


We will go.
We will be proud.
We will overcome.
We will collapse embracing this will.

No matter how many people there are who oppose us,
please allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to say,
"Who could possibly destroy
your and our relationship which is united heartistically
or the fact that we are your sons and daughters, and
you are our father?
We want to be confident of this honor alone.
We want to leave behind this honor alone for a thousand years."

We are in awe of the grace you have told us about.
We are ashamed in front of our ancestors
who were ignorant but obedient, and
we are in awe of the martyrs.
And we are in awe of Jesus, your only son who died.
Even though we are inadequate and have no qualifications,
you have given us such grace that it is difficult for us to be equal to it.
Please bear with the fact that
we have not been able to shed tears of gratitude.

We have realized that we must become your children while we are living,
and we have realized that before we die
we must praise your love highly.
please allow us to be able to die
not having left behind any grief, and
having attended you,
at least one time, Father,
as those kinds of sons and daughters.
Please let us realize that
this is our hope, and
it is your hope, too, Father, and
we earnestly hope and desire
that you will allow us to realize that this is
the way to avenge you
and to wipe Satan out of existence.

We earnestly request and desire that you will let us become
sons and daughters who go forth and fight while praying
even if we collapse enduring, sacrificing, and yielding
until the dominion of heaven is established, and
even if we face grief which chokes us up
for the sake of the day in which this will is realized.
Please be with us personally
so that we can unite and be more than equal to
the responsibility which you have given us in front of the world.
We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
(January 17, 1960)


Please pardon the fact that we have shed endless tears
because of our difficulties.
When we had difficulties
we often smote our breasts and gnashed our teeth.
Please let us realize how unpardonable behavior this was
in front of our father.
please let us realize that
this kind of act could be expected
from a traitor who had forgotten the sorrow of heaven,
but it is an unreasonable act even in our dreams
for a group which knows the sorrow of heaven.
We have realized that
being joyful even when in sorrow, and
being joyful even when in difficulties, and
being grateful even if we die
are only fulfilling our responsibility at least a little
in front of our father, and
they are ways to avoid being ashamed
in the presence of our father who comes to us.

Now the problem is
the kind of position we are in.
Have we ever even once greeted our father who came to us,
or fed our father who was hungry,
or given a drink to our father who was thirsty,
or dressed our father who was in need of clothing,
or gone to see our father who was in difficulties,
or visited our father who was ill?
You have said that those positions are
where we can always attend you, Father.

We have realized that we must become sacrifices
for the whole, and
we have realized that it is an ironclad historical rule
that the smaller must be sacrificed for the larger.
Furthermore since we have realized that great sacrifices must be made
in order to establish the will of the heavenly providence,
please let us suppress our own sorrows
and be more concerned about your sorrows, and
suppress our own worries,
and be more concerned about your worries, and
suppress our own unjust suffering
and be more concerned about your unjust suffering.
Please let us realize that
if we become sons and daughters like that,
the heart of heaven comes to be together with us.

We were those who forsook you,
when we had suffering,
who reported to you
when we were in sorrow,
who appealed to you to take care of it
when we went through unjust suffering.
We have realized that this is not the duty of filial children
or the duty of loyal subjects or faithful women.
We have come to realize
that if you are going through unjust suffering,
it will not do unless
we seek to shoulder that unjust suffering
even if
we come face to face with
a sorrowful position or
the position of death, and
we have realized that we are the people
who must not let you stay in that kind of position
if you are in that kind of position,
even if we come to stand in a position
which is difficult to stand in here on the earth,

Please open the doors of our minds and
dwell in us, and
please release your grief which has formed
during the course of restoration,
and please let the joy and glory of attending you with our minds
be able to reach and affect this world
even to all the created things of heaven and earth.
Since we have realized that you are
infinitely longing for that day, Father,
please let us become people who fight and fight, and
weep and weep, going forward for the sake of that day.

We earnestly request that you will allow us to become people
who know how to run forward
to the altar of glory where we attend you
by establishing a standard of heart which says,
"I will be loyal to you in that way."
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
(May 22, 1960)


We really want to know your hope,
your situation,
and your heart.
From that kind of position
we can call you our father, and
we know well
how much you have longed for and sought for sons and daughters
who pledge to find and establish the nation
where we can serve you eternally.
And we also know that
it was only Jesus Christ, who lived and died on this earth,
who called you "Father" from that kind of position of hope.

He knew your hope, and
knew your situation, and
knew your heart.
He knew that your hope was destroyed in the course of history, and
and it was ostracized in the circumstances of the ages, and
it remains as a difficult hope
while pioneering the circumstances of the future.
Your situation is a situation of pathetic tears, and
it is a situation placed in an environment
no one can sympathize with even if they want to, and
he went the path of death together with humankind, and
he felt from your position
that it was a situation he had to struggle with, and
he felt your indignant and angry heart at the time you lost Adam,
and your frustrated heart when you sent the messiah.
And we know that
he did not lose
your hope,
your situation or
your heart, and
while hoping for your mighty will and doctrine,
he quietly went through a period of preparation,
determined to die, pledged before you, and
went forth on the path of the pioneer.

