The Way for Young People

by Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 3. Desirable Youth

Section 1. Sung Hwa Youth

1. What Is Youth?

Your grandparents are about 60 to 80 years old. Those between ages 40 and 60 are middle-aged people. Those between ages 20 and 40 are the "youth." (96 - 238)

Which period is the most important period for people? It is not during adolescence. The most important period is when we pass through the period of youth to middle age. In other words, the most important period is between the ages of 20 to 40. From the age of 20 until they reach 30, people form the foundation to start functioning as human beings. During this period, people have to lay a firm foundation for their retirement. They also need to lay a foundation in their environment so that they can go forward with a clear goal. Those who are unable to form this foundation can only become insignificant or ordinary people when they go on to age 40. (22-314)

Is God busy now? Then why is God busy now? It is because human beings cannot live on this earth for such a long time. We cannot live on this earth forever. You people will soon pass the period of your 30s and go on to your 40s.

When we look at the entire life of a person, when is the period that he or she can best display their ability? It is between the ages of 20 to 40 or 50. During these 20 to 30 years is the period of growth. After the age of 40, you will start declining from that standard. Those of you who have gone over the age of 40, look at your physical body and think for a while. Kwang Ryol Yu, you are 43, right? (Yes.) Don't you feel different from before? (I feel tired.) Tired, uh! A long time ago, no matter how tired I was, I was able to recover after sleeping a few hours. But as I grew older it took time for me to recover from fatigue. Even those who worked 10 hours a day a long time ago will experience a decrease in the number of daily working hours, year by year. You will feel that your working hours are decreasing by one hour every 3 years. If you think like that, after 30 years, your working hours will shrink by 10 hours. If your working hours shrink by one hour every 3 years, then they will decrease by 3 hours after 10 years and 10 hours after 30 years. Therefore, if you worked 10 hours when you were young, after 20 years, you will not be able to work. By the time you reach 70, you will be unable to work any longer. At that age, you will only be able to take care of things. In other words, you won't be able to do pioneering jobs or something new and constructive.

From this point of view, when you think how much you can work for the providence, you should know that you will feel sorry forever.


When spring comes and we look at the whole of nature and see flowers blooming and new leaves coming out, we come to think that spring always comes after we pass winter. We also know that after spring, summer will come. Therefore, we know that spring days are the preparation for summer.

The four seasons make us think this way, but we can also see the same thing in human beings. When we look at young people, we experience something like a spring feeling from them. We know that a young person will go on to middle age after his youth. We also know that a person will complete his or her life by going on to old age. When we look at our life from one age period, we learn that we go on to the next age period after a certain period. (66-85)

2. The Way of Sung Hwa Youth

1) The Way Sung Hwa Youth Should Go

At night, I always waited eagerly for morning to come, and when morning came, I didn't want evening to come. When evening came, I didn't want night to come. I pioneered today's Unification Church without rejecting the way of pioneers, forerunners, and pilgrims.

You must know that those times were full of hardships and adventures. A wall of sorrow interrupted my way again and again, but I jumped over that wall each time. Even numerous sorrowful circumstances could not interrupt my path. They have now become the source and heavenly power of our life.

Therefore, the more we were opposed, the more we emerged with our eyes set on the world. The Korean people have not realized it yet, but in the future, they will be welcomed by the entire world. Today, the 30 million people who are members of the Korean race are unaware of this, but the time for which we are eagerly waiting will come both in name and in reality. Therefore, we should march on to the world, keeping pace together. We should devote ourselves to fighting and building a free heavenly stage where no one can interrupt wherever we go. Even if we collapse, we must think that it is man's meaningful life to collapse beautifully. You must know that is the way the young Unificationist must go. (2-165)

Where must the young people head toward from now on? What kind of people should people in our society be? We must go forward as true human beings. You must become a person who can say, "I will easily go the way 30 million Koreans could not go." This kind of person will make the day we have hoped for become a reality. Therefore, by becoming a person who can completely go beyond the national standard, we must create a heavenly village with a heavenly environment. If we can form a foundation based on conditions of fulfilling God's will victoriously; then all the nations in the world will come to recognize this. (25-90)

Our way is the way we must go. Therefore, it cannot be avoided. I straightened out and shortened the way for you so that you can find your way to the Father with less effort and pain. Reverend Moon is leading this way as a leader, so you just have to follow him from behind.


No matter how young you are, if you are living for today, you are useless. The day will come when you will collapse like a fallen leaf.

You will never be able to become the trunk of a tree. However, a person who lives for the future will become the trunk and the root. Those who live for today can only become a leaf. Do you understand what I mean? You must know that if you live for the future, you can become the branch, the trunk and the root, but if you live for today, you can only become a leaf. Which will you choose? Will you become the branch or will you become the root? (The root!) In order to become the root, what should you do? That way is the way of hope. What should you do to become the root? When you evaluate a person, you must evaluate him based on what kind of a person he will be in the future, not what he is right now. What kind of thinking does that person have right now? That is what is important. (117-327)

2) Reverend Moon's Experience during Youth

To straighten out the world is not such an easy job. I am training you. I am especially training the young ones because they themselves desire it. The training ground is not a nice place. That place is a difficult place, a place where you shed sweat . It is blood-covered ground. In order to fulfill the worldwide mission, no matter what kind of determination you make, there may always be numerous and more difficult situations on your way. You must not retreat at that time. You must go towards that and break through any kind of difficult situation by going in all directions-north, south, east, west, up, down, front and back.

Reverend Moon has done everything. I even became a beggar. I even did what beggars do. I was even a champion of digging mines in a tunnel. If I go to the mountains, there is no grass which I do not know. I know which grass we can eat. I know everything. When you are chased by someone and are hiding in the mountains, you cannot die from hunger. You must eat and stay alive. By staying alive you can always go on with the hope to fulfill the will. If you die, nothing can be accomplished. Isn't that so? There is no exercise I have not done.

Therefore, I'm telling you: don't waste your youth. The period of youth will never come twice. It is very valuable. Are you to live that period of youth as a single person or as a representative of 10 or even 100 people's youth? If you are going to live as a representative of one, 100, or 1,000 people, you must have a hidden motivation; the spirit and courage to do what even 100 young people cannot do. Do you understand what I mean? If I had not valued the importance of training and had not prepared in that time, Reverend Moon would also have been like a fallen autumn leaf in the history that has already passed away. I would have just been blown away without even becoming a handful of fertilizer.

There is nothing young people cannot do. You just have to do it. It will never be done if you don't do it. Is anything impossible for a human being? You just have to do it. Any kind of job. If you don't do it, it will never get done.

