut away your legs? If you only cut your legs, you will not die. You should cut the neck. Then you can die. Our purpose in living the life of faith is not to find reality but God. Consequently, we feel we are confronting and opposing reality. In our ordinary life, we face problems in concrete ways and as we confront a situation we can get quick results. When we encounter problems or have some desires in our ordinary life, we can discuss these things with someone and they can be resolved, or something can be attained, quickly. However, the world of the life of faith is not that free. (66-37)

As you call upon God, as you cry out for God's will, as you seek after God's ideology, and as you fight for God's glory, what is the purpose of your life of faith? First, the purpose lies in yourself becoming absolutely firm and resolute. Unless one has the (absolute) conviction that no historical sorrow can subjugate him, that no suffering of this age can dominate the unshakable foundation laid in his mind and body, God cannot trust that person and cannot resolve the situation of that age through him. (12-304)

What is the purpose of faith? It means that you go forward on the global level, and beyond that, on the cosmic level where you can sing about the value of goodness, centered on a vigorous body, mind and heart. ( 10- 127)

The word "faith" means to become a true man. Then what is a true man? Playing with God, resting with God, sleeping with God and living with God: the man who wishes to do all these with God is the supreme, true human being. God is looking for such a true man. By the same token, we human beings are looking for true things and a true world. And a world that lives with God is a world of true love and true happiness. Then the ideal world can come true for the first time. (60-284)

The goal of our faith is to become people of God's nation. If we do not, the way for us as God's children to freely take pride in all humankind and all things and to be loved by them will not appear for us. The man without a nation will constantly be under attack by Satan. He will be in a miserable situation. There are many cases of such absurd tragedy. Then where is the nation God desires? Where is the nation God is to use as a stepping-stone? That is the question. (55-79)

6) The First Rule For a Life of Faith

You should show historical repentance because you are the fruit of historical sin. This is the first rule for a Unification Church member's life of faith. What is the first rule? The beginning of faith is to realize that we are the fruit of historical sin. That is why we should repent. You may say, "Oh, in what way did I sin? I didn't commit any sin." But you are like old, hollow pine trees that are toppling because they are hollow inside. You look like green leaves now but it is possible that you will fall off the tree before your time. Then when autumn comes, you are just leaves that, instead of supporting the fruit in its ripening, drop off without any connection with its maturing.

For that reason, you have to repent of the historical sin. This is where what we call sin came from. Do you understand? What kind of sin? You have to feel your historical sin. So you must take responsibility to cut off the historical sin. You must ruthlessly get rid of this sin.

You must fight with yourself, saying, "Trample on my neck." You have to invest your authority and power to stand on the front line of conquering yourself. And then you should shout to yourself "You must follow my orders and do as I want." That's the first step for a life of faith. (68-315)

The beginning of a life of faith in the Unification Church is to feel that you are God's child, so that you can restore the position of children centered on God's love. If someone who is loved by God is neither proud of God's words nor wants to shout them to the cosmos, he cannot stand in the position of God's child. (22-205)

2. Distinguishing Aspects Of Faith In The Unification Church

1) The Three Elements of Unification Faith (Absolute Faith, Absolute Self-denial, Absolute Love)

Because Adam fell, though he was the parent of humankind, his family was destroyed. Thus the broken family is to be recreated by the establishment of religion. The original family must be restored. Why did Adam fall? It was because of his disbelief. Disbelief was the first cause of the Fall. What was the next cause? He fell because of too much self, assertion. He was a self-centered person. He was centered on himself and he fell.

Next, he required the realm of love to be centered on himself. These were the three elements of the Fall. Disbelief, and what was next? Self-assertion, centering on himself, and expecting the realm of love be centered on himself. These became the stepping stones for Satan. That is how the fallen angel emerged. For restoration through indemnity, we must deny these fallen natures. Then, how can we deny them?

By going the opposite way. It must be completely reversed. Absolute faith! Absolute faith originated from this. We must reverse the effects of our ancestors' fall due to lack of faith, and go upward. We must go upward and over the point where our ancestors fell. We must have absolute faith. What does absolute faith mean? It means that we should continue progressing until we die, while we are dying and even after our death. You don't really know absolute faith, do you? Where is the limit of absolute faith? To compare it with yourself as a living person, it means going forward even though you are dying. I will continue that way even if I am dying.