We have come to know about the heart of Jesus
who faced the cross with the hope he could not realize
remaining in his heart,
and even though feeling his situation was bleak,
in order to not be called an unfilial child
he sought to fulfill the duty of loyalty
and to carry out completely the duty of filial piety.
How much have you longed for
true sons and true daughters
who can call you father from that kind of position?
How much have you longed for true sons and daughters
who subjugate the enemy through the hands of those sons,
and who bring the enemy to ruin through the hands of those daughters,
and for children who gather together serving you
and singing praises of your victory,
"May the resolution of your grief and
your hope for this land of great grief be realized!
And may you receive glory!"

We know that you have looked forward to having
those kinds of sons and daughters
call out to you in your name from that kind of position.
We all hold on to you alone, Father,
and we hope to become loyal subjects and faithful women
who establish your dignity
by offering all our filial piety and by offering all our loyalty to you.
We are earnestly hoping that we will
be able to call you our father from that kind of position, and
be able to attend you as our father.

want only to become true sons and daughters
who can really call you "Father", and
true loyal subjects and faithful women
who are able to really love you.
This alone is our treasure;
this alone is the purpose of our lives.
Until now for the sake of this way
we have lived dealing with all kinds of trials, and
we are going this way today as well.
Since from now we must go forth again,
please let us become people
who do not pass our sorrow on to you
even if death blocks our way.

When we are in a sorrowful position,
we should consider that as your sorrow, and
we will have to be able to embrace and comfort each other, and
we will have to become people
who are able to long for and find such a father and such a son.
Even if a person like that is dressed in ragged clothes, and
he disappears through meeting his final death
from a position where he is being ostracized,
he can not but be your son.
Therefore we know that the appearance in heaven and on earth
of that son and the father whom that son calls,
is the end of the fallen history,
and the hope of the course of restoration.

We have realized that it is the ideal of the second coming
to have one son come to the earth
who can be established as a world-level son and
who can take responsibility for all of heaven and earth
as unfinished works.
from that kind of position,
please let us be able
to inherit your innermost heart
to inherit all your external circumstances, and
to inherit your all of your unfinished work
as true sons and daughters, and
please allow us to be able to
direct the world here on earth,
lead the rest of the people, and
guide them to you, and
please let us be able to sweep away the remaining enemies and
to be able to judge again.
Earnestly hoping for and desiring this,
we have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the Lord.
(January 3, 1965)


We must not
become a group which is just following.
We earnestly hope and desire that
you will let us become people
who appear as those who are leading the way,
in front of you,
in front of our people, and
in front of humankind.

You have the grief of having worked so hard in sorrow
for many grief-filled days, and
since it was the grief of
many people betraying heaven
and becoming enemy groups,
we know well that it is we
who must take on the burden of this grief-filled day
and these grief-filled situations.

We earnestly hope and desire
that you will let us become your sons and daughters
who are able to rejoice of our own volition
about offering ourselves as heavenly sacrifices
for the sake of the universe and all things of creation
by taking on the responsibility for that burden.

Now at this time we are hoping that
we can report honestly about everything of our past days and
on the foundation of pure and clean minds,
we hope that our minds can be filled only with
hearts which long for you and affection which adores you.
By doing that,
we earnestly hope and desire,
Father, that you will allow
us to be true filial sons and true filial daughters
who are able to attend you with devotion,
and not mind
no matter what kind of situation you are in,
and no matter how you appear.

Now we earnestly hope that
at this time you will let each one of us have earnest minds
which bind together all our various kinds of devotion and offer them, and
bow down humbly and are able to call out to you, and
are able to weep endlessly held in your embrace.

The father who has come to us until now
has not been someone else's father.
Since we have understood that
you are my father, and
our father,
we earnestly hope and desire that
you will once again hold in your embrace
these sorrowful children
who are standing on the way of the destiny of restoration
and who have to form a destined relationship with you, Father.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the Lord.
(January 12, 1966)


We did not know that you are our father
who for billions and billions of years
could not stay apart from us even if we wanted to stay apart from you.
What was your sorrow, Father?
We did not know that it was your sorrow
to have lost your children and to have lost history.
now following the ardent wish of your sorrowful command,
we have bowed down before you in this place and
are sincerely grateful to you.