The adolescent period is very beautiful. Reverend Moon was a smelly man during his school years. It was not because I used perfume! It was the smell of sweat and rotting. My hair was drooping down. At school, I didn't have anything to say. Without being able to accomplish my job, what was there to say? I didn't have any time. I lived like that. (187-137)

3) Become the Base of a Building

If you are going to build a house, no matter what other people say, you need lumber and then you need to build a foundation. Reverend

Moon is now like lumber, so I now need to form a foundation. In order to form a foundation, where must we work? We have to work from under the ground. If you are to build a tall building, you should first dig up the ground very deeply and firmly to do the groundwork. You cannot build a house if you think, "Let's just build the house on a broad sand bank without having to go though hard work!" You must do the groundwork. We have not been able to finish the groundwork yet. Don't think we have finished. We are still working to build the base.

What is necessary if you want to build the base with concrete? You need to prepare gravel and sand first. If you have a truckload of cement, you will need a hundred times more gravel and sand. Then where can you find gravel and sand? You should go to the riverside. No one lives on the riverside. Stones can be found in the mountains. You will not find them in the grassy plain. Sands and gravel are sadly abandoned things. Then, what you will need next is water. Who is the person who can become the sand and the gravel of the Unification Church? That's what we should do. Do you feel sad? You might feel bad, saying, "According to what Reverend Moon said, we are the ones that should become the sand and gravel!" There is no help for it, even if you feel bad. What can we do? This is the basic rule.

What I'm saying is that I will hand over the sand and grave) and all the other things to you. Do you agree? Don't you? (We agree." Then, if we pour water and cement onto the sand and gravel, what will happen? It will become a large clod. If you do this job night and day, forgetting your parents and your children, your children will become one lump with you. Based on this, we are to grow bigger. If that grows bigger, the stone lump will grow bigger, the sand lump will grow bigger, and the cement lump will also grow bigger. If that lump becomes bigger than 30 million people, then it will become a problem that disturbs that

entire world.

Therefore, you must become the cement, the gravel, sand and water.

Your blood, sweat and tears will be the water; your body will be the sand, and your bones will be the gravel. Therefore, you must harden your basic foundation. The foundation that has been hardened like that will be a foundation upon which you can be very creative. Therefore, even if the history of the period of youth flows away, it will not collapse.

Even if the history of ten thousand years flows past, it will not collapse. Furthermore, no matter what kind of organization tries to make it collapse, even if they try for a thousand or ten thousand years, they will never be able to make it collapse. (28-219)

If a tree tries to grow big, it is not enough to just have broad ground under it. In order for a tree to grow big, it needs a deep root. If a tree thrusts deep roots, then that tree will grow big. (181-11)

How many young men and women in the Unification Church are the partners of God? How many young men and women have the right timing, the right results, the right heart and a right way of thinking? (63-248)

4) Work Hard before Reaching Age Thirty

Reverend Moon had to establish a standard of heavenly rule and the philosophy that all Unification Church members must go through hard work until they reach 30 years of age. That is why Reverend Moon is making you work hard. Do you understand? (Yes.) Why do I make you work hard until the age of 30? Harmony occurs based on the number 3. It starts from the number 3. Harmony does not occur from two. You can only form a straight line with two points. If you connect two points you will form a straight line, right? The shortest way is the straight line, but when you have 3 points, harmony occurs from there. Harmony occurs from 3 points.

Therefore, should we work hard until the age of 30, or should we not? (We should.) That's right. The age of 60 is our 60th birthday. We return to the beginning when we become 61. If you have walked the dark road of life until the age of 30, then the other side of 60 will be the final stage with the sunlight shining over you. This is the way we view history. The Oriental historical view is right. Isn't that so? Just work hard until the age of 30. You will not have any regrets about life, even if you work hard during your entire life, not just to 60, but until you die, like Reverend Moon. (187-72)

Then, when we look at our entire life, shall we say, "Let's play during our adolescence period. We can work hard when we get older." What do you think? (No.) Why do you say no? Which route shall we take? To work during our youth until our backs are bent is our way to happiness. Is that your conclusion? (Yes.) You are to go on carrying a heavy load. If that person doesn't go on, it's even good to hit him to make him go on. Is it better to say, "Oh, you are so weak. You should rest. Other kids in the neighborhood are all playing. You should go and play also. You young people should play like that"? (We prefer being sent out.) If that kind of logic is true, then it is the same as any organization, any kind of organization. Should we wake up the young ones in the organization early in the morning and make them work hard until their bones melt, or should we make them peacefully dance and sing like a grasshopper? (We should make them work.) Then where is the best organization in the world? That place will just make you work hard until your bones melt while you are still young. It will make you keep working. Are you saying that the organization that can do this is the best in the world? Then what kind of organization are our church members in? The organization that has the most number of young people is the Unification Church. The Unification Church makes young people work the hardest, but we think, "We are working hard to death now but happy times will come in the future." This is a beautiful organization.)Is this an unfortunate organization? (It is a beautiful organization." (105-178) (r)ë Train yourself in all directions before you reach 30.

Throughout your entire life you will be followed by financial problems. That is Satan. These problems always follow you, but you have to pull them out. Instead of doing this, you are always being pulled by financial problems. I will kick out the financial problem and live anywhere, even on the islands. I will live even if you all die. I know which mushrooms can be eaten and which cannot; I know which are medicinal plants and which are poison. Furthermore, if I have a wire and a string I can make a fishing rod and catch fish any time. I can live and survive anywhere. I have the wisdom to be independent all the time. It is Reverend Moon's philosophy that the members of the Unification Church must officially go through this training until the age of 30. For seven years, you must have financial training and training in love. This is why we value witnessing and fundraising while we go through the restoration course.

When we look at it historically, fundraising is the method of going through the Old Testament age. You must understand this. During the Old Testament age, they gave things as an offering when they performed a sacrificial rite. In order for us to go the way of restoration through indemnity, we have to offer things and bring victory. After passing through that, you are then able to go on to the New Testament age and witness.

You must be persecuted by people and be trained. When I meet a person for the first time I can tell: "Oh, this person is like this and like that," and it is usually correct. How can I do that? As I received persecution from many people, I studied them very carefully. That is necessary. You must be able to answer "Yes," when you are asked, "Can you Unification church members handle people diplomatically in your life?" After this is the spiritual world. You should have the ability to defend yourself against all tests and attacks from the spiritual world. (117-24, 96-115)

Usually, the life of a young person is a drastically changing one.

When people are in their adolescence, they like things stimulating and ever-changing. It is O.K. to like those kinds of things. It is O.K. if you have the ability to absorb and digest that ever-changing environment, but if you don't and if you merely enjoy it, finally you will live a life that is unrelated to your true self.

The period of adolescence is the period full of adventure and danger.

