Divine Principle Two Hour Lecture

The Principle of Creation

The fundamental questions about life and the universe can never be solved without understanding the nature of God, who created all things. But how can we know the characteristics of God, who is an invisible being? The Apostle Paul answered this question by saying, "Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse" (Rom. 1:20).

Just as we can sense an author's character through his works, so we can perceive God's deity by observing His creation. In order to know the characteristics of God's divine nature let us examine the common factors which can be found throughout His creation.

The Dual Characteristics of God

No being, whether it be man, animal, plant, molecule, or even the atom, the basic unit of all matter, can exist except through the reciprocal relationship of its subject and object parts. For example, mankind is composed of men and women, animals of male and female, plants contain both stamen and pistil, molecules are formed from positive and negative ions, and even the simplest atom is composed of a proton and electron. This clearly suggests that all things exist only through the reciprocal give and take relationship of subject and object.

Furthermore, every created being has both an external form and an internal character. Though differing in value or importance according to their level of existence, the external form and internal character are simply the two relative aspects of each existing being.

As Paul indicated, the creation does reveal what God is like, and it shows us that God, the First Cause of the creation, exists as a harmonized being of Original Character and Original Form, as well as of positivity and negativity.

When we speak of God as a holy God or God of love, we are referring to a part of His Original Character, whereas when we speak of God as a God of power, we are referring to his Original Form. God is the causal being of all things. It is God's character that produced the motives, order and purpose for the created world, and it was His form, which took the form of energy, that produced the created world.

Universal Prime Force and Give and Take Action

Every created being which is created by God contains the essential characteristics of internal character and external form, as well as positivity and negativity; in other words- each created being reflects God's own form of existence and contains the elements necessary to maintain its own existence. But then do things exist as completely independent and isolated beings without interrelationships? Or do they exist with some relationship to one another? From an external viewpoint all things indeed exist as separate individuals, but because they were created by God, whose own nature is harmonized, then they, by nature, are designed to exist, grow and multiply only through interdependent and harmonious relationships with each other.

Reciprocal relationships strive toward the ideal of having the action of giving and taking, which we call Give and Take Action. An ideal relationship is established when a subject and object, the two parts that compose all things that exist, enter into Give and Take Action. This action then supplies all the energy needed for that particular creation; in other words, the energy necessary for existence, multiplication and action is generated. Then, what is the fundamental energy which generates this action of give and take? All things which exist in the created world must first have the energy that works within each being, plus the energy which makes possible action between beings; in other words, the power which serves as the motivating energy causing Give and Take Action. We call this energy Universal Prime Force.

The Universal Prime Force coming from God determines the direction and purpose of all give and take actions, and thus all created beings, from the smallest particle to the entire cosmos, are directed into organic relationships with one total purpose. Because Give and Take Action occurs between subject and object only when there exists complete commonality of purpose, we can see that the goal of Give and Take Action lies in subject and object uniting so that they develop into a higher being.

Once a being has been unified within itself it is then capable of higher give and take relationships with other beings, and upon uniting with them in Give and Take Action, is thus elevated into a still higher being. Since all things are directed by two purposes, the purpose of self- maintenance (individual purpose) and the purpose of maintaining the whole (whole purpose), the universe could be said to be one huge organic body, interwoven with the dual purposes of all creation.

Origin-Division-Union Action and the Four Position Foundation

When a subject and object, united through Give and Take Action form unity with God, who is the ultimate subject and basis of the universe, this Give and Take Action with God gives birth to a totally new being, which becomes a new object to God. This process of creation or process of perfection is called Origin-Division-Union Action. Through this process of origin-division-union, centering around God, the origin, a divided subject and object pair (projected from God) enter into the ideal Give and Take Action with God. God the origin, the subject and object and the new being formed by their union all together form an unchanging foundation called the Four Position Foundation. The Four Position Foundation is the basic foundation upon which God can operate and becomes the most basic foundation where God's purpose of creation is perfected.

The Purpose of Creation

God is an eternal and unchanging being. Therefore His will and ideal must also be eternal, unchanging and unique. Before His undertaking the task of creation, there was within God His ideal, and in order to realize it, He created man and the universe. Then, what is God's ideal of creation?

Whenever God made a new species of creation, He said that it was good to behold (Gen. 1:4-31). Because perfect happiness is felt when our own personality is reflected through an object, God created man and the universe as His objects.

Especially since man was created as God's direct objects of happiness, He gave man dominion over all things (Gen. 1:28). In Gen. 2:17 God commanded to the first human ancestors, Adam and Eve, ". . of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die." In this commandment God expressed His will and heart of love for man. Therefore, we can see that man is created as an object of love to respond the most directly to God's will and heart. Since the Four Position Foundation is the base upon which God can operate, when man has achieved these four positions centering around God's ideal of love, we become an object of God's perfect happiness, thus realizing God's purpose of creation.

God's purpose of creation of man is well summarized in Gen. 1:28: "And God blessed them and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion'. . . " First man should attain perfection and unity in heart with God, becoming a man who thinks and acts constantly centering around God, and the fruit of God's vertical love and His object of perfect happiness. This is the state of individual perfection.

Secondly, after both Adam and Eve attained perfection, they were to become eternal husband and wife, forming a heavenly family, thus perfecting the horizontal love of God. God gave them the ability to bear children so that they could experience with their own children the vertical love that God has for us. If Adam and Eve had perfected the purpose of God's creation and formed the first family, bearing children of goodness, they would have become a true father and true mother centering around God, the eternal true parents and ancestors of mankind.

Therefore, the basic unit of heaven is the true family where the Four Position Foundation is established and God's love, both vertical and horizontal, can dwell and be freely expressed. Upon that foundation of such a true first family, centering around God, His will is to realize a true society, true nation and true world. If Adam and Eve had established such a family and world on earth, this world would literally have been the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Man is made of spirit and body; thus, after deeply experiencing such love while on earth, and returning all the glory to God, he would then go to the Kingdom of Heaven in the spiritual world upon finishing his bodily life on earth. This is God's original plan of creation.

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