We earnestly hope and desire,
that you will let us become true filial sons and daughters
who know that
as long as historical grief remains,
your grief remains as well, and
as long as historical sorrow remains,
your sorrow remains.
The time has come that your children must appear
who can block this kind of flow of history, and
who feel keenly that there remains the path of the world-level Golgotha
where the building of an altar for you
must be passed on to the people and the world.

Your children who have gathered here,
for whom have they lived until today?
And what are they looking to as they go forward?
We have the mission of having to be responsible for
the entire destiny of history left by heaven, and
since we have walked forth
having determined ourselves and having pledged to do that mission,
please do not let us hesitate or give up along the way.
We earnestly hope and desire,
that you will not let us become a group
which fights with the evil enemy and
in the end is defeated and brought to its knees.

We earnestly hope that you will remember
the lonely group which is bowing down at your altar
representing many peoples today.
And even more, we earnestly hope and desire,
that you will remember your children
who are shedding tears and looking up to this place today also, and
who are struggling
saying that they will take on the lamentations of the people
and are concerned about heaven and humankind
even while on their lonely paths of being driven out
in every corner of the peninsula,

We have come to know that all these things
were destined relationships in your sorrowful history.
As long as the sorrowful relationships and sorrowful history
which remain before us are not cleared up,
please do not let us become ungrateful children
who flee from this path or avoid this path.
We earnestly hope and desire that
you will let us become your true sons and daughters
who are able to learn the duties of filial children and
to learn the fidelity of loyal subjects.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
(March 13, 1966)


Please let us appear as sons and daughters
who are able to promise filial piety to you, Father,
who are able to dwell in the midst of your heart.

In addition to having minds which adore you
and minds which long for you so much that
we can not endure without loving you,
please let us become sons and daughters
who long for you, Father,
even if we lose consciousness, collapse,
or are on the verge of death.
We did not know that
you are longing for
many children who are able to feel ashamed
about their inadequate selves
even though they have given all kinds of devotion and sacrifice
for the purpose of realizing your will.

We earnestly hope and desire,
that you will allow us Unification children
to become your children
who know how to make efforts to see our heavenly father look joyful
while we cover our faces and suppress our joy
for fear that our own joy might show in front you.

Please do not let there be
anything in our real relationships which holds us back
as brave people in the vanguard standing before the will.
Since we know well that we are all precious brothers and sisters
who were born with each individual receiving one blood lineage
centered on the love of you who are perfect,
please let us become children
who know how to stop and go together with your sorrow.
We earnestly hope and desire,
that you will let us become true filial sons and daughters
who are able to shoulder your yoke in your stead and
release you from it.

Oh Father!
Your children who have gathered together here
are children who have already pledged themselves to you, Father.
Since they have pledged millions of times
to offer their minds and bodies to you,
please allow them to offer their bodies
to you in purity.
We earnestly hope and desire
that you will allow us to become your children who
sanctify our bodies and offer them eternally to you, Father, and
who make efforts to become sons and daughters
who reveal your love in place of you.
We have humbly prayed in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
(May 14, 1967)


Since spring indeed symbolizes liberation,
we will once again have to long for
the joy of being held in the embrace of your love.
Since spring promises a new beginning,
we will have to make a new beginning
while held in the embrace of your love.
Just as all things in nature are in harmony in spring,
please allow us to be able to restore
the nature of the subject partner
which is able to harmonize with the entire universe
while being held in the embrace of your love, Father.
Just as spring evokes relationships of song and dance,
we too will have to long for the time
that we are able to do that
centered on your love in the bosom of your love.

As though this spring were a foundation for rest,
centered on your will,
please allow us to be able to long
to become people who rest
held in the embrace of your love, Father,

By inheriting all your internal circumstances
in that way,
please let us once again internally long for
the original human beings
who could have made a new beginning with hope
in the Garden of Eden, and
who could have been immersed in your love with hope.
We earnestly hope and desire
that you will allow us
to feel that kind of destined relationship as we welcome in spring, and
please let us offer eternal thanks to you,
and let the gardens of our minds be like that.

Please cause all the essential conditions of spring
to appear once again in the gardens of the minds of each individual, and
please allow our minds to be places
where you are able to personally dwell.

It is not the liberation of humankind alone;
it is not the beginning of humankind alone, and
it is not the harmony of humankind alone; rather
you must be liberated, Father;
you must make a beginning, and
you must become the central being of harmony, Father.
Indeed, we must raise you up
as our father who can extend out his arms
and dance and sing.
Since we must become people
who are able to prepare an eternal foundation for you
where you can rest,
please allow this to be a time when
we are able to learn this kind of wisdom through this spring.
We have humbly prayed in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
(April 21, 1968)


We know that the time of hope
which you wanted to realize
centered on the ideal of creation of heaven and earth
has not yet been able to appear on earth.
We know that
when you created all the things of creation and humankind,
your joy was great, but
until now there has been no one who fathomed
the heart of our father who looked forward to the family of goodness
which is realized through eternal life and eternal love
centered on humankind, and
there has been no one on this earth who has experienced it.
We will have to truly realize
that it is grievous, infuriating, and disappointing
that our human ancestors could not attend you and
that they could not be embraced within your will.