Because the adolescent period is full of adventures and dangers, the way I am teaching you is necessary for you to go through. You must accumulate experiences through learning from what other people have done or from the way your ancestors went. Also, if you do not know the future path which you are to take from now on, as training for you to overcome, you need this time of youth as a period to create your internal personality. Therefore, you must know that during your youth, even if your life drastically changes or even if there are so many things you must face, you will definitely need training to regulate and beautifully overcome everything.

5) Train Yourself In Many Fields Before the Age of 30

Those who like the training which is easy and dislike the training which is difficult will not be able to attain the personality that will further your development. Then, what kind of mind do you need to have? You need to pay attention to the matters and problems that confront you. When you are being trained, you need to pay attention to all the tests you face. You should become a person who not only faces one problem but pays attention to all directions. (67-86)

We must train young people in every direction. We must make them know how to go west, east, south and north. If a person is trained this way, then people will pay attention, saying, "Oh, that person is different from me. That person says these kinds of things." During adolescence or youth, in other words before reaching the age of 30, we look for the fastest way or the best way in order to be successful and settle down. However, we can say that the way we are going now is the fastest way. If you want to go west, the road heading towards the west may not always necessarily be the fastest way to succeed and settle down. A faster way could be found towards the east, south, or even north. Therefore, you need to know things in all directions.

When we are trying to go up, it is not always bad to go down while being persecuted by the surroundings. You must think that you will find your place of settlement, the place most necessary for you during your life, the fastest route in the road going down.

Therefore, from now on until you reach 30, you must try everything and learn. For example, you might want to become a forerunner or an historical leader. You must never think that you cannot do it, and you must not wait until you are past the age of 30. Then you will be too late. From the age of 30, it is the stage of practice. That is, the 15 years from the age of 30 to 45 Reverend Moon also planned like that. During the 15 years until age 45, you should challenge yourself on the stage of practice. Make a challenge until the age of 45 and build the history of the Unification Church within those 15 years.

Therefore, we must go around the world at the age of 45. We must fight to greet the period of maturity in the world before reaching 60.

Everything is taking place according to that kind of program. This is why I am trying to make the members of the Unification Church work hard until the age of 30. I know through my experience. If you don't do this, you will not become a person who is even needed by your area.

You will merely be a person in your neighborhood. You will not become a person who can be in charge of or lead a nation.

If you have the world in mind, you must be trained in all directions before 30. You should think, "Oh, this is fun; oh, this is fun too. I can relate to it." Those who think, "Oh, I can't do it, so it has nothing to do with me," will perish on the way. On your way, if you cannot find the road on which you want to settle, you will abandon everything at that place.

However, when you find that the way you are going is not right, if you are trained in all four directions, you can choose to go in the other direction or you can just simply turn around. If you are experienced, you can find your way. Therefore, when we look at a person who is experienced and another one who is not, even if they are the same age and have the same ability, the person who can become the leader or the central figure depends upon who is more experienced. This is theoretical. (144-293)

When you have two bars of hardened iron and want to know which is harder, you will know by hitting them. You will be able to find out which is harder. If you do so, a loud noise will occur. The two bars of iron are being tested. The harder one will win. However, in one sense, hard things break easily. Therefore, it is no use just becoming hard. We usually think that hardened things are strong. Of course, hard things are strong, but you should also know that hardness includes being durable. It should have power to resist.

You must become that kind of steel. Don't you all wish to become that kind of person? (Yes, we do.) Yes. You should. Our Unification Church group should be strong and durable. The springs of a car are just the same. In other words, they must also have the power to thrust.

You know the Japanese sword that is well known worldwide. There is a famous sword called Masamune. In order to make this sword, it is not just heated in the fire once and pounded. When the sword is heated at a high temperature, residue often arises. That residue is removed again and again by pounding. The sword is heated and pounded, heated and pounded over and over again, once in high heat and then again in a higher heat. This work is not done without thought. The process includes the heart and spirit of devotion. The sword is pounded very early in the morning, with devotion. The person making the sword puts all his heart and spirit into his work, thinking, "This sword will cut any enemy into pieces any day." The day you use this sword with the same kind of thinking, everything will be cut into pieces. Do you think so too? (Yes.) I'm sure you have seen people doing Taek-kwon-do or karate put a piece of wood on a piece of paper and hit it. When the wood is hit, the wood breaks, but the paper is alright. The person who has mastered the skill will make the paper remain even when it is struck. It takes time for the paper rips. You must strike before the paper rips.

Therefore, you must finish hitting before the power strikes the paper.

This is logical and theoretical. I'm sure there is no one who does not want to become this kind of person. If so, you should spend a long time training hard.

When we look at a world wrestling or boxing champion, by finding out the amount of time he spends training, we can know how long that person will still go on and how much more power he will attain in the future. When you do karate, you cannot do it like this and hit just here. You should hold your hand horizontally and hit. You should think that when a person is hit by a single strength, that person also receives that single strength. That's why it becomes strong.

When you play a piano, the strength of this finger and this finger hitting the keyboard is different. Therefore, the basics are comprised of how to learn to play the keyboard with the same strength. You need to practice a lot in order to do that. You must take into account the places that should be strong and the places that should be weak, and all that must work scientifically and automatically. You cannot become a famous pianist unless you clearly grasp how you have trained and practiced.

When you talk, you don't have any standard of speaking. Do you have the concept, "I will speak based on this standard. This speech has a beginning here." You are just listening and speaking and so on.

That kind of a person can only become a person on a horizontal plane. (67-213)

3. Sung Hwa Students

1) Sung Hwa is a Big Name

Today, the young people have not realized this. Those who sacrifice always become the central figure. The person who sacrifices the most is the filial son in a family. A patriot becomes the central figure of a nation because he or she sacrifices more. A sage who sacrifices more than others also becomes the central figure of the sages. This is the heavenly rule. Therefore, I gave the name "Sung Hwa" with a determination to produce people who can make harmony with everything by seriously following the way of the heavenly law. Do you now understand what sung hwa youth is? It is youth who can harmonize with Heaven, humankind, and all things. New sprouts of hope will appear wherever this kind of youth goes. That is the place where God's hope will build a nest. That is the place where God's power of love increases. Please know this amazing fact. (113-326)

If we put the Chinese character dae hak seng (university student) next to the Chinese character sung hwa, then we need to use the Chinese character dae (big) for dae hak, right? Why do we use the Chinese character dae meaning big for Dae of Dae? You must think that this is because it is the center of blessing for Heaven and earth. You people, the students of CARP, are the subjective persons who must carry out the reformation.

Therefore, as university students, you are to restore the universities.

Universities cannot be left as they are now. They cannot be blessed as they are. Will everything be done if we just do it? Blessing should also be given at the right time.