When I die, I fall not to the side, but to the front. What I mean is that if I deny my faith I am choosing the way of death. How about Unification Church members? For restoration through indemnity to occur, you must go the opposite way. And it begins with complete self-denial, not with self-recognition and self-affirmation. Perfect religion comes out of self-denial, denial of the fallen world. That's why you should deny the world, deny the nation, deny the tribe, deny wife and husband, deny man and woman, deny yourself, and deny your body and mind. You have to know denial covers a wide range. You should even deny your own body by centering on your mind. The body is Satan's first dwelling place.

This is the boundary line between mind and body. The struggle between mind and body was caused by the Fall. The Fall brought about this fight. Why did George Hegel address this concept of struggle? When we analyze the Fall itself, there is the concept of struggle within the human being. We have considered it as part of human nature. However, this was because we didn't understand the Fall. Behind it, good spirits and evil spirits are dropping anchors and putting up nets. Do you understand that? On a Korean ship, nets are hung on a big rope. But we don't know about the anchor and just put up the nets. The small fish in the net are human beings.

How sad this is! That's so miserable and tragic. There is no solution. No matter how hard we try, there is no way to slip out if it. We should tear the nets to pieces. We must destroy Satan's nets of the realm of the Fall. We must deny the whole world. Not by conciliation, but through breaking or reversing the old ways. They should be broken off. Cut the rope and even the anchor, and destroy them. Due to the ancestors' deed, religion cannot emerge with a positive concept. The first requirement is absolute faith to deny our ancestors' disbelief. Absolute faith. Is that clear? Well, do you have absolute faith? For this reason, we must investigate why the ascetic way is needed. Today, do you want this Reverend Moon to investigate the secret world of religions? If you ask the clergy only these three questions: "Why should you go the ascetic way, why should you sacrifice, and why should you believe absolutely?" they will be unable to respond with anything except "Well, all salvation is through belief." Don't be deceived by Satan's dramatic smoke screen strategy. (126-35)

Absolute faith! It's the subject of my prayer these days. Peter's belief was not the problem. Absolute faith was; do you understand this? What's next? Sacrifice! Absolute what? Sacrifice! I am a person who knows my relationship with God well. What's the first rule? It's absolute faith, absolute faith. What should you do with absolute faith? You must go this way even when you are dying. Prison is nothing: you should go this way even though you are dying. Jesus prayed, "My father, if it is possible let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." Even though he died away from home, he died not for himself, but for the sake of God. He became a glorious offering. Do you understand? Do you understand what your limitations are? [Yes] You have to be bold even when you are dying. If you have the mind, 1 am dead," then you should be placed in the other world. Can you follow me?

A leap will occur -- a leap. The Unification Church has developed in that way. When you have made up your mind to die and go forward -- even at the most difficult point where you can't escape down into the earth or up into the sky -- God will surely appear. So it doesn't matter to me whether God is there or not. There are so many of His works, works that are like dreams. God always works as he desires, and with people who have absolute faith. What is the second rule? Self-denial. You have to one hundred percent deny your eyes.

Today, I know Unification Church members often go to the movies. When I was a young man, I didn't go to the movies. I didn't take a tram. When I lived in Noryangjin, I used to go downtown on foot, giving the money for the tram fare to beggars on the street. I prayed with tears that in the future they could devote themselves to realizing God's will on behalf of the Korean people. When I traveled to Japan for the first time, I pulled my coat over my head from Seoul -- which was called Kyungsung then -- to Pusan because I couldn't stop crying: "When liberation comes to this country, furthermore to the world, I can represent this people!" Concerned about people who had lost their internal and spiritual attitude, and the direction the nation was to take, I had stepped forward in the struggle against Japan.

When we are ready to be a plank, even a stick, sacrificed to build a bridge, God will come to us. Self-denial. The eyes desire something to see, the mouth desires something to eat! Until I was thirty years of age, I was hungry every day. Even if I knew something, I denied myself. You cannot imagine how hungry I was. Hunger is so terrible a thing. I stopped listening to things I wanted to, I stopped sleeping in a comfortable bed. (126-238)

You should deny yourself. Throw away all thoughts centering on yourself. Absolute what? Faith. And next? Absolute denial, self-denial. at How should you deny yourself? Can you do it easily? Lower your head. Bow your head.