We will have to realize that
the place where you want to meet us
and discuss circumstances with us
is not the environment of the present reality
where we have lived until now, rather
it is your world of heart which is on a lofty level.

Please let us be able to truly understand that
that world will not come about centered on the
circumstances tangled through the fall,
rather that world is realized
centered on the heart of our father
who is longing for that one time
in which he can feel and move
centered on the true original destined relationships
which are far beyond all situations.
We earnestly hope and desire,
that you will allow us to be able to stand in a position of
being able to comprehend through our hearts
and not only say that we feel.

We earnestly hope and desire
to become your children
who are able to feel that you are alive
through the flow of blood in our veins, and
who can sense your breath
in the sound of our breathing, and
who can feel the touch of the mercy of our infinite father
through the sense of touch of our skin.

Oh Father!
Please let us realize what sorrowful people we are since
we have not had a single hour
with hearts like innocent children
who are able to be comforted by you
completely immersed in the midst of the merciful heart
of our profound and lofty father.
We have humbly prayed in the holy name of our True Parents. Amen.
(November 17, 1968)


Oh Father!
There are many gatherings of people in this world, but
in the midst of them inadequate children have gathered together
in the midst of an environment which has nothing to offer.
We are not seeking to possess you, Father,
with the standard that you are seeking.
Since we seek to repent before you, Father,
through the flow of true, deep minds
reflecting on our inadequate selves,
we earnestly hope and desire
that you will allow this to be a time when
we mobilize our minds and
we are able to thirst for a relationship with your situation.

Father, through your infinite authority and power
you have had dominion over this earth and many people, but
since we are longing for your mercy and grace
more than your power,
when we reflect on your words and call you our father,
please raise up a revolution in our hearts
in order to make our earnest minds
able to explode
and to want to be held in the embrace of your heart

And please bring about a change of heart,
and please let us be able to be accepted
as people who are yours.
Since we truly desire to be like that,
please come to us here.

Your situation must become our situation;
your hope must become our hope, and
your heart and our hearts
must be able to become one.
if you are faced with sorrow
we should be sorrowful, too,
and if you are joyful,
we should be joyful, too.
Since we have gathered together in this place
putting you first, and we are thirsting
to become people who are able to become one with you
as substantial beings who are your objects,
we earnestly hope and desire
that you will please act at this time
to eliminate everything
which is not appropriate to that, and
to raise up original minds
which are completely able to conform and to be absorbed there, and
please act to make us able to be aware that we are your sons and
aware that we are your daughters.
earnestly hoping and desiring
that you will let us be able to appear
unashamed, with the authority of heaven
as your children who have been established in relation to your will,
we have humbly prayed in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
(November 17, 1968)


This morning is the day of rest.
Please let us be able to come into contact with your glory
together as your children, and
please let us be able to come into contact with
your noble and precious character, and
please allow this morning to become one in which
we are able to experience
the idea of the victory of the fulfillment of your hope.

Oh Father!
When we think about the fact that
your holy work of having created this entire universe
was ruined like this due to the first ancestors of humankind,
as the sorrowful happenings come one on top of the other,
we truly will have to feel
that we have become people who must be ashamed before you.

We have come to know that
you alone carried our responsibility, and
you have walked the course of history
so miserably,
so mournfully, and
so solitarily.
Now we who have come to know this
will have to give all our strength
and praise highly
the name of our father, and
giving devotion, and following the example of your precious heart,
we will have to sacrifice everything we have, and
we will have to inherit completely
the path of sacrifice of the pioneer
which you have pioneered until now.

Oh Father!
Please look down at your children who are gathered here.
We are young.
We are inadequate.
We are a group that has lived without
any kind of hope on the earth.
We thank you sincerely
that in spite of that you have brought us to participate
in this holy place
where we are able to call out your name, Father.

Please allow us to become
true filial sons and true filial daughters
who are able to inherit all of your toil
each time we straighten up our clothes
and call out your name, Father,
and who are able to call you "Father"
through a flow of deep heart.

Our Father, who has been sorrowful for millions of years,
please reveal your grief-filled heart, and
please let us reveal all our circumstances, and
inherit completely your sorrowful grief, and
please allow us to become your children
who resolve completely all your enmity in relation to your enemies
which has become entangled over millions of years.
We have earnestly and humbly prayed in the holy name of our True Parents.
(December 8, 1968)


We have determined to be loyal
in relation to the remaining path of restoration.
We have come to know that
your road was so miserable and so sorrowful
as you sought the result of goodness
which no one knows about.