What then is hak (learning)? It means knowledge, right? We learn to do what? Recently, university students have become very straightforward. When the female students are asked why they come to school, they will say, "Because I want to marry a good person," or "Because I want to be the wife of the oldest son of a cabinet minister." That is not right. Those people must all perish. For whom do we study? It doesn't matter for whom. We are studying after all for ourselves. It was for yourself that you became first in the class and it was for yourself that you married. Yet, when you are not in a good mood you say to your husband, "Why are men always like this?" Your eyes are slanted and you always want to win over your husband. If your husband says one word, your lips tremble and you scorn him saying, "Is there anything I don't know? Do men know everything? I was born as a female and my strength is weak, but I can do everything just as well as men." That's not good. If you do that, you are only hurting yourself.

You must know that you are studying in order to meet a true man and to become a true mother. In order to become a mother, you have to study for the nation. You must serve your husband as a true husband and you must become a true wife who serves a true husband. If you are unable to become that kind of person, you cannot serve a true husband and you cannot have a true son. Women must become true wives, and as a housewife of a family, you must live together with your husband till your old age. If you are studying to have a good marriage, then those who graduated from university must live together with their husbands till old age, right? But are there many who live a long time with their husbands or are there many who divorce? We can tell without even doing any research. Illiterate people live together longer. From this point of view, sung hwa has a big meaning.


2) The Standard Sung Hwa Students Must Maintain

The reason the university campus is perishing now is because it is falling just like Adam and Eve fell in their teens, during their adolescence. Now is like the harvest time of those days, like the season of autumn. Therefore, the Fall is going on all around the world today. Reverend Moon is trying to restore all of that. I am trying to control them according to heavenly law. Do you understand? (Yes.) Therefore, men must not readily hold young women's hands. (25-202)

As the young kid in the university campus, don't just go to college and be pushed around or become refuse that is difficult to get rid of.

Even by just sitting still, you must become a group that cannot be ignored by the environment. (25-169)

There once was a time when it was announced on the radio that young people had to go home before 10 o'clock, right? If you are a university student, you must be the central person who will take responsibility in the future and lead the nation. In order to do that, there must be a standard. You can go backwards and forward centered on that. If you free yourself centering on the principle, are you on the good side or the evil side? You studied this during the indemnity course, right? This is a bag of evil. Satan comes here. Reverend Moon thinks Satan is called Sa-tan (Satan in Korean) because it is sa (to buy) and tan (to ride). These kinds of realistic words are necessary. Then who buys it? You people are going to be bought. You are those who are bought. How can you raise your heads and come here standing tall? (25-270)

For the sung hwa students, the place to go after graduation has already been set, so don't think of other things. You must not recklessly use your eyes, nose, hands, body and mind. You must risk your life and stand in the vanguard holding a beacon for the salvation of the nation. From there, a new history begins. (25-207)

Among the intellectuals, the young male and female university students must become one and stand at the forefront of the nation. If so, this nation will be restored instantly. Those of you who are university students must also receive the Blessing in the future. According to the view of the principle, the direction you must go has become clear. You must go this way in the place of your elder brother or younger brother from a long time ago.

Do you understand? You should dissolve Jesus' han (sorrowful resentment) deep in his heart which he experienced during his adolescence from his people and his nation. You should stand and go forward by overcoming Jesus' lonely and miserable situation when he was persecuted and kicked out, all alone. By doing so, you can settle and be triumphant in the boxing ring with Satan. This is the law of accomplishing indemnity and resolving han.

If you oppose this way, you will perish. Those of you who are receiving that opposition will not perish. If you just believe me and go forward, you will never be forced out. Just overcome for 3 years. (25-214)

3) After Graduation, the Way of the Will Is More Important than Finding a Job

Everyone, let's think of the existence of "I." Let's think about ourselves for a while. "I" was born on this earth, but where did this existence "I" come from? There must be many reasons for it. Let's sit down and think for a while. Where did this existence "I" come from? How have I, now in my 20s or youth, lived from the past until now? I went to kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, high school and university, but where am I headed from here? When I look from this point right at this moment, there is a course which tells from where and to where we are to go. This course is a course we have to go by any means. (156-256)

What is the general goal of people of today? University graduates will try to get a position in a company or a bank that gives a good salary. That is their final goal. After forming that foundation, they then think they just have to meet a beautiful woman and have children. What can you become if you live like that? They don't have any concern for humankind or for any of those kinds of things. (25-263)

What will you do , after graduating from university? Will you become a salary man, receiving so-and-so much money? That's a very trivial thing that doesn't even amount to blowing your nose. Do you want to become the slave of money? Raise your hand if you want to become a salary man? Those who don't want to become a salary man, raise your hands. What is this? If you say no to this and no to that, then what are you going to do? If you are not going to become a salary man, what are you going to do? If you don't want to become a salary man, shouldn't you become a boss? You must become the boss. (25-167)

When I look closely at the youth of today they say, "Job, job, such and such dollars, salary, jobs. A job is important more than anything else." I can't even relate to them. You cannot be included in the group of humanity if you say you cannot go the way of the will because of a job opportunity. How can you be included? Well, everyone, think for a while. Do you think you can be included in the group of humanity or not? (No.) Do you feel good or bad? There is no use even if you feel bad. You might say, "Oh, this feels bad," but you must feel bad. (62-205)

You are all young people. Now almost all the young people, especially the university students are thinking, centering on themselves, how to succeed in their own country and how to realize a happy life.

However, the young people in the Unification Church must not be like that. More than your own happiness, you must think for the sake of the people and the world based on the moral ethic of a higher dimension. You must have a broader view of happiness from that higher dimension, and you must also be able to practice it. I'm sure you know from the Principle that you must have the consciousness to carry out a central mission. (25-79)

4) Korea Is the Place of the Origin of CARP

Korea is the place of the origin of CARP. However, today, the Japanese CARP organization is more famous worldwide because of the mass media.

At the beginning, because of the opposition from the parents of the students, CARP had a very difficult time. However, today it has formed a worldwide foothold. Now in Japan, even the Congress and police support this CARP movement. No matter what kind of problem occurs, the victory is ours. This is because we have the ideology that can only bring us victory.

At one time, 49 media organizations mobilized to report on CARP.

The bulletin of the Japanese Communist Party included the overthrow of CARP among its three goals. I also heard a report that this was published in the People's Newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party and the bulletin of the Soviet Union's Communist Party. However, when we think whether CARP in Korea, its place of origin, can indeed have faith in the upward surge of the CARP movement and go forward, I'm afraid it doesn't.