And why must you deny yourself? The enemy! You should digest the enemy, love the enemy. That's not easy. You must not only deny yourself ten times, a hundred times, but also confront the situation in which you must love the enemy. Otherwise, you can't be on God's side forever. You are on Satan's side, right? if so, we'll always be dragged toward Satan. That's the border line. Absolute denial: what's next? The third is absolute love. That means digesting the enemy. Revenge isn't forgiveness. After digesting the enemy, that enemy must willingly give us his nation, all his authority, and the rights of the elder son. And we must receive them. (126-41)

Finally, absolute love will remain when absolute faith and absolute obedience are gone. Belief, love and hope, there are always these three. Then what's the first? [Love.] After belief and hope have gone, in the end love will be left. Likewise, absolute faith will be gone. What is absolute faith? If you follow a certain religious leader, even though there may be a long time, perhaps thousands of years, between his time and yours, on the basis of your heart of faith you can be horizontally in the same age as him.

For that reason, you must believe absolutely! When you believe absolutely, you'll see that he is with you, and lives with you. It is the faith that reminds you of such a fact and encourages you. All of you should have absolute faith. You should go forward believing in the Unification Church absolutely. (46-99)

3. Faith Through Experience

Which way is the Unification Church going to? Which way will Reverend Moon, the leader of the Unification Church, choose? And what kind of command will God, who is teaching Reverend Moon, give to him? Those are the questions. This way isn't for joy. We're taking this way to feel the real meaning of sorrow.

Nobody knows a person's painful sorrow except himself. Faith by experience is therefore emphasized in the Unification Church. It encourages you to feel God's heart. Why do we lay emphasis on faith by feeling? If you don't understand God's sorrow, you cannot draw close to God. For children to be devoted to their parents, they should know their parents' sorrow completely and try to remove it with a heart greater than their parents'. Then they can be filial sons and daughters. How much did you make the foundation to unite with the heart of a loyal subject or of a virtuous woman? How many times did you become one? Faith is decided according to the degree and the frequency of desire to become such a person. (43-26)

Where will heavenly judgment be made? You can't take pride in your merits and efforts for heaven. It isn't made based on those things. Only the experience of God's heart and Jesus' heart within yourself, bearing fruit-a relationship that cannot be broken even by God or Jesus-will establish the condition for eternal life. (4-107)

Are you feeling God's presence through mystical or spiritual experiences in your life of faith and your daily life? Is there anyone who sees me often or receives guidance spiritually, during prayer or in a dream? Please raise your hands. It should be one hundred percent. That's the power, pride, and treasure that only we have.

Until now, because religions have not had such experiences they have lost their way and have been secularized. However, as we know God, who is standing at the final place, the Unification Church, we men and women can plow through the storm and the flood, and can leave behind our dying wish when we pass on. That's a wonderful fact. (87-191)

Today, all Unification Church members are pulled by Heaven; however, if Heaven leaves us we are likely to be exhausted. The reason is that we are ignorant of the importance of faith through experience. Faith means pushing through any persecution if something valuable, which can gauge victorious results in the realm of life centered on God's purpose, could become better after we deal with it. Never surrender. But if the result of a deed should be negative, no matter how hard we try with all our strength, we cannot but retreat. You must not do something that enables retreat. Can you guess how much damage this does? Once we retreat, it is too difficult to make up for it. When we think of this, we cannot imagine something turning out in a negative way. We don't feel like seeing such a thing, or even such a person.

That's why those who are in a state of grace for the first time tend to avoid people. They should not freely touch this thing or that thing but just deal with mundane things. If there is something that would awaken their greed ordinarily, it is better not to touch it. It is easier if they deal with things that they had treated neglectfully before. They should never touch the things that arouse greed. The same with words. They should not make excuses. In following an actual life of faith, spiritual experiences occur.

Even if you don't have such spiritual experiences, you should raise your ability to analyze your feelings in daily life. Do you understand? Relationships between three people bear much fruit for the one-on-one relationship. This means that by making such efforts in a triangulate relationship, you can feel naturally moved by an experience of a relationship that you were not directly a party to. Similarly, you can freely seek the motivation to develop your lives in this way. (40-289)

You have to pray and make sincere devoted effort to receive such experiences. You should know this. Don't ignore those revelations or dreams. How to adapt them to our real lives and how to apply them to the practical reality: this is most important in a life of faith. (76-153)

During a regional lecture tour, although I had set my destination, after making a telephone call I would suddenly go to another place. Like an electric wave; like a guided missile. It's the same action as a guided missile being attracted by steel. So, do not ask me to send you to heaven. Your going to heaven or not doesn't depend on me, Reverend Moon of the Unification Church. On whom does it depend? It depends on yourselves.