Please allow us to become children
who when we relate to you
are able to call you our father, and
who have become sons and daughters who are confident
that we have the dignified appearance of sons and
the dignified appearance of daughters, and
that we are able to call out your name.
Until now in the course of history
so many people
have called your name, Father.
But there were many people calling you
from a position lower than that of stepchildren.
Please allow at least us to be able to
call you, Father, with a destined relationship
of heart which penetrates to the bones.
Please allow us to realize clearly
that we have become holy Unification Church members
who are able to serve you
centered on one family and
who are able to respond directly to you
when you say, "Oh yes, my son, my daughter,"
relating to us as those who have the destined relationship of your children.

We earnestly hope and desire
that you will allow us to become your children
who know how to make an effort and will go forward for you alone
while acknowledging of our own volition
that we are beings who will disappear
for the sake of your purpose
because we are beings who were born for you,
and we are existing for you
having penetrated deep
into that heart no one knows.

The Unification children are gathered in this place, but
this is absolutely not a place where we have gathered
in order to boast about ourselves.
We are by no means people who have gathered
in order to boast about something about ourselves.
No matter whether we are naked,
and no matter how dirty or shabby the clothes we are wearing are,
please let us determine
before anyone else
to love you more nobly
with minds that seek to become one with
the people, nation and world you are seeking.
If we have become sons and daughters
who have bowed down before you
with minds like that,
we earnestly hope and desire
the you will allow us to clearly know
that in the midst of this, we will connect to your heart and
in the midst of this, your love will blossom.

In the place where that can happen,
that place which no one knows about,
we must become your sons and daughters
who will be able to determine ourselves
saying, "Father, I'm going.
I must go.
I will fight for you."
Please allow us to acknowledge
that without doing that
we can not penetrate through the wall of the enemy.
Furthermore, we earnestly ask
that you will allow us to become chosen warriors of heaven
who penetrate through the walls of the enemy and
finally absolutely raise up
the banner of victory together with your name.

We were not born for anyone.
We were born only for you, and
because we were born for you,
we will live for you, and
because we will live for you
we will be able to die for you;
therefore, we earnestly hope and desire
that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters
who have a solid and clear belief
that we must realize a world-level victory.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True
Parents. Amen.
(June 29, 1969)


Having to accomplish the mission of certain victory
which you left behind
is the daily life of original humankind
who are living on the earth and
it is their very life, but
we know that by not having historical results
which could be left before heaven,
humankind has left behind historical grief.
Please awaken us once again to the fact that
you are concerned
because we ourselves who are living today in this age
are in a position where we could create grief.

Please remember your children
who are gathered here.
They depend on you alone, and
they are a group which is shouldering the important and great mission
of having to accomplish the mission which you left behind.
We know very well
that we appear unworthy, and
when we critique ourselves and analyze ourselves,
we know that
we do not measure up
as beings who are able to return something to you.
We must not forget that
because we have already formed a destined relationship as children with you
which can not be torn apart even if we tried to tear it apart,
you look at our very beings and
you are relating to us
from the point which divides into sorrow or joy.

Just as parents love their children,
it is the principle of all human morality,
and the duty of heavenly morality that the children must love their parents.
We know well that
through our lives, humankind should have left behind
a starting point of being able to give and receive that kind of love, but
because humankind was not able to establish a foundation in daily life
to be able to do that, and
was not able to have an environment where we were able to do that,
we could not establish that kind of tradition.

Please let this become a time and a place
in which we reflect on the sorrowful course of history
which has flowed on like this and
which calls upon us to fulfill the mission left behind
for us today.
We earnestly hope and desire,
that you will allow this to be a time in which
we are able to present ourselves before your holy majesty,
receive new orders, and
receive new commands.

We are like naked people.
Please let us realize clearly
the fact that we are facing the realm of boundaries
where we can be invaded by Satan at any time.
Now we will have to know you, Father,
before we die.
And furthermore, we must feel that
there remains before us the heavenly mission
that after having come to know you
it will not do unless we live and attend you
before we die.

With our selves as we are
when we stand in the presence of your solemn majesty,
do we truly have
eyes which are able to look straight at you, Father?
Do we have faces which can relate to you without shame?
And do we have limbs and bodies
which can do things in your presence without shame?
When we think about these things,
we come to realize that
we do not have any features which are not shameful before you.
The more that we feel this
the more we come to truly know
that the position of our father
is a position in which he can not avoid sorrow
when he is relating to unworthy people
who are pitiful like this and who are not able to stand properly.