There is a saying, "Even if the son of the head family is crippled, it's better than not having one." Once when I was fighting (doing CARP activities) for the restoration of South Korea, I needed three to seven thousand university graduates. But that was not possible. Therefore, we came forward fighting with high school graduates up in the frontline. (18-12)

Now is the time to witness centering on Abel. The sung hwa university students are to take up the mission of becoming flowers in bloom on the foundation of their hard. This is my opinion, looking from the Principle point of view. What do you think? Do you welcome that? Those who welcome that, raise both hands. (25-211)

4. Our Attitude toward Knowledge and the Pursuit of Learning

1) Life and Knowledge

When we think of the value of knowledge and the value of life, can these be equal? Would you risk your life in order to become an academic doctor? Would you exchange your life for a doctorate degree? Then, if you compare a person living in the countryside who knows the value of life and a doctor who does not, who has more value? (The person who knows the value of life.) Therefore, life and knowledge cannot be compared. (41-176)

What did the sages come in touch with? They did not come in touch with knowledge. A person is called a sage if, centering on a more valuable and meaningful life, he practices and longs for life's transcendental value, greater than the nation, greater than the world; the universal value. That person is called a sage if he dies longing to establish an ideal nation even under a life and death situation.

Therefore, Socrates cannot be included in the group of sages.

What changes current trends of thinking? Philosophy does. However, philosophy has nothing to do with life. You all must know that.

Philosophy cannot stand as the very origin that influences life.

Philosophy can be the source of knowledge that stands in the objective position to life. However, it cannot determine the context of life.

Therefore, we can conclude that life cannot be saved by philosophy.

Sages are not philosophers. What was the basis for the lives of the sages? They did not have any life strategies. Of course, they did teach knowledge. They taught one aspect of the way of life, but based upon what? Did they teach some kind of a strategy to occupy the world? What they taught was different. They were all different.

The more knowledge you acquire, the more it makes you want to possess. Today's Western philosophy is very possessive. The more you learn, the more possessive you will become. The more you learn, it will try to expand its territory to the world going beyond yourself. Centering on what? Centering on the world or yourself? Philosophy says it follows the way which is for the sake of the world. But centering on what? Philosophy is always centering on you, on yourself. Philosophy says you are the center. Philosophy cannot solve the problems of our life in a fundamental way. Therefore, philosophy can be included in the objective value, but it cannot be the fundamental determining factor.

Since the sages knew this, what did they pursue? Even if they pursued knowledge, they did not pursue it just horizontally. What was always at the center of the sages' principles? It was not the self. Do you understand? What was philosophy centered on? It was centered on a person who asserted the hak (learning). That was the problem. Sages also assert, but they do not assert centered on a person. That was the difference.

With philosophy, the person who asserts the idea always becomes the problem. Say, for example, Marxism. The person who asserts Marxism plays the leading role. It has developed worldwide in order to unite all the people under that territory of thought. Who is at the center? Humankind. Today's philosophical trend is working to unite the environment centering on humankind. (40-330)

Human life is more valuable than anything else. However, if we do not live as the objects of the power that moves and gives impact to our lives, we will not be able to settle down peacefully in this world, which is also the object of that power. Therefore, humans try to relate to the absolute life being who is larger than their lives.

This is a natural outcome. The will is not ours, and we are not responsible for it. This is why people confer nouns such as the Absolute Being or God on the one who carries out the providence according to the will.

You all know that the more knowledge a person living in this historical final age has, the greater burdens he will have. Anyone knows that burdens will control that person's life and will not allow him to pioneer the blessed land in which he can settle peacefully. What is required the most at this time is a place of settlement for life that comes from the Absolute Being. We are all in need of that. We must all know that everyone, transcending race and culture, East and West, are in need of this.

Here we can recognize that what we are longing for is to relate to the Absolute Being. The more a person is knowledgeable and has gone through moral mental training, and the more sensitively aware he is, the more he knows that he cannot pioneer the place of settlement within just the area of his major. (9-306)

You people say out loud, "I go to this university," or "I went to that university and got a doctor's degree and became this..." But you couldn't even eat, couldn't even go out to play, always with a towel around your head. Are you saying that you got a doctor's degree by studying overnight, not even being able to rest? We say you are a great person if you received the Nobel Prize, but if you look at yourself closely, there are lots of things that are miserable. It's the same. It's the same. It doesn't matter if you received the Nobel Prize. That's only a small area of study. You have only dug a small tunnel within this broad world, and because you know about that area, you are just sitting inside that enclosure. When you look at the entire world, you are just an extremely small being. You boast that you know something, but you know very well that you are only an extremely small being.

When we think of that, does knowledge or the fact that we know something bring happiness to human beings? Does it bring a sense of ease? No, it doesn't. You will find that the more you study, the more you realize how little you know.

Just try going to a good school and becoming a famous professor. You will always have a pen in your hand, writing something and being asked to be responsible for something. Think about living your entire life like that. Eating ink... even if you boast, you are merely boasting about your major. What influence can you have on the world? You will know nothing about what's happening in the world. There will not be room in you to think about changing the world. God's will or not, there will be no room in you to think about it.

You don't know anything more than a person who does not know because you are sunk deep inside. Even if you have knowledge, you merely finish your life as a book worm. You did not acquire confidence in yourself. When a person says a word that is related to your major, you are just picking it up and collecting it and doing comparative research again. If you are like this, then you are in a bad fix. You don't own yourself. Even if you become a famous professor, what is that? It's such a waste to put all your life and everything you have there. (98-84)

When we say, "Oh, that person is good," are we saying that based on his or her knowledge? That person has to have a good heart. In order to be called a good person, that person has to have an innately good framework of life and original nature. Whether that person is knowledgeable of not, he or she has to have a good heart. (39-315)

You try to become rich or famous because you want to be the center, respected by everyone. You don't want to go to a country far away to be respected, right?

2) Knowledge and Heart

Reverend Moon has never thought of being knowledgeable or having this and that. The heart is the problem. Are we to dominate through knowledge? It's no use saying, "I'm the boss of so-and-so" with authority and a power-centered mind. We should dominate through heart. Since the territory of heart is at the center of the universe, if you come in contact with heart, or if you try to become one with Reverend

Moon, then a territory in which you can participate together with Reverend Moon will be formed and you will stand in the same area as Reverend Moon. It will be effective only if you stand 90 degrees within that area. It will not work if you come out of that. No matter how much you try, if the angle does not match, it will not work. (171-20)

History laid the foundation of external happiness through knowledge. It also laid an orderly standard in society through religion, ethics, and morals. However, history could not provide an order in which human beings could interact with each other based upon heart. You should all understand this. History could not lay the heartistic order. You say there is God, but what must God do now? God has given us the external environment and has restored the standard of blessing that was externally granted to humans. Therefore, now we must be able to form a heartistic relationship with God worldwide. You must know that the person who comes to form a world that is centered on this heartistic relationship is the Lord of the Second Coming. Therefore, until now, the world has experienced a revolution of knowledge and a revolution of social organizations. The world has tried to form a revolution of heart that transcends the standard of conscience.