What is the most important aspect of experience in a life of faith? It is the relationship between subject and object. Because there is God, who loves you, then, keeping in mind that "God is always the subject," you should feel that as you become more and more serious God will not be able to forget or neglect what you are doing, and that He is with you. Therefore, when you are feeling grateful in your life of faith as you come to pray, God will be with you. You may not feel it at first, but when you reach a certain level you will feel it naturally. (58-312)

You should analyze the process of your life and gauge the results. You cannot assess whether God or the Devil is with you without reaching the position of being able to connect internally with your environment and being able to analyze what percentage of your feelings are right and wrong. Therefore, such a faithful attitude is needed. If you develop such a faithful attitude, experiences will certainly come your way.

On that level, you don't need to pray before going out. When you make a first step, you are able to sense immediately, "Oh, that's good" or "That's bad." What kind of way is this? Is it a good way? Does this way make God happy or sad? You can discern these things at once. When you have a bad feeling, you won't go a certain way. You must be able to sense that. So you have to do your best to develop faith through experience within your environment. (40-288)

4. Why believe in the unification church?

Why do you believe in the Unification Church? To learn the grandfatherly principle. Do you know what the will of a grandfather is? Who is the grandfather? Isn't God the grandfather? Truly, God is the grandfather, isn't He? Why do we call God Grandfather? What do you call him-1 do not mean your grandfather in your home but the original grandfather in the Garden of Eden. So God is the grandfather, Adam and Eve are the father and mother and you are the grandchildren.

So why do you believe in the Unification Church? What must we do when talking about recreation and restoration? The Unification Church must establish the way to receive parents' love and God's love. It is the reverse way. Originally, we should have been born out of God's love. We should receive God's love the moment we are born. And we should receive the love of parents. . . But this was reversed because of the fall. Then, how can we be born? In reversal, we must receive parents' love and next, brother and sister's love. So if you members do not love each other then you cannot receive love. (83-243)

This is the meaning of Jesus' words. What do you call those who wish to die? (The living) And what do you call those who want to live? (The dead). Those who are first (will be last) and those who are last (will be first). The true meaning is here. That is the meaning of being a pastor.

In the future, the church leaders will have to shed many tears. For those who were Christian before, you know that there is a world of difference between the Christian church and the Unification Church. Christian churches do not even qualify for kindergarten standard. This may sound proud but even so, the Unification Church has already had that label stuck onto it. It is not a fake. Why don't you try dying and you will find out that I am not mistaken.

Those who say that if you believe in Jesus you will be blessed are crazy. They talk about whether God is now living or dead, and whether Jesus in heaven is living or dead. Will they receive blessing? Please think about it. Is Jesus at peace? How serious was Jesus when he said, "Father, not according to my will but Thy will?" Isn't it true that his hope is still unfulfilled? The conditions for Jesus' return are still not established so can we say we believe in Jesus and receive abundant blessings? Instead you should say "I believe in Jesus and am willing to die." Those willing to die will receive blessings, and those who want to receive blessings will die. Even those who believe in the Unification Church -- in order to receive blessings had better not come. The Unification Church is not a place where you can just believe and then receive blessings. (48-127)

Then, why do you believe in the Unification Church? When you listen to the facts, do you believe for the reason that it is good for you, or do you believe so for the good of the Unification Church? Also, for what purpose was the Unification Church established? For the good of the Unification Church? (No) No. It is for the good of Unification Church members.

The Unification Church exists for the benefit of the Unification Church members, and the members live for the good of the Unification Church . . . they exist for the sake of each other. What will happen through this give and take? [The ideal will be realized.] The ideal will be realized. When you exercise, is it easier to go in a straight line and then suddenly turn around, or is it easier to circle around gradually? It is easier to turn gradually in a circle. (86-117)

Do not think of receiving blessing in the Unification Church. You must think of giving blessing to others. Fundamentally, in the Unification Church you must sacrifice your blessing for a larger purpose, such as the nation and the world. If you go this way then Reverend Moon will take responsibility for your future. You must become the kind of person who does not need me to pull you along. Do you come to the Unification Church to receive blessings? Do you live for the purpose of receiving blessings or are you willing to die for sake of giving blessings to the people of the world? Please answer quickly and wisely. If you answered wrongly, though you had not intended to, you could be breaking the rules. Do you believe in the purpose of receiving blessings for yourself? No. [For the sake of giving blessings.] (99-321)

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