Within our true minds,
with minds soaring up which want to call out to you,
going beyond time and the ages,
our minds will have to become earnest
about running towards you.
We earnestly request you to allow us to realize
the fact that without that kind of thing,
we will not be able to continue our destined relationship
as the sons and daughters of our father.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents.
(August 24, 1969)


Oh Father!
Until now you have been moving.
Until now, the earth has been moving, too.
But since the direction that you were moving and
the direction that the earth was moving
were not the same, it became your sorrow;
therefore, we will have to unite them.
We know that
the beings who will have to unite them
are the people who are in the middle,
who are neither heaven nor the earth.
We must clearly know the fact that
due to people centering on themselves and betraying God, and
not being able to go beyond the foundation of the difficult way of history,
today this miserable struggle
has continued centered on each one's self.

Here we must know that
the enemies who are more frightening than
the enemies of heaven or the enemies of the earth
are the people.
Due to people,
your sorrow and grief have piled up one on top of the other, Father,
and due to people,
until now a miserable history of blood has continued
on the earth.
When we realize that all this is because
a true person could not be established,
we must establish truth and
find a true person.
And after finding him we must become completely one with him.

We have come to understand that in order to do that,
the course of restoration is
having to be absolutely obedient to you.

Owing to our having offered our minds and bodies entirely and
having given our full devotion,
heaven will have to be able to bow its head here and
earth will have to be able to bow its head here.
We will have to become people
who are not ridiculed by the enemy Satan
and who have the features of sons and daughters
who have become one with you;
who are able to attend you, and
who are able to represent you.
Please do not let us forget
the fact that you have longed greatly
for those kinds of features.

If in our minds we have hot-blooded vitality,
please do not let that vitality end
as vitality for any one individual;
please let us realize that
it will not do unless this vitality
becomes connected with your vitality.
If there is such a thing for young people,
it is the same, and
if middle-aged or elderly people have hearts of that kind of vitality,
please let them be able to become one with you.
We must know clearly that
we descendents of the fall are facing a path of destiny
along which we must long for and go to
the place we are looking for today and tomorrow.

Now we must open the doors of our minds
and attend you with much care.
Before the majesty of your presence we must bow down,
and repent for the historical sins of the past and
ask for forgiveness.
please come to us.
Please extend your heart of mercy to us and
please do not forget us.
We must become true object partners
who are able to become one with your hope.
we must become people
who hold you as an object of adoration and
who long for you.

We know that it will not do unless we establish
one complete standard
that is able to call you Father and
that unites the mind of vitality
which is able to move or stop together with heaven and
the mind of vitality
which is able to move or stop together with the earth.
we earnestly hope
that you will allow us to become a humble group before you
as those who can do that.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
(August 31, 1969)


Please let us feel grieved that we
have not been able to possess a conclusive authority of love
because we have not been able to have the spark of love
which is able to go crazy at least several times
over the desire to love again
even after having loved our object partner like crazy.

We earnestly hope and desire,
that you will allow us to become sons,
to become daughters,
and to become families
who deplore ourselves for not having had a single day
when we worshipped heaven
through the whole night continuing into the next day, and
in order to have that kind of motivation
run appealing to you to hold on to us.
We must become children
who, in front of the people of the world,
the families of the world,
and the nations of the world,
have more value than they do, and
who give them the blessing with joy.
please let us realize the fact that
when we become children who newly create something higher,
everything turns out well.

Please allow us to understand clearly
that the spirit world is mobilized
at the point where we appear in the position of parents
representing God.
And we earnestly hope and desire
that you will allow us
to fulfill the mission of moving the environment,
which is the object partner,
with the authority of the subject partner
by becoming the center of the world.

And when we call you "Father",
we want to call you "Father" millions of times at least
with minds which are scores of times more earnest than
those of the people of the world today
who are calling you "Father" with earnest minds.
Therefore, please allow us to be able
to experience your innermost heart, and
please make us more earnest now than before, and
please make us more earnest later than we are now.
Please let us enter status
of being called your sons.
Prodigals are also sons, and
loyal subjects are also sons, but
please allow us to become sons
who are able to take over your great work.

We earnestly hope and desire that
you will allow all of us to struggle
in order to become sons who are recognized by everyone
as filial sons who are able to inherit completely
all your great works from you.
And please allow us to be able to be recognized
by you who say,
"You are my beloved sons."
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents.
(February 26, 1970)


We know the truth that
no matter how much we call out to you
if you do not call out to us
we can not have a destined relationship with you.
We must once again feel
from the depths of our hearts
that you have called out to us over and over again
from a position of suffering,
from a miserable position,
with an earnest mind
throughout the long course of history.
When we think that without having the attitude
of fitting sons in your presence,
we can not call you our father,
we can imagine how very much you must have longed
for those kinds of sons!
How much you must have longed for a place
where you could meet sons
who were filled with longing and
where you could share the circumstances
that occurred along the way of your course!
How much you must have looked forward to the place
where you could give orders about all the missions
and give final instructions!