In order to complete this revolution of heart, we must become true sons and daughters of True Parents before the Fall, of God whom we lost through the Fall. The revolution of heart will be completed when God, True Parents, true sons and daughters, all of whom we have lost, reunite centering on one point. That is the Last Day. You must all clearly understand this. (9-60)

3) God Did Not Recommend Having Knowledge

What is the Fall? The Fall betrayed God and the heartistic relationship with Him. The Fall is what happened when human beings betrayed Him without completing the standard of conscience God wanted. The Fall occurred because human beings betrayed Him without establishing the ideal of God. The original point of the Fall was at the point when humankind lost the standard of the heart of God.

Therefore, Heaven came looking for humankind. When He came, He did not say, "Love your body. Love such-and-such kind of knowledge or learning." He said, "Come and stand with God's love." This is the standard which God established as the principle way. (10-98)

Since the day Jesus was unable to complete the will, God promised the Second Coming of the Messiah, the Lord of all Lords. What will this hero bring when he comes? He will come with the blessed land of the heart which human beings, history, this age and all of Heaven and earth have hoped for. This is why God advised us. He did not advise us with some kind of knowledge. He did not advise us to enjoy having power. In life or death, He advised us to come forward with the integrity of a bride. (9-56)

What is it that God needs? God does not need money or knowledge.

What kind of knowledge does God need? What will God say if you go to Him and say, "I am a doctor of natural history because I am very knowledgeable." Will He say, "Oh, you great one"? Or will He say, "Oh, you ugly one"? There is nothing you can boast about to God. God is the king of truth. God is the king of knowledge. If you say to Him, "I was a president of such-and-such a country," He will say, "You bastard." You try to show God the authority of a president centering on your power, but God already has it all. Then what is it that God needs? It is not money and it is not knowledge. It's not even power. What God needs is love. (187-44)

Isn't knowledge so? If all theories change, you will stick to them, right? You will follow them. That's what usually happens. It doesn't change. Knowledge, power, then money, economy. What is called "economy" is something that is consumed. A unit of economy, or money, is always used. Why do we need money? It is to consume. You require consumer products that can replace all things. In order to live, we need consumer products.

Where do the things we consumed go? They do not rotate after being consumed. There is only one side. It does not rotate. What is the only power that can rotate within this power? The power of love can rotate there. Love cannot rotate by itself. (180-144)

4) In Order to Become a Specialist

Let us take learning. When we think about learning, in order to stand in an authoritative position in one kind of area, you must study and complete a specialized course. Even if you do business, you will not succeed unless you go through a special course in that area. The same applies to a country. When a country tries to follow one political strategy, then it must bring together the knowledge of the specialists in that area. We all know that unless this is done, it will be impossible to carry out the political strategy of that country.

When we look from this kind of viewpoint, there is no need to repeat that we definitely need a specialist of God in order to solve the problem of God's providence of restoration. The same goes for the Unification Church. Our church also definitely needs a specialist.

Then, in order for us to become a specialist, what kind of spirit should we have first? You must put all your heart and mind in the area of your goal. You must put all your life and pour all your spirit into it. The Bible says, "Love God, your Lord, with all your heart, all your will and all your nature." In other words, you must put in all your heart and mind when you love. You cannot become a specialist of love unless your heart becomes one. (29-80)

Not long ago, I heard from a student who goes to a university that whenever the professors hear that there is some world famous or useful material somewhere, they pour out all their energy to desperately get hold of it without even thinking about their behavior. Professors will even use up all their fortune to obtain that material. That is the mind of professors. If the person is even risking his life for the sake of research in his major, that person will not spare anything. (12-199)

In order to become a specialist, you need to dig into that area. You need to do that in order to teach the correct things. You don't necessarily need to study, but if you want to go to the very deepest place, you can know by digging into it. Then you can be the leader. (67-231)

There are famous basketball players, football players or soccer players in the world, but do those players just become champions of their country? Those champions are specialists. They are the best specialists. Do those specialists become specialists by just sitting down saying, "I'm going to be a specialist"? They have to do the same thing ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times. The more that number is, the greater that specialist becomes (81-135)

5) You Must Control Centering on Absolute Value

Many people in the world have a one-sided or partial personality.

Even those who once walked around boasting that they have a Ph. D. are not much use when being criticized. Academic doctors cannot solve the problems of the world.

Therefore, centering on absolute values, hasn't Reverend Moon become the teacher of ICUS (The International Conference of the Unity of Science)? I gather all the professors and guide them. Isn't Reverend Moon the locomotive that pulls the Nobel Prize winners? No matter how much they boast, they can only be specialists in a parts factory. They can only be the specialist or a manager.

Therefore, you should go to the assembly factory, not the parts factory. Then, what is the Unification Church? Is it a parts factory that makes parts or is it an assembly factory that makes finished products? (It is a place that makes finished products.) Yes, it is a place that makes finished products. Then, will it be easy or difficult to go through the factory process of the Unification Church? (It is difficult.) How complicated is it? There is nothing that the Unification Church doesn't do, right? When American people try to label me, they say Reverend Moon is a business operator, a preacher of the Gospel, a businessman, a religious leader, a scientist, and so on. You guys! That's not correct. How can I be a factory boss? Reverend Moon is the boss of the factory that assembles everything and makes finished products. You feel bad, right? (We feel good.) Then where is the origin of that? Where is the basic form of what should be assembled? I'm talking about the blue print. Where is the original manufacturing product? Will that be the origin that comes from God or Reverend Moon? That is the problem. If that origin came from Reverend

Moon, that is artificial. If it was from God, then it can be real. It's not completely real yet. It could be real.

You can find out whether it is real or not by eating it. If you eat it, then your original mind from one thousand years ago opens up its mouth and says, "Give me more. Keep putting it in." Even if you say don't go, it will pull you again and again saying, "I want to eat." The Unification Church is dangerous in this sense. This is a problem. The day you taste it once, even though your neck breaks, and even though your leg runs away, you will stick your neck out for it. You old ones, I insult you whenever you come, but you are never hurt. Even if I hit you, you will say that it is good instead of that it hurts. That's weird. What makes people behave like that? By what means? Is it because Reverend

Moon has a lot of talent or because he is good at talking? There was a drug store seller who was better at talking than I am. Then what is it? If you taste it once, you will never give it up. (172-35)

Will you lose this battle of thought? Will you lose or will you win? (We will not lose.) We have already finished conducting the experiment. From now on, those professors in the world who advocate that now is the age of Reverend Moon's Godism will increase.

Until 1988, I will dispute with and criticize the entire professors' world in the summit centering on absolute value. We will send our members and teach them. I will tell them to teach everything from all the areas of social science, natural science, philosophy and religion." I gave out these kind of orders from this year. From now on, it is the time when I have to work directly. Therefore, those who are the great stars of the academic world should straighten out the direction of their thoughts. Do you understand? You should not forget that Reverend Moon is the champion or the leading person who cannot lose the thought battle. Do you understand? (138-60)

There have been many great people who have listened to Reverend

Moon's teachings. I'm sure that there are Ph. Ds participating even here. You are boasting you are a doctor of philosophy and a doctor in physics. But you must know that a doctor is a specialist in just one area. You come to the Unification Church saying, "Oh, Reverend Moon will perish going on like that. While he is in jail, the Unification Church will disappear. Who will follow him when he does things like that?" But, I will follow even if no one else does. I will follow. After all, now I am standing in a more prosperous position than those people. They are all standing in one small corner. (132-233)

6) What the Young Ones Should Know

Those people who do not know us ask, "Who are you?" when they meet us. Reverend Moon wishes to ask the same question of you people. I'm sure God will ask you the same question as well. The answer that God likes is when you say, "I am a young person." For an individual, the best time is the period of youth. (11-117)

We can now see a tendency for many religions to be pushed by today's trend of thought in spite of having a history of hundreds or thousands of years. Christianity also has a history of several thousand years, but it is now in the state of needing to persevere once again for the sake of its future. If there is some kind of a race course that sprang up from the marrow, this course will be a historical one, a course of this era, and a course for the future.

Therefore, we need to have knowledge about that. Today, we hear that there is such-and-such a new truth, but it will not be good if that truth is the truth of a single age. You young people should clearly know this.

That truth will not be good if it is from a single age. No matter what kind of "ism" or thought there is, they will all merely pass away if they are only for one single age period. What we now need is a new "ism" or a thought that can transcend everything. That new "ism" or thought must appear on the base of a successful history and must overcome the thought trends of any particular age. (7-139)

What kind of era is our age today? It is an age when good and evil intersect. At this time, we flow inward, coming together with goodness. What will happen to those of us who are in the middle of this era? What kind of a world will this world become after good and evil intersect and meet? When this world passes away, what kind of world will come? This is a problem we are very anxious to know. Today, we say there are young men and women who have the will, but they must keep pace with each other and know where God is and know the hope of all things on this earth. You must come to realize that you yourself are the hope, not this troubled world. (6-112)

Young people should clearly know the standard of good and evil.

They must know this clearly. (70-73)

You, the young ones, are standing at the turning point of good and evil; therefore, if you make one wrong step, you will fall into a steep and deep hollow. It may be difficult, but when you climb up step by step, you will then be the king of victory who overcame to see the hope of the bright tomorrow and who will have a vision of the broader plain of hope. You need to watch that one step. You need to be careful of that snow-covered road. When you study or when you read a page of a book, you must become a person who can feel earnestly, through deeply understanding, all the content of that page. One single word that you catch and understand clearly may be the foundation on which you can dissolve the country's unfortunate history. You must become a person who can study from this kind of viewpoint. Then you will be studying for the nation.

Even when you read a book, you must think that God's will of the providence could open the door from there. Those who read through a page of a book with that kind of seriousness will definitely be preparing him- or herself for God's need. God will use that kind of person. However, those who are moderate, vague and think this is good and that is good and who follow the beat of any old tune and dance without integrity cannot become the main figure of that nation. You girls and men must not dance together at any place. You must know that the Unification Church's way has a different color.

We must go the way of goodness.

Before you is the dividing point of life and death, good and evil, and prosperity and decay, but I have not prepared an anchor line for you. Then, who is to hold the line? I have to tug it in. I have to tug it in saying, "You rascal anchor line..." We must say, "Anchor line of goodness, let's go upwards and upwards."

Let's go up until we reach Heaven by going over the individual, family, tribe and nation. Go up like this while hanging onto it. Do you understand? Based on this principle, especially the young ones must clearly know what the standard of good and evil is. They must become the victors of tomorrow. After accomplishing the glorious restoration of our country, the day will come when the young people will welcome the happy day of the opening of the world's heavenly nation. Through this, you must not only receive the love of God as princes and princesses of victory, you must also become persons who, representing the entire world, can receive endorsements such as "Follow the example of this person." (59-214)

Young people of the Unification Church! We must regain the territory of our home country. You believe in the Unification Church because you need to regain the parents of your original hometown. It is in order to regain our original family, tribe, people, nation, and the world of our hometown. Do you understand? In order to do that, we must go forward, restoring the things that have been lost. (21-159)

5. The Attitude Sung Hwa Youth Should Take

1) Establishment of the Internal Self

What is most important for you is to always be united with God and True Parents. If you separate yourself from them, accidents will occur over and over again. When you separate yourself, you might be thinking you are doing it for the sake of the will; however, if you do that, you have become a traitor without even knowing it. I'm sure no one thought from the beginning that he would become a traitor. You might have thought you had done something good, but actually it turned out like this.

Therefore, those of you who are here must find the three points of union. You should all know that these are the most important cardinal points in order for you to fulfill your responsibilities. The foundation that can internally become one with God and True Parents is the heart. (24-132)

Those who cannot be officially recognized by God in your internal church life cannot represent God in external social life.(22-36)

How does Reverend Moon guide the Unification Church? What have you done for God until now? The method, precisely is, "Come into contact with the mainstream of history." (21-109)

2) Push Forward More than You Determined to

A person who knows the Principle will make a resolution when he or she turns 21 years of age (because three times seven is 21) saying, "This year I will live 365 days exactly as I have planned." Let's say that this person, on New Year's Day, swore and pledged, "God of Heaven and earth! Please watch over this nobody. This year, since I turned 21, I will live 365 days exactly as I have planned," and begins to do so in that year. That same morning, this person denied himself, putting on a solemn stare and hardening his stomach. Yet, after one day, that mind of resolve was already lost. That person is constantly forgetting. If you have made such a determination with a solemn stare and hardened stomach, unless you stare harder than that and stand up seriously, you will never be able to fulfill your resolution. That is the reality of our life. Isn't that so? (Yes, it is.) You should push forward more than you originally determined to.