We will have to prepare a place
where you can do that.
having become beings who are able to
adjust completely to all your commands,
we must become sons and daughters who are able to say,
"Oh Father! Do as you will!"
And we must become sons and daughters
who are not inadequate to inherit the spirit of our ancestors
who shouldered the mission of indemnity for the historical age.
In this age how much you must have longed for
sons and daughters
whom you could praise and boast about!
you promised, blessed, and commanded internally, but
our ancestors who came and went in the course of history
always pounded nails into your heart, and
when we realize that it was not just once or twice
that they banished you to a lonely place,
our having the destined relationship of being able to
become your sons is a joyful thing, but
in relation to the aspect of the mission,
each time we look back on the grief-filled path of restoration
walked by our ancestors,
we can not help but think that
it is accompanied by many sorrowful things.

We are able to call you Father internally, but
we know that at the same time,
externally we must be able to receive
orders about our responsibility from you.
And we have come to think that
you are not commanding and giving us orders
about our responsibility and mission
from a joyful position; rather,
you are in a miserable position
where you have to command and give us orders
from the sorrowful, lonely crossroads of death.

Please allow us to realize that
in order to meet such a father,
we must heal the misery of that father,
or we can not meet him, and
in order to have a relationship with that father,
we must go beyond all our worldly relationships,
or we can not have a relationship with him.
When we consider who was the cause
of this kind of relationship,
and we realize the truth that it was not because of you;
rather, it was because of our human ancestors, humankind,
we realize we must become your sons and daughters
who are able to feel ashamed.

when we tell you that
we are beings who deserve to die millions of times over,
we will be able to communicate with your pitiful situation up until now,
and when we stand in a position which is similar to yours or
in a position which is even more miserable,
our father who has been so sorrowful
will be able to comfort us.
We know that if there is such a time,
it is from that point
that we can form a relationship with you, Father.
Please allow us to realize that
a destined relationship is not realized
from a position of asking things from you; rather
it is formed from a position
where you are able to hold on to us
and share about your situation with us.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True
Parents. Amen.
(March 15, 1970)


Beloved Father!
We know that if we search and go up and up,
and up some more,
the outcome will be none other than the place
where we meet with you, Father.

If we consider what the final, conclusive words might be,
what you might say,
and what we might say,
they would be, "You are my son," and
"I am your son."
We know that those are the conclusive words
which are the words of hope humankind has pursued,
and the words for which you have sought and met humankind.

This is not to end
by meeting with you as son and daughter, rather
those sons and daughters should be able to transform
into the bone of your bones, and the flesh of your flesh, and
internal hope should appear to us, and
the individual aspiration which appeared to us
should appear to a family,
and the family's aspiration
should go beyond the society and nation,
and beyond all the people of the world,
and it should become
an emotion felt through the experience of your innermost heart,
and it should be able to overflow to a world level of universal validity.
We know that world is
the world of hope you are seeking,
and it is the one world humankind is looking for.

When we look at things from this position,
we will have to look and see whether
there is in reality a group which is looking for this kind of path
in this historical period today.
We will have to check into this.
We must reveal the origin of the truth
taught by Jesus and all the saints, and
in relation to ourselves,
we must find how much priority we give the value of heaven,
and we must analyze and critique
in what kind of equal situation heaven and we must stand.
And then we must understand at this time
that it will not do unless
we take a stand on a decisive position
that it must be this way, and
unless, having appeared before all the people and
the entire world and the new trends of thought,
we establish a standard of truth
which can cope with them.

Father, you must be able to prove that we are your children, and
we must have faith which can vividly testify
that we are your sons and
your daughters.
Please allow us to prove,
not only by faith but from a position of experience,
the fact that you and I have
a relationship extending front and back
and a relationship extending right and left, and
please allow us to discover our own selves
who are able to establish on our own the origin of proof
which can say that
from that kind of position without change
we have been together eternally;
we are living together eternally, and
we will live together eternally.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents.
(February 11, 1971)


We will have to come to know how precious
the name of True Parents is.
We must always keep in mind that
they are the parent-body which can resolve your grief;
they are the center for realizing the hope of humankind;
we can not substitute all of history for these True Parents
who are the origin of the appearance of the ideal world,
and we can not substitute them even for our children.

We will have to have the thought of the True Parents in our bodies.
The Will of the True Parents is to save the world.
We have come to understand that
the thought of the True Parents is a thought
for the foundation of the future and
for leaving behind a historical tradition.
We are in the present
in order to bear the fruit of the past;
we are in the present
in order to become the center of the purpose of the present;
we are in the present
in order to become the center of the purpose of the future.
When we consider that we are standing in a holy position
which is able to influence the conclusive destiny of three ages like this,
we realize that so far we didn't know that humankind was like that.
But now, Father,
we have realized it.

Now we will have to give our entire devotion
and fulfill our moral obligation
as the good ancestors of millions of generations
and establish a tradition
which will be adequate to be respected forever and ever.
When were we filial children to our parents?
When did we attend our parents in spring with flowers blooming?
Or when did we fight beside them together in summer, fall, or winter?
When did we determine to die together with them?
We want to sincerely thank you that
you have granted us this time
when we can share our destiny
with our parents for three years
even though we could not yet attend our parents
in spite of the fact that we should have attended them for three years.

When our living environment becomes filled with tears
and our life course can be filled with earnest tears, and we can say,
"I want to live and die for millions of years attending my parents,"
and when in the day, I think of my parents;
at night, too, I think of my parents;
when lonely, too, I think of my parents, and
when happy, too, I think of my parents,
many peoples will be moved by that,
and not just many peoples,
we must realize the truth
that a holy and awesome situation is present in that
which will move the many human beings of the world,
and we earnestly hope and desire that
you will allow us to become your sons and daughters
who are able to go forward powerfully, more powerfully and more powerfully.
We have humbly prayed in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
(April 29, 1971)


Oh Father of great mercy!
Oh Heaven, which has experienced losses until now
having destined relationships of compassion and sympathy,
please bend down and look at our inadequate selves.
When we consider your original authority and position,
we come to think that you are a holy being
whom fallen humankind dare not relate to,
and we must think deploringly of the fact that
you, our father who is like that, have suffered unjustly
going forward taking responsibility alone
for the path of suffering.
if there is an opportunity for us
to be able to notify heaven and earth about this,
we must know that
before we notify them about pitiful humankind,
we are the people
who must notify them first about our pitiful heavenly parents.

Even if we are in a position which is able to reach the Kingdom of Heaven,
more than hoping for the authority of heaven,
we must feel acutely that before us on our road of life
there remain many times when we will have to go the kind of road where
we comfort heaven, endure and go through many things.
Please let us awaken once more to the fact that
we must become dashing sons and daughters
you can be proud of
who today also of their own volition
protect the road to the battle;
who, as the pioneers of tomorrow,
long for the appearance of victory;
who determine to overcome, and
who do not know what it means to become exhausted
even in a living environment of unfavorable conditions.

Since we feel the fact that
unless we move according to your innermost heart, and
we become beings who are connected to your situation,
and, as fruits of goodness,
become stepping stones on this earth,
you will not be able to walk,
we earnestly request that
you will allow us
to become sons and daughters
who live comforting and attending
our father who is going a lonely way
even one day more quickly.
We have humbly prayed in the name of our True Parents. Amen.
(August 29, 1971)


Our Father, who has worked hard with this group
which is always inadequate and weak,
Our Father, who has counseled us
while always enduring in a lonely position,
Our Father, who takes responsibility alone in circumstances of sorrow and
who goes forward standing in the vanguard
in order to pioneer the day of comfort and rest for us,
when we consider that you are such a father,
we must ask you to please pardon us
for having severely lacked filial piety,
and for not having been able to attend you as the Lord of our hearts.
Please pardon,
that we have been inadequate and have not known until now
that you are our father who is resurrecting us
to eternal life that continues forever and forever,
and even today you are continuing the work of creation.

We are longing for a time
when we can straighten up our clothes and
our hearts can be moved with yearning and adoration
while gazing at your holy majesty.
Therefore, if there is anything you would like to instruct us about,
please come, and instruct us
so that our minds and bodies may be moved, and
if we can not go to the place that you desire
through the destined relationship of the new command,
we earnestly hope and desire,
that even if you have to take a rod to us,
you will allow us to be able to go to that place.

Since in spite of the fact that
we should give ourselves as offerings to you,
we are not able to do that, Father,
we earnestly hope that
even if you have to drive us there, and
even if you have to drag us there,
you will lead us to your altar.

On the way to the mountain in Moriah,
Abraham brought his innocent son, Isaac with him.
When Isaac asked his father,
"Where is the lamb for a burnt offering?"
his father answered that he did not have to worry about that.
Each time I consider Abraham's heart,
each time I consider that parent's heart,
I come to feel how sorrowful your heart must be
as you lead us.

When we think that
before being concerned about your heart,
there are many times that we are concerned about ourselves
or the things around us,
now we must go beyond ourselves and
be concerned about your heart first, Father, and
this must become a time that
we awaken to the fact that we must become the people of the nation
and the sons and daughters whom you can not do without,
who give filial piety upon filial piety
and give loyalty upon loyalty, and
who can maintain the mainstream of your dispensation.
And we earnestly hope and desire
that you will allow this to be a time of
not just our awakening, but rather
of pledging with conviction.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True
(September 5, 1971)

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