When you want to make a motor rotate faster and stronger, you need to give it more and more power. If the power decreases, it will not work. Isn't that so? This is also the principle, isn't that so? Therefore, every morning, day and night, for one week, two weeks, three weeks, four weeks, one month, two months, half a year, one year, the older you get, the more you need to have a spirit more powerful than the strong determination you made at the start. Can you accomplish the goal if your spirit becomes weaker? If your spirit becomes weaker even a by a small amount, will you be able to accomplish your goal or not? No, you can't. You need to have the same determination for 365 days. If you become a person who has a stronger determination and a stronger power than the one you had at the very beginning, then after 365 days, you will be able to say, "Oh, the year I turned 21 became a very memorable, really beautiful and happy year." But once you lower your determination, what will happen? Will you go up or will you fall down? (We will fall down.) Certainly, you will fall down. You will fall down with one eye like this and the other eye like that. Even if you have stared solemnly with your eyes and pledged, you don't know whether you can make it or not. That is the life of a fallen human being. Isn't that so? Is that so or not? (That's right.) (57-141)

3) External Attitude

We, the young men and women, must stand up in front with a banner calling out for the lay people to unite against the reality of today's churches and against denominationalism. You must all know that today's trend of thought is requiring us to do that. A long time ago, a ruler, a monarch, or a sovereign wielded power in the place of God. Even so, were they the real God? Is it only they that can wield power? No. It is not so. Since we are all sons and daughters born with the flesh and blood of God, we are all sons and daughters of Heaven. (6-311)

Today, are there any young men and women who can embrace the people of our nation? Is there anyone who can pioneer the way of the people and feel responsible for the mission of bringing the people closer to the goal? There may be that kind of person. However, when he or she finds out that Jesus appealed to God, watching the reality of the people who tormented him, shedding tears to hold on to the people and keep them historically connected until today, this person will also appeal to Heaven for the sake of the people just as Jesus did.

Both the historical trend of thought and the future hope of the people is like that. We cannot deny that humankind is waiting for the very moment of the revealing of heavenly law, but we must know that we are undergoing torment in that process. Therefore, you must be able to have confidence in the journey of life you are going on. You cannot go this way without that. (7-32)

Well then, young people of the Unification Church. What are we in the Unification Church trying to do? We are the group that says, "Let's make God and human beings one." There is no mistaking that we are that group. Is that true? We may say, "God, please come to us." Are we to say, "Will we go to You"? What are we to say? (We are to say we will go to You.) You must know that this is the difference between the general established churches and the Unification Church.

(87-13) Is there any young man or woman who pounds on a rock on the mountains and cries out saying, "Rock, did I ask to see the misery of the people?" If there isn't, this country will not be released from its misery. (14-155)

Young men and women of the Unification Church must have the heart to do anything. (11-10) For you people, whether you are born good or bad, whether you know such-and-such a fact or not is not important. The important thing is from where you learn, from where you come to know, from where you move, from where you stop and where you put all your zeal. This will determine your entire being from now on. (25-95)

We need the young ones more than the older people. We need those young ones with overflowing energy and power. (14-170)

No matter what you do, you need a strong foundation to do something big. With what kind of attitude must we young ones of today be intoxicated? Will you be the locomotive (engine) or the passenger car of a train? Of course, you must be the engine. However, the reality is, we are stuck at the rear end of the passenger car and we follow as the wheels roll backwards.

If you don't have power, you need to roll just the wheel and go over the hill. We are the ones who must go on pulling the engine.

We must become a Unification group with power. We must have a 100 percent drive to move. You must have a dynamic impulse to break

through the barriers.

More than anything else, you young ones need to know from where and to where you are headed. You must know what kind of attitude that you should have today. (14-104)

What is the perfect way of life for us young ones of the Unification Church? No matter how harsh a storm blows when you are out on the front line, you are to penetrate it. Even on the way to the cross, you must clench your teeth and go forward. Likewise, the right path is to go the way God desires. Those who have not experienced sorrow from that kind of situation will not understand through mere explanations. If you shed tears and cry out. "Father" in that kind of situation, then you will understand the painful effort of the Father who has been bearing the historical cross. You will also understand that it is because of God's han (resentment) that we are unable to become true filial sons and daughters before the Father. When God says, "Oh, it was My hope to meet sons and daughters who can become My true filial sons and daughters here. Oh, thank you," then, at that place, for the first time, the position of filial sons and daughters, loyal servants and virtuous women is filled. (15-319)

6. Prayers Given to Youth

Father, please let us decorate our time of youth beautifully. Please watch over the path of these people who are connected to You and let them grow centering on the foundation of that beautiful environment. Please make them become true sprouts that all the people of their tribe, the country and the world look to. Please make them the trees of new life that can embrace all of humankind. I sincerely pray that You will allow us to remain even after we bear new flowers and fruits and disperse them to all of humankind.. (33-346)

Youth is fleeting; and life will flee along with the years. Even as all others fly away, we cannot be like that. We must even go against history and the social environment, which are also fleeting, and we must become the fertilizer and the cornerstone. I sincerely pray that we can become those kinds of people.

The young sung hwa men and women have gathered here from all about. I'm sure, Father, that you are eager to relate to these people. We know that you always wish to be together, with even with our pulses beating together with Yours, centering on heavenly heart. However, we are so inadequate to become Your sons and daughters who can push past the limits and fulfill Your heart.

When we come to think how great Your hopes for us are, we must look back at ourselves and ask whether we are indeed proper before You. Acknowledging our insignificant and unworthy selves, please let us have the heart to endlessly shed tears before You, Father. Although we are miserable, please let us become persons who can embrace Your ideal in our hearts eternally. (25-130)

Please let us realize that our life passes away in a matter of seconds together with fleeting time. Please allow us not to forget that we can become wanderers in life.

When the sun rises in the morning from the East, all the animals rejoice, reflecting the sunlight. However, after several hours, we come to know that sunlight hides itself in the West and lonely shadow descends. Likewise, we may want to boast about the wonderful things of youth, but let us become those young ones who have the will to leave something behind on this earth from our youth, before the sun sets.

The time has come for us to have world class ability in our young chests. The time has come to prepare for victory by with courage, fire, and spirit for our new moral principle. An extraordinary mission remains-to create the original kingdom in which we can serve the Father as individuals, as families, tribes, peoples, nations, the world, and in the universe.

Our physical body born to do this mission. By all means, let us consider that our body was born to fight and win and to return glory to our Father.

Please let us go forward today for this purpose. Today, the earth is calling for our true selves. Please allow us to become persons who can hear those voices. Also, please let us know that the future image of Korea and the future image of the world is calling us. Please advise us, Father, every foot of the way, and please help us realize You are with us. Sharing all the results with You, Father, please let us appreciate the mission and feel the joy of a pioneer in our hearts, full of hope for tomorrow. I sincerely pray that we may realize that You, too, are eagerly waiting to see those kinds of selves emerging within us. (24-91)

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